big dry son-in-law

Chapter 1101 The little white bug in the waves!

Chapter 1101 The little white bug in the waves!
"You're going to die!"

Fang Chun was very angry.

This stinking thing never says anything.

Can you talk nonsense?

After Xiao Yurou heard this, how could she still behave?

Qin Mo retracted his hand in grievance, "Sure enough, women are all the same, they fade away over time.

Whoever bows his head first in a relationship will lose. Senior sister, you understand feelings! "

Fang Shun grabbed his ear and said, "If you keep acting up, I'll really hit you!"

"I mean, blowing is worse than hammering!" Qin Mosheng said helplessly.

Fang Shuan's face turned red, "Ah ah ah, Qin Miaoyun, I'm going to kill you. If you don't let me be a human being, I won't make it easy for you either!"

Xiao Yurou in the cabinet saw the two of them fighting together. Coupled with Qin Mo's nonsense, Xiao Yurou's Taoist heart, which was not stable at all, was completely shattered. Shredded.

This millennium scourge.

It can really cause disaster and death!
Her mind was filled with scenes of painting.

After beating Qin Mo, Fang Shun felt better, but she was also very embarrassed at this time, "You stinky thing, if you mess with me again, I guarantee that you will never find me again in the next ten or twenty years." Come to me!"

"Senior sister, you can beat me or scold me, but don't leave quietly, okay?" Qin Mo smiled bitterly: "If I hadn't been lucky enough to run into you this time, I might not know when we would be able to meet you.

I know I am a messy and carefree person, but I have really become a good person.

Thinking of me, Qin Mo, the little white dragon in the waves, now I have decided not to wander anymore. I will go ashore and be a submissive little white insect under your control. "

Fang Chun was amused by his words. This stinky guy was like this, he could control her emotions every time.

"Okay, little white insect, now listen to me, get dressed and get down!"

"Then you won't run away again?"

"Don't run away." Fang Chun said.

She has always kept Qin Mo's calamity in mind. After a while, Qin Mo will definitely follow the emperor in his own expedition.

Stabilize him first, then it will be safest to follow him as a bearded man.

Whether you are going into battle to kill enemies or traveling with you, it is convenient.

Coupled with the fake eunuch, it should keep him safe.

"Don't lie to me!" Qin Mo said: "I am very fragile. I can't bear it again!"

"You are fragile. There are no strong people in this world!" Fang Shun slapped his offending hand away. "I ask you, why did you suddenly come to Qintian Prison? Did someone tell you something?"

Qin Mo rolled his eyes and said, "I'll come over here to try my luck. If you are so filial to the master, you will definitely come back to visit him during the Chinese New Year!"

Fang Chun glanced at Qin Mo, but felt sweet in her heart, "You are the only one who has a lot of thoughts!"

After Qin Mo was fully dressed, he hurriedly said: "Senior sister, you have a rest first. I'll make soup for you. I'll make sure you don't feel uncomfortable after eating it."

He stood at the door and called Gao Yao loudly.

After calling Gao Yao over, he said: "You stay here and I'll go to the kitchen to make soup!"

Having just found Fang Chun, he had to show it off. Qin Mo hadn't felt this way about being in love for a long time.

It was an online love affair with the third sister, a fateful fate with Li Yushu, Liu'er had a secret love for him, Sitian was a coincidence, Chaihuo Niu admired him, and Xueer was forced to marry him.

Only Fang Chun is a happy enemy.

Although Fang Chun beat him, scolded him, and hit him every once in a while, she still risked her life to treat him well.

Whether it was her personal protection during an expedition, her risk-taking companionship during a smallpox attack, or Princess Gaoyang's conspiracy, it was all her.

There's no reason why he shouldn't be nice to her.

Gao Yao stood guard at the door and looked at Fang Shu, whose neck was full of marks, "Hey, are you studying the plum blossom picture here?"

Fang Chun was also furious when he saw his superiority and wanted to ridicule him, "Envy? If you have the ability, reveal your true identity, maybe your young master will also ask you to study the Plum Blossom Picture!"

"You!" Gao Yao snorted, "You are getting more and more annoying. It would be better if you have a big beard!"

"What a coincidence, I also think you are getting more and more annoying!"

At this moment, the cabinet door opened and Xiao Yurou walked out. She put on her white robe calmly, "I'm going to my room!"

She glanced at Gao Yao, nodded slightly, and quickly left the room.

Gao Yao didn't stop him either, but he was in a very complicated mood.

Tianxin has already gone to kindergarten and has a good relationship with her 'little uncle'.

Fortunately, the Qin family is a good breeder. Although Tian Xin's eyebrows look a bit like Xiao Yurou's, you can't tell it without looking carefully.

At a glance, he saw a smaller version of Qin Mo.

"Don't look at Tianxin secretly anymore. He is very good. Don't ruin his current life. The Qin family dotes on him, loves him, and gives him the best conditions.

Even several mistresses treat him as their own. If the young master knows that you are still alive, this good situation will be gone! "

Gao Yao couldn't help but said to her back.

Xiao Yurou trembled and stopped, tears falling instantly, "Okay, I won't peek at him anymore."

That was the flesh that fell from her body, how could she bear it.

"Fake eunuch, what are you talking about?" Fang Chun frowned.

"Do you know how strict the young master's protection is for the young masters?" Gao Yao said: "There are not even a hundred but eighty masters hiding in secret. If she goes there often to peek, she will definitely be targeted.

If it wasn't for my mediation the first two times, she would have been arrested long ago.

You don’t know what the consequences of being caught are? "

Fang Chun snorted, "He no longer hates Senior Sister. Even if he knew she was still alive, could he still do it?"

"Neither of them can get over the hurdle in their hearts." Gao Yao said: "It's best. Tianxin is living well now and growing vigorously. That's enough."

Fang Shun didn't say anything, but tightened his clothes to cover the mark on his neck.

"Are you going to continue hiding this time?"

"This has nothing to do with you!" Fang Chun said.

"Young lady, you are the only one who knows how to play hard to get, right? If you really feel that the young master did something wrong, just say so. There is no need to play tricks on him." Gao Yao said.

"I'm too lazy to tell you!"

Fang Shuan turned sideways and ignored her.

But he was secretly afraid that if Qin Mo saw Xiao Yurou today, he would be in big trouble.

Qin Mo hated people lying to him the most in his life.

No matter how he explains it, it will leave a grudge in his heart.

Moreover, Xiao Yurou was not calm when facing Qin Mo.

She thought about what her master said again, and she was tossing and turning for a moment.

Soon, Qin Mo brought the longan, red dates and ginseng soup, "Come on, senior sister, drink this, it will be a great tonic!"

Seeing Qin Mo's happy expression, Fang Shu couldn't help but said, "You bastard, if one day I lie to you, will you hate me?"

"You're not going to run away again, are you?" Qin Mo said with a vigilant look.

"Don't run away!"

"As long as you don't run away, everything will be easy. If you lied to me, there must be a compelling reason.

As long as you explain it clearly to me, that'll be fine.

I’m sure a hundred people believe it, and 1 people believe it! "

(End of this chapter)

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