big dry son-in-law

Chapter 1062: The warehouse actually knows the etiquette

Chapter 1062: Canglin actually knows etiquette

"Is this happening? Is this Qin Village so difficult to enter?" the middle-aged man asked curiously.

"That's not what it is. Even if you sharpen your head, you still have to get in." The old man got excited when he talked about this, so he simply invited the middle-aged man to have some food with him.

"Mr. Li, why don't we go to Qinzhuang to eat later?" Gao Shilian was also anxious. He had agreed to pay a private visit incognito, but why did he come to the private sector to have a meal? How unsafe is this?
"It doesn't matter, let's get some glory from the old man today!" Li Shilong smiled, "Go and put down the desserts I brought so that everyone can taste them together!"

Li Daoyuan also sat down, followed closely by Du Jingming, Dou Xuanling, and Yu Boshi also sat on the floor.

Gao Shilian had no choice but to take out the snacks. These snacks were made by the queen herself and asked Li Shilong to bring them to Qin Mo to try.

He took only part of it and placed it on the cloth.

Looking at the exquisite pastries, the old man and his family were stunned. They looked like extremely expensive pastries.

It is not something that ordinary people can afford.

"My lord, this pastry is too expensive, we can't do it"

Li Shilong patted his hand and said, "Old man, eat it. No matter how expensive the pastries are, they are only for people to eat."

As he spoke, he distributed the pastries to the children.

Looking at the pastries in their hands, the furry children swallowed greedily. They wanted to eat but did not dare to eat. They all looked at Li Shilong longingly.

"Eat, kids, work hard. After two years, when the conditions are better, you can eat more often!"

Li Shilong said with a smile.

"Listen to your Majesty!"

Only when the old man spoke did these children dare to eat. Before eating, he also said: "Thank you, noble man!"

Li Shilong couldn't help but praise: "The old man's tutor is so good!"

These children were covered in mud, but their faces, hands and feet were clean, even between their fingernails.

It can be seen that they are also particular about it.

Hearing Li Shilong praise the child, the old man's family also laughed. He straightened his back and poured a glass of rice wine for Li Shilong himself, "I'm not afraid of noble people laughing. In the past, the old man's family couldn't even recognize two characters.

But these children of the old man's family all go to Qinzhuang Academy.

The teachers in the academy taught them literature and literacy, and also taught them martial arts to strengthen their bodies.

Not only that, but they were also taught how to farm and recognize the 24 solar terms.

As an old man, I have been farming all my life, and I don’t know as much about principles as these kids. It’s all thanks to those gentlemen! "

Li Daoyuan and others looked at each other with admiration in their eyes.

When these children grow up, they will all be talents.

And how many families are like the old man’s family in this world?
The smile on Li Shilong's face was even bigger. These are the future of Daqian.

"Come, noble man, I'll give you a drink!"

Li Shilong took a sip of wine and felt that the rice wine was sweet and warm in his stomach. "Old man, tell me, why is it so difficult to enter Qinzhuang?"

"The richer the village, the harder it is to enter. The poorer it is, the more help Qinzhuang will give. The masters of Qinzhuang said that they should first make the lives of the poor rich, and then bring the big guys to become rich together!
However, they treat children the same way. Anyone with children at home, regardless of poverty or wealth, can attend Qinzhuang Academy for free.

The old man also heard that the children of the nobles in the capital were secretly studying there under pseudonyms! "

The old man said with spitfire: "Especially Qin Wei, the head of Qinshan, if any student is in trouble, he will personally come to help.

There are two children in our village who have neither father nor mother since childhood. After Chief Qin Shan learned about this, he allowed them to eat three meals a day at the college.

In spring, summer, autumn and winter, we also bought them clothes. Last winter, they were all taken home by Chief Qin Shan to celebrate the New Year! "Li Shilong has also heard of Qin Wei's name a long time ago.

This person has a kind heart, practices the new learning, and uses his own actions to infect others.

"It is precisely because of Qinzhuang's various things that we are convinced that being managed by Qinzhuang is not just about having enough food, clothing, and shelter." The old man said from the bottom of his heart.

Li Shilong also nodded. In Qinzhuang, he saw the great unity of the world. This seemed to be what Daqian would look like in the future.

He ate a few bites of potato noodles, and the old man gave him a large piece of meat.

It was a little bit of firewood, which was far worse than what he had eaten in the palace, but for some reason, it felt like a sense of accomplishment.

After saying goodbye and leaving, Li Shilong said: "I understand why many people in the capital are willing to go to Qinzhuang, and there is even a phenomenon that Qinzhuang is more expensive than the capital.

Because Qinzhuang will be the capital many years from now, or in other words, it will be Daqian many years from now.

Qinzhuang does all kinds of things, including food, clothing, housing and transportation.

Even education is more advanced than in the capital.

It may seem like a wild idea, but in fact, every one of them is thought-provoking! "

Dou Xuanling also said: "I never thought that one day, farmers' children would be able to know etiquette like this."

"A person who lives in a warehouse knows etiquette, and one who has enough food and clothing knows honor and disgrace. The ancients said that I will not bully!" Du Jingming sighed: "Your Majesty, potatoes and sweet potatoes were not planted on a large scale last year. This year, I am afraid there will be a food explosion. "

Li Shilong was in a good mood. He couldn't wait to know how much food he could harvest this year.

"I know why Jingyun said that the time to go to war will be after three years. He is indeed right. The people have paid taxes, there is food in the warehouse, and it can even be sold to merchants.

Not to mention beating him for a year, even if I beat him for two years, so what? "

Li Shilong said: "Let's go and see what that bitch is doing!"

Originally, he went to Qin Village, but he couldn't find Qin Mo. After asking, he found out that Qin Mo had run into the fields.

Soon, the group arrived at Qinzhuang’s experimental field.

He saw Qin Mo lying on the grass with all kinds of delicious food beside him.

Not far away, there were piles of sweet potatoes and potatoes, as well as rice packed in sacks.

"Uncle, the statistics are out. Ten acres of new-style rice produced 720 kilograms of rice. The average crop is about [-] kilograms.

This is carefully cultivated. If it is released, it will be considered good if it can weigh 650 pounds per acre. "

Qin Kong still held a small book in his hand, "After drying and shelling, one thousand kilograms of rice can produce about five hundred to six hundred kilograms of rice!

The remaining rice bran can be sold to breeding farms. In addition to feeding poultry, it can also be used to feed horses.

Rice bran is compressed into bran cakes and mixed with salt and other main rations. It is easy to carry and easier for war horses to absorb!

People who grind it finely can also eat it!

It can also be used as fertilizer after fermentation.”

Qin Mo nodded, "Xiao Kongkong, that's right, you have studied rice to the extreme!"

Qin Kong was a little embarrassed to be praised by Qin Mo, "I always research in the direction pointed out by my uncle. Otherwise, I would definitely not have achieved what I have today!"

"Don't belittle yourself. The food you cultivate will bring earth-shaking changes to the world!" Qin Mo patted his shoulder, "I said, as long as you firmly follow this path, people will mention you in the future. Qin Kong, everyone will praise you as Shen Nong!"

(End of this chapter)

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