big dry son-in-law

Chapter 1041 New journal!

Chapter 1041 New journal!
Li Yuan nodded and Qin Mo signed the seal. He agreed.

In the past few years, Qin Mo conquered Wozhou, pacified Nanfan, conquered Niboluo, captured Tianxiang, and defeated Beinu.

This does not count the great achievements of the Qing Dynasty and the Northern Rebellion.

His outstanding achievements can be used to describe him.

Humans are not cows. Even if they are cows, they should rest, eat grass and drink water, right?

He also understood that Qin Mo had no intention of being an official and just wanted to live an peaceful life.

"Build a house next to me and be my neighbor!" Li Yuan said.

"No, old man, I have to take care of you!" Qin Mo said.

"Yonghe and Jingyang will always come over, right? Although I am old, my ears are still very good, so don't bother me!" Li Yuan has become a vegetarian in the past two years and has not taken any concubines. In Lingnan, there are only Two maids waited on him.

Qin Mo scratched his head in embarrassment.

At this time, Wei Zhong pushed Li Yuan's old man Le out, and Li Yuan turned over and rode on.

Qin Mo also pedaled his bicycle, "Old Wei, sit in the back!"

Wei Zhong nodded and sat on the back of Qin Mo's bicycle.

Two old men and one young man pedaled towards Qinzhuang.

Li Shilong looked at the official seals and official uniforms presented by the little eunuch and was speechless for a while, "This bastard, if you say you're going to kick me, I'm going to kick you!"

He came to Qin Mo mainly to ask about Qin Mo's personal expedition.

With Beinu's three points, it seems that there is no need for the emperor's personal expedition. It is better to let the military officials and Yi Zhixie surround Shanyu Longting, and Daqian reaps the benefits!

But he knew very well that if he did not recruit Beinu in the past two years, he would not be able to recruit them.

One is because I am getting older, and the other is because of my body.

However, Qin Mo's mistake was something he expected, and Qin Mo also mentioned it in his previous letter.

Li Shilong also agreed in his heart, but now the situation has changed.

If you want to be a child, you can do it, but when Beinu is conquered, he can do whatever he likes, no matter how carefree he is!

Seeing that Li Shilong looked wrong, Gao Shilian hurriedly said: "Your Majesty, how about your servant going to call the Prince Consort?"

"No need, I will go find him myself!" Li Shilong snorted, changed into normal clothes, and left the palace.

Now that he has nothing to do, he just likes to go out for a walk. Every time he goes out of the palace, the changes outside make him feel that his efforts are not in vain.

"Your Majesty, ride slower and pay attention to safety!" Gao Shilian chased after him on a [-]-bar.

At this time in the capital, apart from merchants on foot, there were very few people riding horses.

People at the six gates and road offices patrol on bicycles.

Families with moderate means will be equipped with a bicycle.

"Stop!" After passing an intersection, in the middle of the platform, a bad guy stood in the middle, controlling the traffic order.

The newly issued "Order on Ceremony" issued by the Ministry of Industry clearly stipulates transportation methods.

Li Shilong raised his head and glanced at the 'traffic light' ahead. This traffic light has three colors, namely red, green and white!
I don’t know how the people in Qinzhuang did it. After a while, the sign on the high pole will flip up, and there is no need for human control.

Even if Li Shilong travels, he must respect traffic rules.

Buses, carriages and traveling merchants hurriedly urged their horses forward, while pedestrians walked along the 'pedestrian line'.

Everything is in order.

Until the red card in front turned into a green card, the bad guy in the middle blew his whistle, and several high-spirited young men rang the bell and flew out like bows and arrows.

Li Shilong also kicked out quickly.Following Li Shilong were Du Jingming, Li Daoyuan, Yu Boshi, and Dou Xuanling!

The four of them did not dare to keep pace with Li Shilong, and were always a step behind him.

"This traffic light is really magical. It can actually be remade by itself. Machinery replaces manpower. Only one bad person is needed to control the traffic order in the downtown area!" Li Daoyuan praised sincerely.

"This traffic light diverts people and cars, allowing people to walk in an orderly manner. It is an excellent thing, and it is a microcosm of the restoration of ancient rituals!" Du Jingming praised.

"I still remember that in the capital a few years ago, there was an unspeakable stench every summer.

Nowadays, the roads are open and all roads lead to Daqian.

Even the poorest city in Beicheng is bustling with activity at this time! "

"The innovation of the old method has made outstanding achievements and can be accepted. The next step is to continue to innovate in depth or to promote it to the world. It is still debatable!" Li Daoyuan said.

Li Shilong was a little tired from pedaling. The weather in August was unbearably hot, even in the morning, it was unbearable.

In just two or three quarters of an hour, the group arrived at Qin Village.

Qinzhuang was originally divided into large and small Qinzhuang, and the two places were not too far apart. Now, buildings are rising one after another, and it can be called the fifth urban area of ​​​​the capital.

The prosperity here is even better than that of the capital. After all, the renovation of the old city of the capital is quite tricky.

That kid Liu Wanche is pretty capable, but the capital is too big.

But Qinzhuang is different. Everything is new, and there are some strange things that are not even available in the capital.

"The latest issue of Xinxue Industrial Newspaper, Professor Qin Kong's second-generation steam engine has been released!"

"The latest issue of Xinxue Agriculture News, Professor Qin Liao successfully developed the second generation hybrid rice!"

"Xinxue Business News, Qinzhuang Breeding Farm, will open three branches this month to recruit talents with management experience, and the annual salary is guaranteed to be 500 taels!"

In the newsstand on the roadside, two newsboys held loudspeakers in their hands and kept shouting.

A lot of people came to buy it.

There are rich people wearing silk and satin, and there are ordinary people wearing linen.

Thanks to Ji's family's literacy efforts, over the past few years, only one-third of the people in Beijing can read.

These days, if you are illiterate, you can only do hard labor.

"Gao Shilian, go and buy some newspapers for me!" Li Shilong has not read Qinzhuang's newspapers today. In the past, he would have breakfast while reading new journals in the palace.

The new journal covers industry, agriculture, commerce, studying things, and education.

Will provide in-depth analysis and criticism of various current problems.

It also allowed Li Shilong to see many things and perspectives that he could not see before.

Moreover, we can also see the direction of various industries in the private sector.

Li Shilong looked at it for a while, "A steam engine capable of carrying people, is it real or fake?"

Du Jingming and others also saw this page of the Industrial News, "Really or not, boiling water and coal can make steam engines move on land?"

They had all seen steam engines, including the handmade steam engine boat made by Li Xuan. Li Shilong still had a childlike innocence and took a few of them to do experiments in the Royal Garden Lake.

That speed is very fast without a sail.

But how to get around on land?
These have exceeded their cognition.

Li Daoyuan said in surprise: "Doesn't that mean that no matter where you go in the future, you can take this steam locomotive?"

(End of this chapter)

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