big dry son-in-law

Chapter 1061 The fragrance of rice flowers means a good year!

Chapter 1061 The fragrance of rice flowers means a good year!
In October in the capital, the fragrance of rice floats.

The common people bent over, holding sickles, harvesting the yellow rice.

Even though the autumn tiger was wreaking havoc, it still couldn't stop the smiles on their faces.

Wearing bamboo hats, they placed bundles of rice in the fields.

The old mother was old, and she was picking up fallen ears of rice in the field with her furry children.

The young son pulled the threshing machine manufactured by Qinzhuang into the field, "Dad, you thresh the millet, and I will cut the rice with my eldest brother and the others!"

His name is Mao Dan, he has four brothers, and his family is one of the first families to grow new grains.

One hundred acres of land helped their family escape poverty and hunger in one year.

Although he is not rich, he still has three meals a day.

The children at home will never have a full meal or a hungry meal.

When they are not farming, the four brothers will go to the dock to transport goods. Not only do they take care of the food, but they also make cash every day. Each of them can earn 15 to 20 yuan a day.

Including the grain harvest, their family earned 60 taels of silver last year.

Life suddenly went up several levels.

The old man smiled and nodded, looking at his son who was working hard, he was in a very good mood, "You and the third child are the only ones left without a new wife.

The weather has been good this year, and the grain growth is so gratifying. After the autumn tax is paid, a year's worth of grain will be left, and the remaining grain will be sold.

I’ll give you and the third child a daughter-in-law. If there’s still money left, I’ll buy you two brothers a new house! "

"Thank you, dad!" Mao Dan was extremely excited.

The old man said, took the rice, stepped on the threshing machine, and the drum in the middle started to rotate quickly.

With this threshing machine made by Qinzhuang, the efficiency has been increased by more than ten times. It not only beats faster, but also saves effort.

The family spent a whole morning plowing more than three acres of land.

Near noon, the eldest sister-in-law and the second sister-in-law came over with baskets in their hands, "Father, mother, it's time to eat!"

The furry child rolling in the field quickly ran over, "Mom!"

"Your hands are full of mud, wash your hands quickly!" The woman patted the child's hand gently, "Your ancestor didn't even come here, so there are no rules. The first bite in our family must be eaten by our ancestor!"

"I know mother!"

Several furry children quickly ran to the ditch nearby to wash their hands.

The second daughter-in-law spread a cloth on the ground and laid out the baked potato noodles and side dishes.

Several half-sized sweet potatoes were placed on the ground, all steamed and very sweet.

The four sons, each carrying a large sack, came over and put the full grain aside.

The old man looked at his virtuous daughter-in-law and felt very happy.

"Hey, why is such a big piece of meat?" My mother-in-law came over and said, "How much does such a big piece of meat cost?"

"Mom, father-in-law and the others are doing physical work. How can we bear it without eating meat!" the eldest daughter-in-law said, and took out the rice wine that had been boiled in advance.

"You prodigal woman, can you take out this rice wine at will?" The eldest son's face changed when he saw the rice wine, "You can just take a few sips secretly at home. Have you forgotten the prohibition on alcohol?"

The second daughter-in-law laughed when she heard this, "Brother, I'm afraid you don't know the latest decree of the imperial court, right? The prohibition on alcohol has been abolished. Today, the village is bringing the village stewards to our village to promote that you can make your own wine to satisfy your cravings, but You can’t make a lot of wine and sell it.”

"Gouzi's father, your wife is right!" At this time, the neighbor next to him also said with a smile: "It was just announced this morning. Look, I also boiled a pot of wine!"

Seeing his neighbor like this, the eldest son felt relieved and said, "Dad, sit down!"

The second son poured wine for the old man, while Mao Dan took the largest piece of meat and put it in the old man's bowl.

The furry kids on the side were drooling with greed, and everyone was waiting for Azu to move his chopsticks.

When the old man saw this scene, he felt extremely comfortable.He picked up his chopsticks and took a bite, "Use your chopsticks!"

The little kid couldn't wait to use his chopsticks.

"Slow down, don't grab, you're acting like a bandit!"

"Hahaha, let them eat!" The old man smiled with his eyes wide open. There is food at home, no matter how many children there are, he is not afraid.

Especially this half-year-old furry child is the most edible.

He used to be so worried.

Now, I don't panic at all.

At this moment, several people came not far away. The middle-aged man who led them looked very simple, but he looked calm and confident. The people behind him were obviously his subordinates.

"Old man, I am a grain merchant from Guanzhong. Have your grains been ordered this year?" the middle-aged man said.

The old man stood up quickly and said, "My noble man, to be honest with you, this year's grain harvest has just begun. We have to wait until the tax is paid and the remaining grain is at our disposal."

At that time, buying and selling was free, and the court did not care.

If you want to collect food, you might as well come in a month! "

"I made a reservation with someone else when I came here. Now that food prices are high, aren't you afraid of selling at a lower price?" the middle-aged man asked.

"Don't be afraid!" The old man smiled and waved his hand, "I'm afraid your nobles don't know that the court has issued new rules this year. If there is surplus grain, it can be sold to the Ministry of Household Affairs and the price will be based on the market price.

We, the common people, will not suffer! "

It can be said that this policy of the imperial court has given reassurance to all farmers.

Compared with businessmen, they naturally trust the court more.

"Noble sir, don't worry if I say something you don't like to hear. I'm afraid I'm lying to you if I make a decision now.

If anyone dares to book in advance, once found out, the entire village will be seated.

Not only did they have to pay double taxes for three consecutive years, but they also had to increase their labor force. All the corvee labor in the capital was abolished. Who would still want to suffer that crime?

You'd better go back and take a look and get your money back! "

The imperial court couldn't be more kind to common people like them. If they really do something worse than a pig or a dog, they will definitely be scolded to death by the whole village, and they won't be able to hang out anymore.

The middle-aged man changed the topic, "I just paid the deposit in advance so that his family's grain would not be sold to others. I did not sell his family's grain in advance."

After hearing this, the old man breathed a sigh of relief and said, "It's okay then!"

"What you are growing now is new rice, right?"

"That's right, it's the second generation of Qinzhuang!"

"Has the yield per mu been calculated?"

"Not yet, but the yield of [-] kilograms per mu is stable!" the old man said with a smile.

The middle-aged man nodded after hearing this, "Your place is not far from Qinzhuang, right? Is it under the jurisdiction of Qinzhuang?"

Speaking of this matter, the old man's family all sighed, "Who doesn't want Qinzhuang to take care of it? But the village leader of our village is too useless. He didn't squeeze in and was taken advantage of by the neighboring village. They are all very angry!"

Did you know that it turns out that the village next to ours is the poorest place in the ten miles and eight townships, and the mice will come back crying when they go.

It was taken over by Qinzhuang last year.

This year, every household has moved into new brick houses, and the roads in the village are almost worn out by matchmakers who go to their village.

I couldn’t even ask for it before, but now I’m rushing to get it! "

(End of this chapter)

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