big dry son-in-law

Chapter 1056 Li Shilong’s awakening!

Chapter 1056 Li Shilong’s awakening!

Qin Mo didn't even go to the palace banquet. Instead, he made excuses and said he was going to plan the route and left.

Li Shilong was in a good mood and was a little tipsy.

After everyone dispersed, Gao Shilian whispered: "Your Majesty, the Emperor has invited you!"

"Father, did you follow him back to the palace?" He was surrounded by others and did not notice whether Li Yuan came back.

"It's in Da'an Palace!" Gao Shilian said.

Li Shilong frowned slightly, "Do you know something?"

"This, the servant does not know."

Gao Shilian was actually a little worried. Qin Mo seemed very unhappy today.

It is very abnormal to be unhappy on this big day.

Perhaps, he was really too tired, and Li Shilong put all these big things on Qin Mo's head, which really made people breathless.

But he didn't dare to say that Li Yuan must have called him over for this reason.

Li Shilong stood up and walked towards Da'an Palace.

When I reached Da'an Palace, I was sweating all over and most of my drunkenness was gone. "Father, are you looking for me?"

"Sit!" Li Yuan leaned in the rocking chair, "Everyone else, get out!"

Wei Zhong didn't say anything, glanced at Gao Shilian, and slowly exited.

Li Shilong was even more surprised. Sitting in front of Li Yuan, he couldn't help but straighten his back.

"Do you know why I called you here?"

"My son doesn't know!"

"You're going too far!" Li Yuan said: "These successive major events are burdening Jingyun alone. That is to say, Jingyun has the ability, but anyone else would have died of exhaustion."

What else did Li Shilong think was happening just because of this?

"Father, he knows best. No one else has done as well as him, so I can only entrust him with important responsibilities!" Li Shilong explained.

"Of course I know, but how many days has he been back?" Li Yuan said: "That day at Qinzhuang, I reminded you not to talk about the Northern Expedition. Do you think I don't know what you are thinking?
You just want Jing Yun to speak up and support you in conquering Bei Nu.

Think about it, in the past two years, Jingyun went to Wazhou and wandered on the sea for several months. As soon as he came back, he worked non-stop to quell the chaos in Lingnan.

He was engaged in innovation and farming to restore people's livelihood. Then he went to Nanfan to help Shuang'an and conquered Niboluo and Tianxiang Kingdom.

Counting the territory he has conquered in the past two years, it is comparable to a Da Gan.

He is not an emperor, he just has the temperament of Xianyun Yehe.

In the past, it was because of the girls in the palace that I had no choice but to take over these matters.

Now that he lacks nothing and is happy, where is there still so much motivation? "

"But now that the people who can be used are released, there is nothing I can do about it!" Li Shilong said helplessly: "The civil and military officials in the dynasty are old and dead. Have the younger generation fully grown up? He is the only one who stands out. .

Moreover, he has set up such a big stall, and no one understands it. Who does he dare not do it? "

"Then you can let him take a break for a year and a half. Why do you have to rush it? He is too tired, not to mention him. As an outsider, I feel tired when I see it.

Jing Yun wants to retire, wouldn't it be enough if you allow him to? ! "

Li Yuan lit up his cigarette irritably, "You are always so impatient, don't forget that you are not young anymore.

Some things still need to be left to future generations to solve.

You also know about Jing Yun's Soul Leaving Syndrome. Pressing him too hard will only make his condition worse.

When it gets really serious, you don’t even have to cry.

You know that kid, he is just filial and loves this country, so he will do things he doesn't like to do. "

"I understand, and I also know that he is unwilling." Li Shilong looked at the dome for a while, and then said: "Father, I actually want to retreat!"

Li Yuan held a cigarette in his mouth and was stunned, "What did you say?"

"My son originally wanted to fight Beinu, so he transferred Lao Ba back to supervise the country. After finishing fighting Beinu, he would gradually release his power.

Then he would accompany his father to farm, tell stories, and play mahjong.

In summer, I can enjoy the cool under the trees and circle around the stove in the cave. There is no need to review memorials or worry about state affairs.When I have nothing to do, I take care of my grandchildren and teach them how to be a good person.

When the father is a hundred years old, the sons and ministers will be as old as the father is now.

There is a passage in the New Learning that puts it well: Filial piety is not just words, but support and support from the heart, and respect and love from the heart.

In this life, I have done many wrong things, and also done some good deeds that have been praised by others and become famous throughout the ages.

Wake up and hold the power of the world, sleep on the lap of a beautiful woman.

I have killed heroes and suffered humiliation.

Many people, for ten or a hundred lifetimes, will never live as enjoyable a life as their son.

In the past, power was always taken very seriously.

But after experiencing many things, I have become bearish. People always have to quit, so just quit after you finish what you want to do! "

Li Shilong sighed: "My son killed his brother and imprisoned his father. This is a very bad start.

Even though there are twists and turns in each country, what is done is done.

This is something that will never go away in my son.

Yuan Tiangang said, this matter will be followed by my descendants.

In fact, without him having to say it, I also know that their ancestors did this, and it is normal for their children and grandchildren to follow suit.

Therefore, Jingyun's innovation also has this aspect in mind.

His son supported him, understood him, and even appreciated him.

I no longer have nightmares, and my eldest brother and younger brother seem to have forgiven me.

But I am afraid of retribution in this world.

The eldest, the fourth, the fourteenth, all of them.

In fact, my son has already received his retribution in this world.

I'm scared, really scared. "

Speaking of this, Li Shilong said with a bitter look on his face: "Since Er Chen has made a bad start, let Er Chen tie up the end.

The son-in-law will tell them personally that although power is good, family affection is more important.

I hope that my descendants will be kind to their relatives and their hands will never be stained with the blood of their relatives! "

The two father and son were speechless for a long time.

Li Yuan's eyes were extremely complicated.

He didn't expect that Li Shilong would have such awareness.

He can belittle power, and he only did so in his late teens.

But Li Shilong has not yet reached the age to know his destiny.

Being able to see power so clearly made him feel indescribably happy.

Thinking of this, Li Yuan couldn't help but said: "You are better than me, you are a good emperor and a good father!

I, on behalf of future generations, thank you! "

Li Shilong felt a little sour in his heart, but then he became more determined in his thoughts.

Daqian will not repeat the history of other dynasties.

He, Li Shilong, is a man who wants to be the Khan of Heaven, who can both take things and let them go.

"Father, please tell me, my son, can you not be impatient?"

"I understand!" Li Yuan said: "Why don't you talk to Jing Yun?"

"If Erchen told him about retirement, then he wouldn't take Erchen's words seriously!" Li Shilong smiled bitterly.

"You are confused. Since you want to do this well, you must continue to improve the new law.

The Prince Management Act, then why can’t there be an Emperor’s Abdication Act?Pension bill? "

(End of this chapter)

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