big dry son-in-law

Chapter 1031 I have experience in this matter!

Chapter 1031 I have experience in this matter!

"Yalkin, have you been bribed by the Dagan people?" Suddenly, Yi Zhixie changed the subject.

Yalkin said: "If I am bribed, I can turn to join Dagan, become a general of Dagan, and then cooperate with Dagan's people to kill a carbine.

Even if the Shanyu's power cannot be destroyed, it can still be severely damaged. "

His eyes were indescribably sincere, "Don't Shanyu think I am not ashamed? I also grew up in the depths of the desert and am a native of Beinu.

How can you betray my country and my mother just for a little profit? "

Yi Zhi stared at him sideways, and the doubts in her heart dissipated, "It's good that you understand your identity. This time, Ben Shanyu became a villain because of you.

Then you must work hard to fight for more benefits for the Northwest slaves.

From now on, you are the Zuo Guli King of Northwest Slaves! "

Yalkin was overjoyed, "It is my duty to die for Shan Yu!"

After exiting the court of King Youxian, no, Shanyu, Yaljin wiped the cold sweat from his forehead.

He was indeed bribed by Da Gan.

When Xu Luo's 500 and [-] men captured Yutian, he understood that Beinu would never have a chance again.

He was afraid that Yi Zhi would kill him, so he took a different approach and used peace talks as a plan to save his own life.

He knew very well that the right virtuous king above him was not a filial son.

In the face of power, glory and wealth, everything is fake.

What a fucking father-son bond.

It was better to go to Daqian and enjoy the glory. He didn't want to be killed by rifles or bombarded by thunder cannons, nor did he want to return to the depths of the barren desert.

Soon, he secured a batch of supplies for the Northwest slaves.

Yi Zhixie was very happy, and then withdrew the army from Qiuci, and the entire Tulun Qi returned to the south again.

However, this time it was Daqian's army that guarded Tulum Moraine.

The battle plan against Beinu successfully completed the third stage, completely dividing Beinu into three countries.

Qin Mo was the first to receive the news of Yi Zhixie's rebellion.

Qunu City is extremely hot in June, much hotter than Beijing.

Even wearing a thin layer of silk, he felt hot.

Seeing the news from Nanfan, Qin Mo clapped his hands and said happily, "Okay, great. Beinu has split into three kingdoms. Daqian only needs to pay a very small price to achieve the combat goal."

This year is the summer of 12 in Longjing.

Qin Mo came to Daqian for his fifth year.

I turned 24 in the blink of an eye, and it was almost time to retire.

Seeing Qin Mo happy, Gao Yao was also happy.

Ever since he came to Tianxiang, Qin Mo always felt uncomfortable for a few days a month.

"Xiao Gao, let's go swimming!" Qin Mo dug a big swimming pool in the royal city just for his own enjoyment.

A Brahmin maid in hot clothes stood aside with various drinks in her hands.

Under the umbrella, Chai Rong lay on a chair and was served by the Brahmin maid.

Dou Yiai, on the other hand, had fun in the water with several maids.

The two of them successfully completed their expedition to the Deccan Plateau a few days ago. After returning, Qin Mo provided them with delicious food and drinks every day.

There is no way, most of the territory of Tianxiang Kingdom was captured by two people.

Qin Mo plunged in with a sudden thrust.Dou Yiai waved her hand, "Go and make way for my elder brother!"

Those delicate maids made way in the middle one after another.

Qin Mo swam to the end in one breath, and seven or eight maids walked over, giving him juice, wiping Qin Mo's hair, and even jumping into the water to massage Qin Mo's hands and feet.

"I said, Xiao Gao, Da Beard, you two should come down too. Wear so much in this hot weather. Where are you suffering from prickly heat?"

Gao Yao shook his head repeatedly, "Master, I am not good at water!"

Fang Shun couldn't help but said: "General manager, I, I am also a landlubber!"

"Yes, there are many landlubbers in the north!" Qin Mo did not force him, but said: "When summer is over, we will leave Tianxiang Kingdom and let the capital come and take over.

Anyway, I've done everything I need to do. I don't want to stay in this miserable place for a long time.

Xiao Chai, Xiao Dou, do you want to stay here or come with me? "

"It goes without saying that I will definitely go with you!" Dou Yiai looked at the maid who appeared, waited for her to take a breath, and then pressed her head down again.

"Brother Qin, let's go with you. I've had enough of staying in this miserable place!" Although they are the supreme existence in Tianxiang Kingdom, who doesn't want to go home when they are away from home?

"Well, let's go back to Nanfan first, and then Lingnan. I will retire by then and won't care about anything."

"Idiot, take me with you. I find it too boring. I'm tired of fighting!" Dou Yiai said, "Let's just do evil in the capital like before!"

"Fart, are you the kind of person who does evil?" Qin Mo laughed strangely, "I want to fight cocks and walk dogs, write novels, watch operas, make small inventions, and teach students.

Every day I would sleep next to the ladies' fragrant skirts until I woke up naturally. When I got bored, I would go to the bank to count gold and play with my son.

What a joy! "

Dou Yiai swallowed, "You idiot, you must take me!"

Chai Rong was also yearning for it, "Brother Qin, be sure to take me with you!"

"Good talk good talk!"

Qin Mo stretched and was carried to the couch by several maids.

Seeing Qin Mo like mud, Fang Chuan was furious. No one enjoyed this stinky thing more than him.

"By the way, is there any news about Fang Nuguan over at the Six Gates?" Chai Rong said suddenly.

"No!" Qin Mo sighed, "I've searched all over, but I don't know if she is hiding!"

Dou Yiai shuddered, and the maid showed her face again. He let out a long sigh, climbed out of the water to the shore, rinsed his mouth with juice, spit it into the hands of the maid beside him, and said: "Idiot, you said that you did this to her." It's been a long time, but there's been no news.

She must have betrayed you. I estimate that by the next time we meet, she will have three or four children! "

He walked to Qin Mo's side and drove away the maid who was beating Qin Mo, "You guys are too weak, fools will have more trouble!"

After saying that, he started to push Qin Mo and comforted him: "It's okay, I have experience in this matter.

Isn't it just a hat?

What's the big deal!
If you take in more concubines and give her hats, is it possible that she can imitate you and marry dozens of men?
Doesn’t that make her a sister who can do everything she can? "

This made sense, and Qin Mo didn't know how to refute it for a while.

"You're such a bitch, no wonder you fall in love with someone you meet. So you're taking revenge on Gao Yang?"

Dou Yiai grinned, "It's not considered revenge, who made them beautiful? I like beautiful ones!
I looked at that senior sister of yours, and I saw that she was not a serious female crowned lady.

Think about it, even the princess is not serious, it is normal for her not to be serious! "

Gao Yao on the side almost burst out laughing and teased in a low voice: "Even Dou Hanzi knows you are not serious!"

(End of this chapter)

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