big dry son-in-law

Chapter 1060: Harvest Season Chapter!

Chapter 1060 Harvest season!
"If you don't want to eat, come home with me to eat!" Dou Yiai pulled her up, "Even after you go back, you will still be as unruly and willful as before, I will admit it!

As long as you don't put a hat on me and don't let me raise a son for others, I can tolerate it! "

After all, they were just a couple, and Dou Yiai was not a hard-hearted person. Seeing this scene, she finally couldn't bear it.

Now, he no longer dislikes her, "Wash up, go home, and eat whatever you want!"

"Don't hit me, I deserve to die, I'm a cheap servant."

Gao Yang was so frightened that he cried.

Dou Yiai hugged her. Gao Yang, who was originally plump, was now frighteningly light.

Qin Mo sighed, "Take her out!"

Dou Yiai nodded and carried Gao Yang out of the room.

After a full hour, Gao Yang was washed clean.

The water alone had to be changed three times, and her hair was full of lice. Dou Yiai simply shaved her hair clean and put a hat on her.

The bruises and scars all over his body, no matter how much energy he had before, are gone.

The eunuch in charge cooked some porridge, prepared some exquisite side dishes, and even brought chicken soup, saying it was to replenish Gao Yang's health.

"Go back and eat. Is there anything to eat at home?"

Qin Mo stopped him, "Look at her, she doesn't even have the strength to stand. Let her rest her belly first to regain some strength, and then go back and take good care of herself.

After you return, when you go to the palace to report to His Majesty, you must say something miserable and say that Gao Yang has realized his mistake. "

Dou Yiai nodded.

He picked up the porridge and started feeding it.

After feeding half a bowl, Qin Mo stopped him and said, "Okay, let's do this for now. She is not so hungry in one day. She has to eat small meals frequently. If she eats too much at one time, she will be full."

Dou Yiai didn't understand this, but Qin Mo said it was definitely right.

At this time, Gao Yang also recovered a little energy, but looked at Qin Mo with timid eyes, and there were tears in his eyes.

"After you go back, stop being unruly and willful and take a good rest. Maybe after you have recovered, you can give birth to a son and a half for the Dou family." Qin Mo said: "If you continue to be stubborn, even the gods can't save you. .”

Gao Yang lowered his head, big tears falling on the table, and his shoulders shook, "I really didn't dream, did I?"

Since she came to Ganye Temple, she has lived a life worse than death.

She hoped that her father would come to save her, but as each day passed, she became desperate as she waited.

At first, she hated it.

She hates the injustice of this world and hates everything.

But later she began to reflect and regret.

But regret is no longer useful.

She is not crazy, pretending to be crazy is just to make them bully her less.

This works very well. Although I have to endure hunger and cold, at least I won't be beaten every day.

Qin Mo didn't want to stay any longer, "You should take care of your own woman."

"Actually, she is quite pitiful." Gao Yao said.

"Why do you pity her? Poor people must be hateful!"

Qin Mo laughed to himself and said, "If it weren't for Senior Sister, there's no telling what would have happened after that night.

I just do it for Xiao Dou's sake, otherwise, it would have nothing to do with me if she dies here! "

Gao Yang nodded. Although Gao Yang wanted to get Qin Mo, this kind of woman is quite scary.

If Qin Mo really had something to do with her, he might bring disaster to the Qin family.

However, Gao Yang's departure from Ganye Temple did not cause too much turmoil.

After Dou Yiai entered the palace, Li Shilong restored Gao Yang's title, rewarded him with some supplements, and then disappeared.At first, it was told that Gao Yang should go to worship the Buddha. Now that the period of worshiping the Buddha has expired, it is natural for him to return to Dou Mansion.

When she learned that Dou Yiai had a concubine and a maid, Gao Yang did not dare to say anything. In other words, she had already recognized the reality.

After escaping from the devil's cave, she would rather be oppressed by Dou Yiai for the rest of her life. But with the way she looked, it was hard to say whether Dou Yiai would like it or not.

In early October, construction of the Tianzi No. [-] Railway began.

Also under construction is the Jingcheng-Jingzhaofu line.

Qinzhuang Iron and Steel Plant also began to work overtime to build a new Victory.

This thing is difficult to start with, but once it’s actually built, that’s all.

On the day when the construction started, Qin Mo didn't even go. Instead, he went to Qin Village and called Qin Liao and some key disciples of Qin Village.

Qin Mo wrote several things on the blackboard, namely: electricity, light bulb, filament, telegraph, telephone, generator, phonograph, airship, airplane!

Then Qin Mo roughly explained the function of each item.

He tried his best to draw everything he could.

Whether it can be done or not remains to be seen.

In the future, it can also be regarded as a long-term research direction.

Qin Mo hopes to be able to use electricity for lighting and listen to records in his lifetime. If he can do these things, he will be satisfied.

As for the Little Overlord game console, he will never see it again in this life.

“Don’t put too much pressure on yourself. If it can’t be done in one generation, then it will take two generations.

Let’s sum up our experience and teach more students, and one day we will be able to do it.

There is also the research and development of weapons and firearms. We cannot stop. We must not be arrogant, unless one day, wherever the sun rises, there will be my great dragon flag! "

"Yes, uncle (uncle)!"

After the meeting, Qin Mo was invited by Qin Kong to the experimental field again, "Uncle, it might rain tomorrow. How about digging up all the virus-free sweet potatoes and potatoes in the experimental field today?"

Sweet potatoes are usually dug from September to November, summer potatoes are dug in July, and autumn potatoes are dug around October.

Qin Li granted the title of County Clerk of Shengli, and Qin Kong actually had a sense of urgency.

Although he now has an official position as a farm minister in the Ministry of Industry, he always feels that he is not as good as Qin and Qin Wei.

Qin Mo looked at the sky and said, "It's cloudless. Will it rain tomorrow?"

"When I went out this morning, I found condensation on the wall and some moisture from the salt. It will definitely rain in the next two days."

Dagan people depend on the weather for their livelihood, and Qin Kong is the most sensitive to the weather as he breeds and farms.

It also summarizes a set of relatively scientific experiences.

"Let's dig!"

Qin Mo found a shady tree and sat down. He remembered that when he was a child, when the sweet potatoes were dug, he and his friends would go all over the mountains and fields with snakeskin bags to pick up sweet potatoes and feed them to the pigs in the fields dug by others.

The wind during harvest time is different from usual. The earthy smell makes people know that the harvest season has arrived.

Qin Mo leaned against the tree, with his legs crossed and a dog's tail grass in his mouth, feeling indescribable peace in his heart.

"Go, Xiao Gao, bring two whole sweet potatoes and potatoes. Let's bake them and eat them!" Qin Mo was a little greedy.

Gao Yao took out the fried potato chips and dried sweet potato chips from the backpack on his back, "Master, rest your stomach first, I'll light the fire!"

Qin Mo looked at the glass cans on the side, "Good guy, are all canned fruits made of glass now?"

"This is a new gift can. It's very valuable. They are all exported." Gao Yao unscrewed the can and conjured a spoon like magic. "Master, you eat first!"

Qin Mo couldn't help but said: "Xiao Gao, it's great to have you here. I won't be hungry wherever I go!"

(End of this chapter)

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