big dry son-in-law

Chapter 1026 The Chanyu of the Western Regions!

Chapter 1026 The Chanyu of the Western Regions!

Even though the three of them were fighting and making trouble, it was all a sign of a good relationship.

Take the peace talks as an example. He came over as soon as Li Yongmeng wrote a letter. Even Zhang Jing had to give him face.

Not only because he was the crown prince of Chengjun, but also because Li Yongmeng was one of the backbones of the Seven Dandies.

These people, headed by Qin Mo and Li Yue, have developed an extremely large power network.

Li Yue was in charge of the three roads and held heavy troops.

Qin Mo planned Lingnan and Nanfan, conquered the celestial phenomena, and dominated the two countries.

The land area controlled by the two men has far exceeded that of Daqian.

If Li Yue or Qin Mo had any objections, they didn't dare to think about it.

Therefore, no one dares to underestimate these three seemingly dishonest guys.

"Report, General, Yalkin said they have already considered it."

"Lao Zhou, Lao Da, let's go have lunch first!" Li Yong fiercely grabbed Zhou Lian's shoulder and said.

Dayansong sighed, not bothering to correct his title, and followed them.

Yalkin waited for almost an hour, but no one was seen. He was also very angry, "Where is the person? It's been an hour, why haven't you come over?
Don’t you want to talk? "

Until now, they didn't even have a glass of water and were thirsty and hungry.

"General, they are taking a lunch break. Just wait. If you don't want to wait, just leave without anyone stopping you!" the guard guarding the door said coldly.

"It's too much to bully others. It doesn't take us seriously at all!"

"Just leave, what's the big deal, if you lose the fight then, don't beg us!"

Several people around Yalkin were furious and yelled to leave.

Yalkin slammed the table, "Sit down, everyone. Whoever dares to step out of this door today and start a war will be responsible for the consequences!"

"General, this is trampling our Bei slaves' faces on the ground!"

Yalkin said helplessly: "Weak countries have no face. This is an eternal truth. Didn't Dagan almost be forced to move the capital by us back then?
It's just that time has passed and Daqian has become stronger. The emperor of Daqian could bear his anger and bowed his head to the north. Can't we do the same?

Look at Nanfan. When Daqian was founded, he led troops to invade the capital of Daqian. Didn't Li Yuan marry his dearest daughter to Luo Buzadui?

Only by being able to bend and stretch can you achieve great things! "


Several people hit the table hard, their heads hanging down, feeling unspeakably depressed.

In the afternoon, Li Yongmeng had enough sleep, and then he led everyone slowly into the main hall, "Sorry, I was a little tired from what I said in the morning, so I took a nap and kept you waiting for so long!"

Yalkin was not angry but had a smile on his face, and his attitude was much lowered, "The general was joking, guests are welcome. The young general thought about it again and again, and still felt that he could not cede the core of the contract, but he could let King Youxian persuade Shan At.

As for the other war horses, cattle and sheep, there were too many.

If Beinu's family wealth is emptied, the people of Beinu Kingdom will starve to death this winter.

I have drawn up a compensation package and asked General Li to review it! "

"Bring it up!" Li Yongmeng said, and the guard next to him was about to get it, but he stopped him, "Where are you going? Let him come here by himself!"

This humiliation of Chi Guoguo made everyone in Beinu furious.

This kind of humiliation is simply maddening!
"General, no!" someone else stopped him.Yalkin smiled, stood up and said, "As it should be!"

He walked over step by step and handed over the surrender compensation letter.

Li Yongmeng did not pick it up, but said: "My eyes feel uncomfortable and I am too lazy to read. You can read it yourself!"

Yalkin clenched his fists. Even though he wanted to chop the dog in front of him, he still suppressed the anger in his heart and said: "Beinu is willing to cease the war and offer his most sincere sincerity. Twenty thousand cattle and twenty thousand cattle." , [-] war horses, [-] shi of grain, [-] slaves, and return to Tulum Moraine in the south!"

"You are really good. When others negotiate, they always bargain at the waist, but you just cut the price down to only one bottom!" Li Yong said angrily: "Then there is no need to negotiate. If you are not willing to give, then we will get it ourselves!"

Yalkin smiled bitterly, but still fought hard. In the end, the compensation was doubled before Li Yongmeng relented.

"Let's do this. You send people back to report first and send these things over. I'll give you a month's deadline.

When the time comes, ask your King Youxian to come over in person to escort you, and there will definitely be a reward from the court!

Within a month, no compensation was seen, and the army could march north at any time! "Li Yongmeng said.

"General Li, we also need some time to raise these compensations. One month is too short, it will take at least half a year!" Yalkin said with a bitter smile.

"Send one-third of the first batch over first, and the rest will be delivered within three months. Remember, you must ask your King Youxian to deliver it in person, otherwise this general will not believe that you are really negotiating peace!" Li Yong Meng waved his hand, and several lieutenants walked to Yalkin's side.

"General Yalkin, I'd rather trouble you to be a guest in Supi during this time!"

Yalkin took a deep breath. He knew that this matter would not be so easy. He hoped to delay it for a little longer.

At the same time, Huyan tribe and Huyanyou also went south and finally met Li Sixun.

Before Huyanyu came to Daqian, he received a letter from Subi.

Interesting, really interesting.

Unexpectedly, Shanyu Longting actually sent someone over for peace talks, and the person who came was one of Shanyu's confidants, the leader of the Huyan tribe, Huyanyou.

Li Sixun has been guarding Longyou all year round, so he naturally knows Hu Yanyu.

"Jun Gong Li, we meet again!" Hu Yanyou had also dealt with Li Sixun a lot, and after the meeting, he didn't have much fear.

"Chief Huyan, you are too late!" Li Sixun said.

Hu Yanyu was stunned and asked in confusion: "Why do you say that?"

"Your rightful king Yizhixie has surrendered to Daqian a long time ago." Li Sixun said: "You don't know, right?"

Hu Yanyu's heart skipped a beat, but he said calmly: "Of course I know, it was King Youxian who persuaded Chanyu not to go against Daqian again, so Shanyu sent me as an envoy to Daqian.

I also hope that the two countries can return to being brothers! "

"Really, then do you know that your King Youxian is now the Chanyu of the Western Regions?" Li Sixun said with a smile.

"Why the Chanyu of the Western Regions?" Hu Yanyu was a little panicked, but he still pretended to have a puzzled expression on his face, "Could it be that a new country in the Western Regions has proclaimed himself emperor?"

Li Sixun said to himself, this old guy is quite capable of pretending, "No, it's because His Majesty the Emperor Daqian has issued an imperial edict to confer your rightful king Yizhixie as the Chanyu of the Western Regions."

Hu Yanyu was already cursing in his heart, what a vicious plot, Daqian actually seemed to split Beinu again.

One New North slave is enough to give Chanyu a headache.

If another Chanyu from the Western Regions comes, the huge Northern Nu will be completely split into the Three Kingdoms.

It would be difficult for a complete Beinu to cope with Daqian. If it split into three kingdoms, wouldn't it be self-destruction?
(End of this chapter)

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