big dry son-in-law

Chapter 1102: Yuan Tiangang’s love interest?

Chapter 1102: Yuan Tiangang’s love interest?

Fang Shuan stared at Qin Mo, "You bastard, you are so kind!"

"Of course I'm fine!" Qin Mo said: "But it would be better if you don't beat me next time when I heat you up!"

Fang Xuan took the soup and took a sip. It was so sweet that she said, "When you are serious, you are actually quite handsome!"

Qin Mo grinned, "Of course, I am the most handsome man in the world!"

When Fang Xuan finished drinking the soup, Qin Mo said: "Where's the master!"

"Where is the retreat room? Do you have anything to do with him?"

"Oh, I want to talk to him about Taoist marriage!" Qin Mo said.

Fang Shun's heart beat violently, "What a Taoist marriage!"

"You forgot, when we were in Lingnan, I said that night that I would hold a Taoist marriage with you. I would go to heaven and invite the ancestors, and I would go down to the underworld and be with you forever and ever!" Qin Mo said seriously.

"Did I promise to marry you?"

"Then who do you want to marry?" Qin Mo said: "You rest first, I will go find the master. This matter must be put on the agenda as soon as possible. In four months, I will go on an expedition again.

It will probably take a long time to come back by then. You will be an old girl by then, and I must get married early. No, I will marry you early! "

Before Fang Chun could say anything, Qin Mo ran out of the door quickly, "Xiao Gao, guard her."

Gao Yao said helplessly: "Yes, young master!"

After Qin Mo left, Gao Yao said: "I have never seen the young master care so much about anyone, you stinky nüguan, you lied to the young master, you will be struck by lightning!"

"No, I can't marry him now!" Fang Chun quickly put on his clothes and chased him out.

"Others want to marry but they can't, and you're still trying to push her away." Gao Yao muttered and chased after her.

Soon, Fang Chun arrived at the retreat room and saw Qin Mo standing at the door, "Master, come out quickly. If you don't come out, I'll blow up the door with explosives!"

Master, you are a good fortune teller. My senior sister and I should have the same birth dates. I think the end of this month is an auspicious day. Do you think I will get married to my senior sister? "

In the retreat room, Yuan Tiangang felt helpless for a while. The retreat was not possible, so he had to stand up and open the door, "Come in and talk!"

Seeing Yuan Tiangang opening the door, Qin Mo was overjoyed and hurriedly entered the retreat room, "Master, my senior sister and I are in love, and I ask the master to witness our marriage!"

Yuan Tiangang made the calculation, "You and Chun'er are destined to be together, but now is not a good time. Maybe it will be possible at the end of the year, but now is not the time."

"As long as it's a good match, you have to marry early and late anyway. You can't let senior sister marry me with a big belly, right?"

Yuan Tiangang was stunned for a moment, "Do you have Chun'er?"

"Yes, there is!"

Qin Mo opened his eyes and told lies, "So Master, I am also very anxious. When the time comes to get married with a big belly, won't the gods and Buddhas in the sky scold me for not knowing the rules?"

Yuan Tiangang was confused.

This is wrong. He has calculated that Fang Shuan will not be happy this year. Is it possible that the man of destiny is so cruel that he will change his destiny at the request of him?

"Master, don't be stunned. Take out the calendar quickly. Let's look through it and sum up the days." Qin Mo urged.

"You bastard, what are you talking about!" Fang Shun listened for a while and couldn't stand it anymore. He quickly ran into the retreat room and said, "Master, don't listen to his nonsense. I, I'm not pregnant yet!"

Yuan Tiangang also breathed a sigh of relief, and immediately reacted, looking at Qin Mo, "You can let me witness the marriage, but only if Chun'er nods. Taoist marriage is also called heavenly marriage. Both people must be happy. You and I are willing to do it. OK.

Otherwise, you are deceiving the gods and Buddhas, and deceiving the ancestors. "

"My senior sister will definitely be willing!"

"I don't want to!" Fang Shun bit her lip, "At least I don't want to now. I think I haven't decided yet. It won't be too late to talk about marriage when I think about it."

Why did Qin Mo suddenly become unwilling to do something that he thought was a sure thing?
"Senior sister, do you not believe me?" "I believe you, but getting married is a big deal, and I haven't figured out how to be a good wife, let alone a good mother."

Fang Chun knew that saying this would definitely hurt Qin Mo's heart, but he still had a calamity left, and he had to wait until he passed it.

At that time, she will marry him peacefully and be his bride.

Husband and child.

She will also try to get along well with the matrons.

But now, not yet.

Qin Mo couldn't survive the disaster, and she couldn't sleep well. If necessary, she was willing to protect Qin Mo from the disaster, even if she died.

Qin Mo sighed, "Forget it, since Senior Sister hasn't thought about it yet, I won't force you. There's no point in forcing you to do something that you and I both want.

I have been a groom a lot, but I have never been a reluctant groom. Even if I get it, so what? "

Seeing Qin Mo's mood getting lower and lower, Fang Shun gritted his teeth and said: "When you return in triumph, I will marry you. I swear to my master and all the ancestors of the Ziwei Sect.

If I don’t marry you, I, Fang Chun, will be alone for ten lifetimes! "

"you sure?"

"Believe it or not." Fang Shun swore this solemn oath in front of Yuan Tiangang, but there was nothing he could do. If he didn't let this smelly thing go, he might suffer a lot.

Yuan Tiangang frowned, sometimes shaking his head, sometimes sighing, as if he was worried.

But Qin Mo didn't notice his expression. Instead, he took Fang Shu's hand and said, "Master, you heard it. Senior sister said that you will marry me when I return home in triumph."

"Master, pulling and pulling in front of you, what does it look like?" Fang Shuan blushed and shook her hand several times without moving away, and finally let him hold her.

This guy is so thick-skinned. She has no shame to be a human being anyway, so she doesn't care about this anymore.

"Is there anything else? If nothing happens, go out first. I will continue to retreat as a teacher." Yuan Tiangang said.

"Oh, there is one more thing!" Qin Mo said: "Master, there is an old friend named Xiao who wants to see you!"

Fang Shun's heart skipped a beat, "Who, whose surname is Xiao?"

Yuan Tiangang's expression also changed, thinking that Qin Mo was talking about Xiao Yurou, "Who?"

Qin Mo raised his eyebrows, "Master, I didn't expect that you were quite good at it when you were young. After 30 years, there are still people who care about you."

"Who cares about me?" Yuan Tiangang frowned slightly.

"Xiao Xuanji, do you remember?" Qin Mo's eyes were filled with the spirit of gossip, "She is the one who wants to see you!"

Xiao Xuanji?
Yuan Tiangang was stunned as if he had been struck by lightning, "She, she, she is back?"

Seeing Yuan Tiangang like this, Qin Mo became even more convinced that the two of them had an ulterior relationship.

"That's right, she's back, and she's in my mansion." Qin Mo said, "What do you think, do you want to meet her?

She is waiting for you at my house! "

Fang Chun frowned, "Who is Xiao Xuanji?"

Qin Mo whispered something in Fang Chun's ear, and Fang Chun quickly said: "Nonsense, master has been single all his life, how can he have a relationship?"

"This is even more strange. The master is a physiologically normal male who has been single for decades. He is either trapped by love or has a psychological problem!" Qin Mo said.

"Stop talking nonsense!"

As soon as Fang Shun finished speaking, Yuan Tiangang sighed: "Okay, I'll go see her!"

(End of this chapter)

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