big dry son-in-law

Chapter 1025 Shameless!

Chapter 1025 Shameless!
Bei Nu wanted to negotiate for peace. For such a big matter, Li Yongmeng naturally did not have the power, so he reported the news to Tuyuhun.

Moreover, such a major event could not go beyond Nanfan, so he wrote another letter and asked Nanfan to send someone over.

Since we want to talk, let’s talk in a big way.

In mid-March, Yalkin came to Supi with more than a thousand people.

On the Nanfan side, Foreign Minister Dayansong was sent, while Supi served as the city-state for negotiations. Subi Mojie even gave up the palace hall as the location for peace talks.

The person in charge of Tuyuhun was Zhang Jing, Duke of Zou, who was appointed deputy general manager of Tuyuhun's march.

The general manager is Li Sixun, the Duke of Longxi County who is stationed in Longyou.

This person had been serving as the governor of Daizhou before and was transferred later.

He is also one of the few confidants of Li Shilong.

In order to give them a peaceful old age, Li Shilong also transferred many of the important ministers who had the merit of following the dragon.

For example, Zhuge Sui and Qu Tuba were all transferred back to the capital when there was a shortage of people in the later period.

Although Zhang Jing didn't come, his deputy, Zhou Lian, did.

During the Four-Party Talks, Li Yongmeng, as a member of the royal family, led the peace talks. Although it was a bit of a joke, his military exploits were enough to attract attention.

When Yalkin first saw a young boy presiding over the peace talks, he couldn't help but despise him. Only after he actually sat down to negotiate did he realize how difficult these people were.

"We are here for peace talks, not to be slaves. We can return the land of Nanfan. This is the greatest sincerity of our northern slaves.

We Beinu want to be Daqian's brothers, not Daqian's sons. I hope you will understand this! "Yalkin said forcefully.

"First of all, you invaded and occupied Nanfan's territory first. As the suzerain state, I, Dagan, naturally have the responsibility to protect the vassal states.

It is only natural for you to return Tulum Moraine.

Even if you don't return it, give us time, and we can definitely get back the land you stole, but you will lose a lot of elites! "

Li Yongmeng remembered Qin Mo's attitude when negotiating with Nan Fan, so his attitude now was also very high, "And the compensation I mentioned must not be missing at all, 15 horses, 20 cattle and sheep, food 20 stones and [-] slaves.

Promise yourself to Daqian, pay tribute every year, cede the deed, and send your Beinu princess to the palace to serve His Majesty! "

Yalkin's expression also changed. He was too cruel. If he really accepted Li Yongmeng's conditions, Bei Nu's already difficult life would become even more difficult.

Moreover, the past of Qixin is where Shanyu Longting is.

This Qixin is not only a large tribe of Beinu, but also named after the tribe, and is also a descendant of Beinu.

Ceding the Qixin means that the capital must be moved.

"War horses, cattle, sheep, slaves, and food can be discussed. In other words, it is impossible to cede the core of the marriage contract!" Yalkin said firmly: "The reason why we are willing to come over for peace talks is not because we are afraid of you. , but we just don’t want to cause more casualties to the people of the two countries!”

"Then let's stop talking!" Li Yongmeng stood up directly, "Get ready to meet the coalition forces of the two major Qian and Nanfan forces.

Your ally Tianxiang Kingdom is almost destroyed by us. From west to east, they are all forces of Daqian.

The New North Slaves are attacking your Shanyu Longting.

Southwest, and us.

How many troops do you Beinu have available?
You are so stubborn here. Damn it, do you think I have the patience to listen to you?

Once Longyou and Tuyuhun send troops, it means that Longting will face attacks from three sides.

Your little brother Gao Li is now being suppressed and beaten by Huang Luo.

Don't forget, we also have two thugs, Ji He and Shi Dan.

When the time comes for the Five-Road Allied Forces, you can give it a try.

You don't know whether to live or die. The peace talks are to give you face, so you either have to hold on to it or not.If you can't hold it, you'll die!

I'll give you half an hour to think about it. If there's no result after half an hour, then I'll fight you. If I don't beat you to annihilation, I, Li Yongmeng, will be useless! "

With that said, he waved and led the people away.

Yalkin suddenly sat up.

"If you are blind and arrogant, we will fight at worst!"

"Arrogant, do they think that I, Bei Nu, am a lamb to be bullied?"

The generals who came with Yalkin were furious.

"Everyone sit down!" Yalkin frowned and said: "He is right. The situation in Beinu is very dangerous now. If you are not careful, the country may be destroyed.

The Ministry of Military Affairs borders Shidan and Jihe, and the three armies unite, plus the two armies of Longyou and Tuguhun, to form a five-way army.

This five-way army definitely exceeds 20.

Now, Tianxiang Kingdom has been defeated and cannot help.

Su Pi pretended to surrender, and the majestic elephant Bolu had perished.

There are no reinforcements in the southwest or northwest.

I, the Northern Slave, am isolated and helpless. Once a war breaks out, we will most likely face the six-pronged army.

You can only win, not lose. Once you lose, you will be defeated. "

Yalkin's analysis turned everyone off.

In just two or three years, Daqian completed the suppression of Beinu.

"Then, what should we do? How can we agree to come with so many conditions?"

Yalkin was also melancholy.

At this time, a general said in a low voice: "Why don't we pretend to agree to part of it and hold off for now, maybe the battle situation will change.

Don’t they want Tulum Moraine? Then when they take over, kill them and let them go.”

This is a good idea, but Yalkin waved his hand, "Don't think about it, Dagan people are not stupid lambs.

The top priority is that we can only pretend to agree first and wait as long as we can. At the very least, we have to escape unscathed! "

It still depends on the outcome of the battle at Longting. If they win, there will still be talks.

If it fails all the way, then there is no need to talk about it.

At this time, Li Yongmeng was smoking with Zhou Lian and others outside.

"General Li, isn't this too harsh? Yalkin is just a general under Yizhixie. With such conditions, even if he agrees, what will happen?" Zhou Lian raised his doubts.

"This is not the real purpose." Li Yong fiercely dusted off the cigarette ashes and explained: "How could King Youxian come to negotiate for peace? The only one who wants to negotiate is Longting.

All fools know that this is a delaying tactic, but we may not be able to take advantage of this to further divide Beinu and attack Shanyu Longting. "

Cheng Dabao was stunned, "Okay, you idiots knew this was a lie a long time ago, and you still lied to us!"

He was so excited that he knocked on his legs and squeezed his shoulders, saying that he was a brave young man. In the end, it was just a show.

"You are so good, even your own brothers lied to you!" Cheng Xiaobao gave a thumbs up, and his back molars were almost broken!
Li Yongmeng snorted, "Whoever is your brother, if he has merit, he is the brave young master, if he has no merit, he is the fierce one, get lost!"

Zhou Lian couldn't laugh or cry when he saw the three of them having fun. These three dandies were powerful enough. I really don't know what it was like to be the first of the seven dandies in the capital!
(End of this chapter)

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