big dry son-in-law

Chapter 1104: A powerful and powerful man!

Chapter 1104: A powerful and powerful man!
I especially remember when Yuan Tiangang escorted Xiao Xuanji away outside Shili Pavilion.

Before leaving the capital, Xiao Xuanji asked him what would happen if he still had the chance to meet again in this life.

Yuan Tiangang thought at that time that if Xiao Xuanji married Tie Jue, he would never have the chance to come back in this life.

But seeing her pear blossoms with rain, my heart softened, and I said: "When we meet again, we will stay together for life!"

Unexpectedly, a word of comfort 30 years ago became a prophecy.

Looking at Xiao Xuanji's expectant and frightened eyes, Yuan Tiangang said: "The day we meet again, you and I will stay together for the rest of our lives!"

"I thought you forgot!"

"Don't dare forget!"

"I met the emperor, and maybe after a while, I will clear his name in front of everyone and recognize Li Qian's rule." Xiao Xuanji's eyes were filled with satisfaction. Even if Yuan Tiangang lied to her, she would be satisfied.

"Did my apprentice persuade you?" Yuan Tiangang asked.

Xiao Xuanji did not hide it, so he told the story of how the two met.

Yuan Tiangang was full of complicated thoughts, and finally sighed: "What is cause and effect? ​​This is cause and effect. My Ziwei family protects him from top to bottom, and he fulfills my lifelong regret."

He had been calculating all his life, but the more he calculated, the more he felt that his fate was unlucky.

The reason for accepting Qin Mo was to cope with the disaster.

But in the end, many people were involved.

"This is fate. When you finish what you should do, I will resign and marry you in the imperial mausoleum!"

"Will the Emperor agree?"

"He will not refuse." Yuan Tiangang said meaningfully.

At this moment, Xiao Xuanji blushed like a girl just because Yuan Tiangang held her hand.

Qin Mo stood on the wall and got excited, "I've got it, I've really got it!"

Fang Shun on the side felt that peeping was not good, but couldn't resist Qin Mo's curiosity, so he climbed up the wall. When he saw the serious master holding Xiao Xuanji's hand, thunder rolled in his mind.

"Dear, I'm so anxious!" Qin Mo clenched his fists and was very excited. He hooked Fang Shu and gave him a mouthful.

Fang Shun covered his mouth and punched Qin Mo on the head, "Follow me!"

Qin Mo fell to the ground and covered his head, "Senior sister, why are you hitting me again!"

"I'm going to hit you, no need for a reason!" He said and left angrily.

Qin Mo thought to himself that something was wrong with Fang Shun. Could it be that he felt unbalanced after seeing Gangzi glowing with the new year?
Thinking about it, she was raised by Gangzi. She was said to be the master, but in fact she was the father.

My father, who was a bachelor, suddenly found a stepmother for me, so it was normal for him to have some difficulty adapting.

Fang Shun was indeed a little confused. The master was pursuing his own happiness, so what right did she, a disciple, have to stand in the way?
But this woman seems to be Xiao Yurou's biological aunt.

Once the two of them get better, they will become a family.

I seem to be superfluous!
Qin Mo didn't say anything and followed her.

"Are you annoyed? You're just like a bug!" Fang Chuan said anxiously.

"Senior sister, don't feel bad. Master has been a bachelor for most of his life, and he finally found a lover. We should give him blessings, right?"

Qin Mo hugged her and said, "Actually, my situation is similar to yours. Although Master is not your biological father, he is more generous than your biological father.

My mother passed away when I was very young, and it was my father who raised me up. I never thought in my life that he would find me a stepmother.

You also know that my aunt came to my house later, but when my father actually brought my aunt back, I felt very complicated.

But my daughter-in-law is kind and treats me like her own son. I think, even if she is my own mother, that’s nothing more than that, right?

Well, maybe it's a good thing that my dad has someone who knows how to take care of him.

They will grow old eventually, and whether they are children or apprentices, they will all have their own lives and families.

You can't follow him step by step.My wife, my wife, my wife, I have a companion when I grow old, which is also one of the great joys of life.

You can't say that you won't allow him to be happy, right?

They live for us in the first half of their lives, so what's the problem with living for themselves in the second half of their lives? "

Fang Shun was much less anxious, and Qin Mo's enlightenment also made her suddenly enlightened.

"That's what you will say!"

Seeing that Fang Shun's expression had softened a lot, Qin Mo said quickly: "Master has his happiness, you have your own happiness, and you will eventually marry me in the future.

You will be my bride, my family, the closest people to me in my life. "

Fang Chun teased: "You have too many people closest to you!"

How could Qin Mo dare to answer the question? A princess hugged her and said, "Let's go back to the room to rest!"

As soon as he heard that he was going back to his room, Fang Chun quickly said: "I'm going back to Qintian Prison!"

"Why don't you go back to Qintian Prison? Here, I will take good care of you!"

It wasn't until dark that Yuan Tiangang came out of the yard.

Qin Mo also prepared a table full of delicious dishes, "Master, where is my wife? Let's come out to eat together!"

Yuan Tiangang's face turned red and he said, "What's that about Master Wife? I haven't married her yet, don't scream!"

"Stop pretending, I've seen it all. Are my mistress's little hands slippery and tender?" Qin Mo chuckled.

Yuan Tiangang was also embarrassed by Qin Mo, but thinking of Qin Mo persuading her to come back, he said seriously: "I want to thank you for persuading her in Nanfan, otherwise I will never see her in this life."

"Master, I've seen you!" Qin Mo said: "Master's wife is a hard-luck person. She left the country when she was a girl and lost her father, brother and husband when she was young.

I was displaced and stayed in Supi for more than [-] years, living under the shelter of others.

Even if I, an outsider, heard it, I would feel as if I had eaten coptis.

You should treat her well and let her spend the rest of her life like eating honey.

As for the father, if you have trouble speaking, I will help you! "

Qin Mo's words made Yuan Tiangang feel happy. Although this kid was full of nonsense, his sincerity was hidden inadvertently.

I don’t know how many times better than those serious and hypocritical people.

He took on this apprentice and made a lot of money.

"No need, Your Majesty, I will tell you myself!" Yuan Tiangang said.

Qin Mo gave a thumbs up, "If you dare to act, you are a true man!"

"It's over there at Chun'er."

"Senior Sister, it's okay. I've already tried to persuade her, but she needs to get used to it!"

Yuan Tiangang breathed a sigh of relief. What he was most worried about was Fang Shun. This girl he had raised single-handedly, and in his heart, was his own daughter.

This time it came suddenly and decisively, and Yuan Tiangang was afraid that he wouldn't be able to accept it.

After all, there are some things that Qin Mo doesn't know, but Fang Chun does know very well.

"Have a heart!"

"Master, you sit down first, I'll ask the master's wife to come out!"

"No need, I will go to the palace to find His Majesty now!" Yuan Tiangang has been waiting for 30 years, and now he doesn't want to wait at all.

I'm afraid that if I wait too long, something might change.

"Master, don't be so impatient. Although there is no curfew in the capital, the palace will be closed in a while!"

(End of this chapter)

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