big dry son-in-law

Chapter 1032 Is it my fault to win?

Chapter 1032 Is it my fault to win?
Fang Chun's angry forehead had veins popping out, damn Dou Yi'ai, what the hell was he grinning from Qin Mo.

"Brother Qin, my uncle is right. If Fang Nuguan had you in her heart, she would have come out a long time ago. Maybe she is in confinement right now!" Chai Rong said.

Qin Mo grimaced, "Okay, you two, please stop being blind. My senior sister is not that kind of person!"

"Come on, you are just a woman. You are our leader. If it doesn't work, I will give you some concubines!" Dou Yiai said grandly.

Qin Mo kicked him directly into the swimming pool, "Go, go, don't worry, brother!"

Being kicked into the water, Dou Yiai didn't care and instead started to paddle.

"You're still laughing!" Fang Chun glared at Gao Yao fiercely.

"My pleasure!"

The two bickered for a few words, and Fang Chun also fell into deep thought, hiding next to Qin Mo for more than half a year.

It can be heard from Qin Mo's mouth that he does not seem to go to the grassland.

Master said that his third calamity was on the grassland. Is it accurate?
In particular, Beinu split into three kingdoms. If Li Shilong wanted to attack, he would not let Qin Mo, who was thousands of miles away, go.

So can she regain her true form?

If this continues, she will become a sister who can't do anything for her husband!
At the end of June, 15 troops, 7 elites from the four strata of scholars, farmers, industry and commerce, and hundreds of caravans, amounting to nearly [-] people, arrived at Qunu City.

A total of 27 people poured into the King's City of Tianxiang. The leader of the army was not Li Cungong but who else.

"Uncle Li, I miss you so much!" Qin Mo stepped forward and gave Li Cungong a big hug.

"Go, go, I'm annoyed by the sight of you!" Li Cungong said with this face, "Is it you, the boy, who wrote to His Majesty and asked me to come here?
You are really good. I am only two years younger than your father and an old man. How dare you let me come? "

He was so angry that wouldn't it be nice to stay with the emperor and conquer the grassland?

What kind of celestial kingdom are you coming to?
"I didn't, Uncle Li, you can't wrongly accuse a good person!" Qin Mo called out to Tianqu, "It's easy for me. I finally conquered the Tianxiang Kingdom with only tens of thousands of people. Do you know that you can manage such a big place?" Country, how tired is it?
You see, I’m so tired that I have dark circles under my eyes! "

"I won't listen!" Li Cungong flicked his sleeves and angrily entered the Tianxiang King's Palace.

The officials from the six ministries behind him were also enjoying themselves secretly.

Qin Mo couldn't help but sigh, "You're heartless, if my brother hadn't conquered such a large territory, would you have had this opportunity to make meritorious deeds?"

However, seeing these familiar faces still made Qin Mo feel good.

With these people, they will be able to better control the Celestial Kingdom.

He quickly asked Chai Rong and others to settle everyone down.

He also found those Brahmins and settled these people in their homes.

Although Qin Mo built the Daganren Hotel outside the palace in advance, it could only accommodate a few thousand people.

It has to be built high and big. When people from large groups come over, there must be a place to stay.

Every city-state must have a Daganren hotel.

Along with Li Cungong, there were many members of the royal family, and they all admired Qin Mo.

However, this time, the royal family was almost wiped out.

There were hundreds of royal family members in Wozhou, and hundreds more came this time.

Even the little things that didn’t reach the crown came with them.

There are also the distinguished second generations of each family.

It is simply a large-scale cake-sharing scene.

Fortunately, thousands of new students have arrived, and Qinzhuang has thousands of young people coming here to make a living.

The sight of two to three thousand people kneeling on the ground and giving a grand ceremony to Qin Mo made everyone look at him sideways.

"Hi master!"

"Hello, uncle!" "Get up, everyone!" Qin Mo raised his hands.

"Thank you Master (uncle)!"

They pressed their heads and accepted Qin Mo's inspection with full spirits.

Qin Mo nodded with satisfaction. Although he didn't care about most of them, he still knew the leader.

The leaders of the new school are the students who survived the Battle of Gaozhou.

Now, he is the backbone of Xinxue and an enthusiastic fan of Qin Mo!
The leader of the Qin family is Qin Man, Ah Wei's younger brother.

They all regard Qin Mo as their pride and guiding light.

"I'm very happy that you have traveled thousands of miles to come here. I hope you can educate Tianxiang Kingdom well and help the people of Tianxiang Kingdom escape from stupidity and poverty."

"Yes, Grandmaster (uncle)!"

More than 2000 young people shouted excitedly.

Qin Mo nodded with satisfaction. With these more than 2000 people, the power of the Qin family is firmly rooted here.

For seven or eight days, Qin Mo handed over the work at hand, and then held consultations with Li Cungong and people sent by the Six Ministries.

After formulating a short-term five-year plan, Qin Mo couldn't wait to pack his things and prepare to run away.

"You kid, can't you let me get used to it for a few more days?"

"Uncle Li, I have left you the most beautiful woman and the biggest cake. You can't let me push you from the side, right?" Qin Mo snorted, "Your family is brave enough to guard Wozhou now. Yongniang also said that he would surrender. He defeated Yizhixie and split Beinu.

Now you are in charge of the celestial phenomena, and you have no conscience to say that I cheated you! "

"I know you're good, all those people in the capital are howling!" Li Cungong chuckled, but soon his expression became serious, "But Jingyun, what are you going to do after you go back?"

"Go to Nanfan and let Nanfan return to work, lest my father sends me out again, which will be very annoying!"

"You were wrong!"

Li Cungong took out a special cigarette for Qin Mo from the cigarette case and handed it to Qin Mo. He also took out a box of matches and lit it for Qin Mo.

This product was made in Lingnan Factory, and within one year it became popular in Daqian.

"Uncle Li, please give me some advice!" Qin Mo said.

"Do you know what those people in the capital call you now?"


"God of war!"

Li Cungong said: "Your contribution is greater than that of us old guys combined. Even Liu Chenghu is a head shorter in front of you now.

Since you led the army, you have never suffered a single defeat. You have often fought to destroy a country, and you have destroyed big countries!
Although His Majesty believes in you, rumors are like knives and you have done enough.

Although you have shared all the credit, no one can take away your share of the credit.

I thought you would pretend to lose a game, but I didn’t expect you to win consecutively! "

Qin Mo leaned on the railing, looked at the stars in the sky, and exhaled a breath of smoke, "I have thought about this too, but I can't joke with the lives of the soldiers.

Uncle Li, you don't know how dangerous this battle is. If you make even half a step wrong, you will lose everything.

If I lose a battle, neither the military officials nor Yi Zhixie will surrender so easily.

You are also a veteran and you should know what it feels like to walk on a blade.

You only saw me win every game, but you didn't see me lying awake all night just to come up with a perfect strategy.

You say, is it my fault that I won? "

(End of this chapter)

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