big dry son-in-law

Chapter 1040: Retired, no longer serving!

Chapter 1040: Retired, no longer serving!

"I miss you!" Li Shilong was originally in a good mood, but when he heard Qin Mo's words about beating him, he became extremely angry!

"Mother, look at him, he still doesn't admit it!" Qin Mo quickly hid behind Empress Gongsun and said hello to Concubine Li, "Hello, Concubine Li!"

Concubine Li also admired Qin Mo very much. This child had worn crotchless pants with Li Yue since he was a child.

It can be said that Qin Mo is indispensable for Li Yue to be where he is today.

Therefore, Li Fei is also a little bit in love with the house and the bird, "It's been a long journey, thank you!"

"You, stop being such a talker!" Empress Gongsun lightly tapped his forehead, but she had no time to talk to Qin Mo now. She rushed to hug Huo Lin'er anxiously. She saw that Li Yushu and others were doing well and not tired. Sexy, I am also happy in my heart.

Li Shilong also hugged several of his eldest grandsons one by one. The little ones didn't even acknowledge their birth. They spoke of their grandsons one by one, making Li Shilong very happy.

"Where's Xue'er's daughter? Let me take a look!" Li Shilong was very fond of this niece. When the child was born, Li Shilong decreed that Zhen Zhen would be made a county head with a fief and food.

The children of the Qin family all have fiefdoms and houses, which are extremely valuable.

"Uncle!" Li Xue hugged the child.

"Yes, very clever!" Li Shilong praised and rewarded him before returning the child, and then kicked Qin Mo, "Where is the Supreme Emperor? Take me over!"

"I said, Father, you can't be gentler to me. Every time you hit me, you either kick or belt me!"

Qin Mo sighed.

"Stop talking nonsense, I didn't slap you, I was just giving you face!" Li Shilong kicked Qin Mo, felt a little more comfortable, and then swaggered towards the backyard.

Qin Mo glanced at Qin Xiangru.

Qin Xiangru kicked me again, "Hurry up and follow me, brat, I haven't settled the accounts with you yet for your meritorious service!"

Qin Mo felt extremely aggrieved, "Do you think I want to make meritorious deeds?"

"You bastard, I really don't know what's going on in your mind. You get into trouble and ruin your family. You make meritorious deeds every day. If you continue like this, I won't be able to live anymore!"

He whispered to Qin Mo: "Do you know that I reopened three money banks and they are all full? I'm done worrying!"

Qin Mo quickly covered his mouth and pursed his lips to indicate that the emperor was still ahead.

"What are you two mumbling about? Come here quickly!" Li Shilong felt very unhappy when he saw the two father and son sneaking around and snorted.

"Here comes Your Majesty!" Qin Xiangru quickly chased after him.

"Xiangru, why don't you hang up the plaque I gave you? Do you think my words are offensive?" Li Shilong asked.

"No, His Majesty's cursive writing has mastered the essence of calligraphy, so Wei Chen arched the plaque and kept it as a family heirloom!" Qin Xiangru said.

This flattery made Li Shilong feel happy, "The plaque is for hanging on the door, not for worship!"

"It's all the same. If I don't make a mistake in the future, you might as well not hang it up if you take the plaque back!"

Qin Mo's words almost made Li Shilong angry to death.

"Your Majesty, here you go!" Qin Xiangru had already taken off his belt and held it up with both hands, "There were so many people just now that it was difficult for you to hit me. Now there is no one around. Please give me a few quick strokes to satisfy your cravings."

"Old Qin, I don't have a father like you!" Qin Mo was confused. Is there any father who cheats his son like this?
He was about to run away, "Old man, save me!"

Knowing that a son is more like a father, Qin Xiangru had already blocked Qin Mo's path. He took out a rag from nowhere and stuffed it into Qin Mo's mouth.

"Quick, Your Majesty, Wei Chen has restrained him!" Qin Xiangru looked excited, as if he had picked up Qin Mo.

I haven’t beaten my son for a long time. Mixed doubles with the emperor is exciting!Li Shilong looked at the belt in his hand and threw it away, "If you don't use it smoothly, I will use mine!"

Qin Mo looked at Gao Shilian desperately. Gao Shilian sighed, then turned around, thinking, "Ancestor, please bear with me. One is your father and the other is your father-in-law. I don't need a reason to beat you!"

After his father and his father-in-law were beaten together, Qin Mo had no way to escape.

"Your Majesty, are you happy?"

"It's okay!" Li Shilong said: "I'm also afraid that this kid will be proud of his meritorious service, so I'll push him hard so that he can't take credit and be arrogant!"

"What a coincidence, Your Majesty, I think so too. This bastard is so capable of meritorious deeds. I must give him two more beatings to knock away his arrogance!" Qin Xiangru said.

Gao Shilian sighed and supported Qin Mo, "Jingyun, I've wronged you!"

Qin Mo looked like he was hopeless. This old man clearly hated him for plotting against him in Lingnan.

Soon, a group of people came to Li Yuan, "Father, my son and I are here to take you back to the palace!"

"If you don't go back, I'll stay here in Jingyun for a while. When you return to the palace, let someone clear out my things. I plan to stay in Qinzhuang forever.

People are old and their vitality is insufficient. Da'an Palace is too big for people to hold it down! "Li Yuan waved his hand and said.

"Father, I also want to fulfill my filial piety in front of my father!"

"Come on, how can you have that skill? You hang around in front of me every day, I think you are upset!" Li Yuan said: "From now on, I will farm in Qinzhuang, play mahjong, and read books. If you have nothing to do, don't bother me."

Li Shilong was very embarrassed. He also knew that Li Yuan had made up his mind not to return to the palace. No matter how much he said, it would be useless.

"Qin Mo, get me a house next to the Emperor's house. I'll go and accompany the Emperor if I have nothing to do!"

"Oh!" Qin Mo said very coldly.

"You are the emperor, what are you doing out here? You are not sensible. You can just pay private visits incognito on weekdays. If you live outside the palace, if anything happens, who is responsible?"

"Is it okay for me to come and see you during your rest?"

"You have long legs, can I stop them?" Li Yuan said: "Okay, I've invited you and I've looked at you. If you have nothing to do, let's go!"

Li Shilong had no choice but to leave.

At noon, Li Shilong stayed at Qin's house for dinner.

He didn't stay too long before returning to the palace.

After Qin Mo returned home, he rested for several days and felt extremely comfortable.

Just as he was about to go to Qinzhuang to have a look, someone came from the palace, "Captain Prince Consort, Your Majesty, please come into the palace!"

"If you don't go, I have a full schedule today, so you just say I'm out of town!"

Qin Mo was still angry. The sixth man beat him up for no reason, and he must get that thing back. "Also, give this to His Majesty!"

Qin Mo gave all his official seals to the young eunuch, "I quit and resigned. From today on, I, Qin Mo, retire!"

If you have anything to do, please ask your Majesty to find another high-ranking position. I will no longer serve you! "

The little eunuch almost cried, "Captain Prince Consort, please don't embarrass me!"

"Just tell the truth!" Qin Mo said, and said to Li Yuan: "Old man, let's go, let's go and choose a site, try to build the house and reclaim the plantation within a month!"

(End of this chapter)

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