big dry son-in-law

Chapter 1055: Expanding the capital?

Chapter 1055: Expanding the capital?

The railway in Qinzhuang is not very long, less than ten miles in length.

But after starting, braking is a problem.

So usually when you are away from the finish line, you have to start braking a few kilometers away. However, the braking of the Victory is not that strong and the speed is not that fast. When you brake at three miles, you will be able to pull into the station smoothly!

When Li Shilong came down, the cheers almost lifted the top of the station.

Those businessmen all saw the business opportunities here. Such an artifact is particularly convenient whether it is used for traveling or transporting goods.

After a long time, when the crowd's cries stopped, Li Shilong said: "This Victory steam locomotive will be officially put into use!"

After speaking, Li Shilong left.

Qin Mo said: "If you want to ride on the Victory, you only need one tael of silver!"

With such a good opportunity, we must earn back the money for railway construction.

After saying that, he quickly chased after her.

After hearing Qin Mo's words, everyone went crazy.

Who doesn't want to sit here?
Even if it’s just to get some royal energy!

"Jingyun, can you build a railway like this in the city to facilitate people's travel?" Li Shilong asked: "The capital is too big. It takes an hour to ride a bicycle from Dongcheng to Beicheng!"

In this era, Beijing is undoubtedly the number one city in the world.

The population of the capital will continue to increase dramatically in the future, and maybe within 20 years it will reach tens of millions.

A super metropolis with a population of tens of millions, even in Qin Mo's world, is a proper super metropolis.

"Yes, it just needs to be re-planned, which may involve the demolition of more residents, and the population of the capital will continue to increase sharply in the future. My suggestion is to expand the imperial city." Qin Mo said.

"Well, the capital is indeed a bit crowded." Li Shilong also fully understood that this kind of prosperity far exceeded that of the Great Zhou Dynasty.

Duan Lun jumped out at this time, "Your Majesty, I also think that now is the time to expand the capital.

Compared with the population of more than 200 million in Dazhou, the number of people in the capital has doubled.

The existing land is not enough to accommodate so many people.

The population is expected to continue to increase in the future, so it is better to expand in advance and prepare early. "

Everyone secretly cursed Duan Lun for following the trend. How huge a project would it be to expand the capital?
Does he plan to stay as Minister of Industry until retirement?

"Your Majesty, I also think it's time." Zhuge Sui quickly stood up. Now that he has tasted the benefits of developing land, he will naturally not object.

"Your Majesty, this is a serious matter, so it's better not to make a decision easily. The people live and work in peace and contentment, and rashly moving to another house will also disturb the people!" Du Jingming came out and said.

Li Shilong glared at Qin Mo, asking you to build the railway, and you just said to expand the capital. Such a big thing, how can we discuss it for several days?
"Well, let's discuss the expansion of the capital. I think this railway and the Victory are very good. Jingyun, please get me a special train and build the railway to the palace.

It will be convenient for me to go out in the future! "

Damn it, this guy is so annoying.

"Father, this is a waste of money."

"How can I save your money?" Li Shilong snorted.

Qin Mo sighed heavily. Did he give him money?
How could he say such shameless words!
"Also, the capital should be able to build this railway, right?"

"Yes, but I suggest that you don't put it on the ground. You can put it underground!"

"Put it on the ground?" Li Shilong frowned. "Qin Mo, are you stupid again? Can such a big guy be put underground? You can't dig a tunnel underneath, right?"

"You're right, it really needs to be placed underground!" Qin Mo said: "Of course, it doesn't all have to be placed underground. It mainly depends on the terrain. You can also build viaducts to allow the train to fly in the air, so that it will not hinder people on the ground. Walk life!”

Everyone frowned, thinking about what Qin Mo said in their minds.

"Okay, if you have an idea, you can take the lead in this matter!" Li Shilong said: "The imperial court will pay for the construction of the railway tracks inside the capital, and the imperial court will also manage the revenue.

The Ministry of Industry and the Ministry of Household Affairs want the power to cooperate with Jingyun. "

Anyway, we can't fight Beinu this year, so we can't let Qin Mo do nothing, right?
Isn’t that really useless?
"Father, I'm retiring!" Qin Mo said he would do nothing. He could let Qinzhuang people design the railway construction and he didn't have to worry about it. But now that Li Shilong named him, that wouldn't work.

"I didn't give you an official position!" Li Shilong said: "You are now handling this matter as my son-in-law, that's it!"

"Father, you go too far!" Qin Mo was willing to do it.

Seeing Qin Mo like this, Li Shilong felt extremely happy, "I trust you and reuse you, so how can I bully you?
Oh, by the way, there is one more thing you should remember, that is, plan the route from Jingcheng to Jingzhaofu and close to Guannai Road.

The operational rights are also given to you. You can deploy all departments involved and must fully support your work.

This is one of the most important goals of Daqian in the next five years! "

Didn’t you, Qin Mo, say that I bullied you?

Hey, I was really bullied!
What's going on?
Qin Mo fussed angrily, but Lao Liu didn't bother him at all.

Everyone else saw clearly that the father-in-law and son-in-law were going up to the bull again.

Others cried, begged, and couldn't get the job, so His Majesty tried to force Qin Mo to submit.

Looking at Qin Mo's disgusted face, let alone being angry.

Qin Xiangru was ruined.

Forget it, children and grandchildren will have their own blessings. He is useless as a father and cannot be a prodigal father!

"Go back to the palace and have a banquet!" Li Shilong won back the victory, feeling extremely happy.

"Old man, look at him, he's tricking me again!" Qin Mo had no choice. He had already retired, and he still gave himself a lot of work. Isn't this working in vain?
Li Yuan was also in a bit of a dilemma. He was really worried about leaving this matter of benefiting the country and the people to ordinary people. With Qin Mo supervising it, it would definitely not be a problem.

"Jingyun, just order them around as they please. If anyone doesn't listen to you, slap them with a big slap or kick them with your feet. If they don't feel happy, you can whip them with a whip!" Li Yuan had no choice but to half-coax. Half-lying, "From now on, I will supervise you in the morning and relax with me in the afternoon. Do you think that's okay?"

Qin Mo was silent, suddenly feeling that retirement was far away.

He even had the urge to escape to the Lingnan seaside with his whole family.

Seeing that Qin Mo remained silent, Li Yuan knew that he might be in trouble this time.

This kid really hates this kind of life.

It seems that I have to find time to have a good chat with the emperor.

Qin Mo has the kind of temperament that is like a wandering cloud and a wild crane. He has done more big things in the past few years than others in his whole life.

He's really not interested in power.

Forcing him to do it would be counterproductive.

If a person is unhappy, how can he love it?

(End of this chapter)

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