big dry son-in-law

Chapter 1105 Do you want to be my uncle?

Chapter 1105 Do you want to be my uncle?
Yuan Tiangang has always been a gentle person.

But at this moment, he entered the palace in a hurry.

What Qin Mo didn't know was that Yuan Tiangang was the only person in Daqian who was locked up in the palace and could see the emperor at any time.

As long as he wanted to, even if the emperor was favoring his concubine in the harem at the moment, he would still get up to see him.

If Yuan Tiangang hadn't been so cold-tempered, he would have been the Imperial Master of Daqian.

A Qintian supervisor is also afraid that the emperor will think too much, so he puts himself in a position where he will not receive too much attention or be ignored.

Being with a king is like being with a tiger, he knows better than anyone else.

Li Shilong was enjoying the singer's performance at the moment. Happy events came one after another at the beginning of the new year, and he was in a very good mood.

"Your Majesty, Inspector Yuan is here!" Gao Shilian whispered beside Li Shilong.

"Oh? Tiangang is here?" Li Shilong was curious. In the past, Yuan Tiangang rarely entered the palace. Unless he summoned him, he would not enter the palace even in 800 years.

Tiangang was originally Yuan Tiangang's real name, and then Yuan Tiangang changed it to Sizhenggang.

If Yuan Tiangang entered the palace at this time, there must be something important. He quickly waved away the singer, "Let Tiangang come in quickly!"

After the singer retreated, Yuan Tiangang came in not long after, "I am here to see you, Your Majesty!"

Li Shilong personally went over to help, "Tiangang, get up quickly. Is there something wrong with you coming into the palace so late?"

"Half private and half public!"

"Oh?" Li Shilong was curious, and asked Gao Shilian to bring Yuan Tiangang a soft dumpling, and asked: "Tiangang actually has private matters!"

"I also need to eat grains, and I am covered by all kinds of diseases and illnesses. I am also an ordinary person, so I naturally have selfish desires!" Yuan Tiangang said.

Li Shilong nodded. He liked Yuan Tiangang's straightforward answers, unlike those other magic sticks who had no skills at all and just kept talking.

One sentence divided into a hundred sentences will make people confused and angry.

"I have known you for more than 30 years, and you have never asked me for anything. No matter what you say, you can do anything you want!"

Li Shilong's words carried great weight, and Yuan Tiangang also knew very well that compared to Emperor Zhou's coldness, Li Shilong was a humane and nostalgic emperor.

At that time, he created Li Shilong's legendary career with one sentence of "Li Zi Dai Zhou".

Over the years, he has not been treated harshly at all, and he has even regarded Ziwei Star Sect as the state religion.

"I wish to resign from office and study in seclusion. Please give your Majesty's approval!"

Li Shilong frowned, "You can write this book without resigning, and I won't bother you. Is it possible that if you don't resign, you won't be able to write this book?"

"When I'm an official, I always have some concerns in my heart, and I can never devote myself to it.

If you resign, you will have no worries in your heart. If you are bored with studying books, you can travel around the world! "Yuan Tiangang said: "Wei Chen also wants to see the beautiful world of Daqian! "

Li Shilong looked at Yuan Tiangang and said: "In two months, I will go on an expedition. If you are not in the capital, I am not sure.

If you want to resign, is it possible to wait until I come back from the expedition? "

Yuan Tiangang sighed secretly in his heart. The emperor said that if he refused, he would be ignorant.

"Yes, I will pray for His Majesty day and night in the capital!" Yuan Tiangang said.

Li Shilong then smiled again, "With you in the capital, I always feel at ease. Even if there are countless enemies ahead, I feel that I will win the next battle!"

"Actually, whether I am in the capital or not, the momentum of Daqian is already unstoppable." Yuan Tiangang said.

"I don't care, this is my last personal expedition in this life, you must see it!" Li Shilong said in a rogue manner.

Yuan Tiangang smiled bitterly and nodded. "Tiangang, you and I are both old, and you are a little older than me. After completing these things with me, we can retire together and travel around the mountains and rivers in the future, so we can be friends!" Li Shilong said.

Yuan Tiangang didn't expect that Li Shilong would say this. He calculated that Li Shilong would abdicate in the 23rd year of Longjing, but is it now a full ten years too early?

Is it because people are unpredictable, or did Li Shilong say that on purpose?
But Li Shilong shouldn't lie to him by saying such things.

"My lord, go far!"

"It's better to stay far away. Only when you are far away from the capital can you see some things that you can't usually see.

In the past few years, the farthest place I have been is Lingnan.

In just over a month, it has been one of the happiest times for me in recent years.

Jingyun has built a sea-view house there. When the time comes, you can accompany me there to relax and go fishing. Even if you have thousands of worries, they will be blown away by the sea breeze. "Li Shilong said with a smile.

Yuan Tiangang nodded, "That humble minister Ji Tuo is blessed by His Majesty."

"It's not because of me, that boy is your apprentice, and he should be filial to you!" Li Shilong said with a smile: "By the way, the private matter you are talking about is the marriage between your apprentice and Jing Yun?
I have known this for a long time. "

Fang Shun protected Qin Mo closely and never left him, and he knew that.

Qin Mo used six doors to search for Fang Shu, and he also knew it.

"Weichen, I'm here because of the marriage, but it's not because of Jingyun's marriage, but Weichen!" Yuan Tiangang said with a blushing face: "I have taken a fancy to a woman and want to marry her as my mother-in-law!"

Li Shilong was stunned, and Gao Shilian on the side even said 'ouch'.

Yuan Tiangang, who is dedicated to the Tao, is actually in love with spring?
Did they hear it right?

"Hahaha, what do I do? This is a good thing, a great thing!" Li Shilong laughed, "I wanted to protect your matchmaking many years ago, but you refused to agree.

Tell me, which girl is so lucky that you took your fancy? "

"His Majesty also knows this girl!" Yuan Tiangang also felt a little uneasy.

Li Shilong was even more curious, "Speak quickly, don't hesitate!"

"Her surname is Xiao, and she was originally Princess Yicheng of the Zhou royal family. Please, please show mercy to your majesty!" Yuan Tiangang said.

Li Shilong's head was buzzing, and his eyes were even more complicated. He looked Yuan Tiangang up and down, "Tiangang, I treat you as a brother, but you actually want to be my uncle?"

"Wei Chen doesn't mean this!" Yuan Tiangang, who had always been indifferent, couldn't help waving his hands at this time. "This matter is a long story. Your Majesty, please listen to me tell a story."

Li Shilong said: "You speak, I listen!"

"30 years ago, Weichen"

Yuan Tiangang told a bloody story. It was about a high-spirited young man who was making fortunes in the capital, thinking of getting ahead.

He accidentally met Princess Yicheng who left the palace quietly. Princess Yicheng then asked Yuan Tiangang to tell her fortune, but he revealed her identity with one word.

After that, one went out of the palace to tell fortunes every day, and the other looked forward to that person coming to tell fortunes every day.

This back and forth creates feelings for each other.

Although the young man made a fortune and became famous, she was a eldest princess, a eldest daughter and a direct descendant.

For the sake of the current situation, the new emperor removed Princess Yicheng from Qiming Khan. He once summoned him and asked him: "Is this marriage a happy marriage?"

At that time, he was less courageous and did not dare to speak out. In one sentence, Princess Yicheng married thousands of miles away and suffered for 30 years!

(End of this chapter)

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