Chapter 1106
"Thirty years ago, I promised her that if I meet her again, I will live up to her." Yuan Tiangang knelt on the ground. He rarely knelt down to Li Shilong. "Please show mercy to your majesty. I am willing to marry her in the imperial mausoleum." , spend the rest of your life together!”

"Get up quickly." Li Shilong quickly helped him up.

"If your Majesty doesn't agree, the ministers won't get up!" Yuan Tiangang also started to lie.

Li Shilong smiled bitterly and said, "You have posed a problem for me."

If Xiao Xuanji rectifies Li Shilong's name, then Li Shilong will definitely restore her identity, and a princess is indispensable.

Moreover, in terms of seniority, she is his aunt.

If the two of them are together, Yuan Tiangang will become his uncle.

It's not that Li Shilong is stingy, he's just afraid that someone will make irresponsible remarks.

However, Yuan Tiangang worked hard for Daqian. If he hadn't devoted himself to assisting him, I might not be where he is today.

"Okay, I agree to it." Li Shilong took his hand and said, "You have never asked me for help in your life. Now that you can renew your relationship with Princess Yicheng, I am happy for you in my heart."

"Thank you, Your Majesty. I have caused trouble to Your Majesty!" Yuan Tiangang said gratefully.

"If you only think about good things and are afraid of trouble, I will fail as an emperor." Li Shilong thought for a while and said, "Do you want to marry her?"


"Well, after a while, I will be your matchmaker."

There are several reasons why Li Shilong agreed so readily.

He owed Yuan Tiangang too much, and he would feel uncomfortable if he didn't repay the favor.

Yuan Tiangang is loyal, and marrying Princess Yicheng will not only allow Yuan Tiangang to continue to stay in the capital, but also allow Princess Yicheng to settle down.

Kill two birds with one stone.

If it were anyone else, he would definitely not agree, but Yuan Tiangang didn't have those concerns.

"Wei Chen, thank you for your holy grace!" Yuan Tiangang knelt down again excitedly.

This time Li Shilong did not help him again, but said: "Seeing you happy makes me happy too."

After Yuan Tiangang got up, he said goodbye and left.

He knew very well that Li Shilong would definitely agree.

It's just that he needs a step up, and he also needs to give Xiao Xuanji a proof.

After that, he never mentioned resigning again.

Even if the book is revised, it will be done under Li Shilong's eyes.

Li Shilong walked around the Tai Chi Palace with his hands behind his back, "Gao Shilian, for tomorrow's court meeting, you should leave the palace early to call Jing Yun. Don't let that lad be late because he's too lazy.

Also, from now on, all court meetings will be postponed for half an hour.

While waiting, let the imperial kitchen cook breakfast, let them eat and drink, and then talk about state affairs! "

Gao Shilian quickly said: "Yes, I obey the order!"

Early the next morning, Gao Shilian went to the Qin Mansion, but failed.

"Prince, the Prince Consort didn't return home yesterday?"

"No, he's at Dingyuan County Duke's Mansion." Qin Xiangru said, "I'll have someone go wake him up right now."

"No need, I'll go there myself." Gao Shilian said: "Your Majesty has postponed the time for the court and court meetings, but it doesn't have to be as urgent as before."

Qin Xiangru rarely takes care of things now, and the price bureau that he was in charge of before has also been given away.

He is now a mascot, taking care of his children at home every day, and is basically in a semi-retired state.

"Okay, Duke Gao, I'm not feeling well, so I won't go to court. Please tell your Majesty, Duke Gao!" Qin Xiangru said. He was as lazy as he could now. He was already old, so there was no need to be so lazy. Progress.

Qin Mo from the province said he would not waste his family.Gao Shilian smiled bitterly. Is Qin Xiangru starting to follow Qin Mo's route?

However, he didn't say anything. With Qin Mo here, it really didn't matter whether Qin Xiangru went or not.

As long as one of the father and son is here.

He rushed to the Dingyuan County Duke's Mansion without stopping.

Qin Mo was holding Fang Shu like an octopus and sleeping soundly.

But the moment Gao Shilian shouted, Fang Shun woke up and pushed Qin Mo, "Get up, Gao Gong is here to tell you to go to court!"

Qin Mo was a little confused in his sleep, and his head was arched, making Fang Shua feel numb.

At that moment, Fang Chun clenched his fist and hit Qin Mo soberly, "If you don't get up quickly, you can't open your eyes. Once you open your eyes, you will know that you are bullying someone!"

Qin Mo covered his head and bared his teeth and said, "Then I'm not trying to make up for the missing two years?"

"Get up!"

Fang Shun glared at Qin Mo.

Gao Yao on the side picked up his clothes and came over, "Master, I've been calling you godfather for a long time."

Qin Mo didn't stay in bed any longer. Gao Shilian couldn't be kept waiting.

"Ancestor, you finally came out!" Gao Shilian was anxious, "Have you forgotten what His Majesty said yesterday?"

"Nothing." Qin Mo rubbed his eyes, "Let's go into the palace. I wrote all night long last night and I'm exhausted!"

The fact is that Qin Mo had been sharpening the water shield last night, and he had lost his temper.

Gao Shilian didn't know that when he saw Qin Mo's eyes as red as rabbits, he said with some distress: "When we enter the palace, I asked someone to make ginseng soup. It's made from wild ginseng that is hundreds of years old. Drink some later."

"Where's my dad? He's not here?"

"The prince said he was feeling unwell!"

Qin Mo laughed when he heard this, "My father is as strong as an ox, will he feel uncomfortable?"

Gao Shilian smiled bitterly, "It's enough that one of you two is in charge, otherwise it will be too conspicuous!"

Qin Mo got into the carriage and lay down, "Uncle, I'll squint for a while, I'm too sleepy!"

Gao Shilian nodded, while Gao Yao sat aside and guarded Qin Mo.

Looking at the bite marks on Qin Mo's neck, he cursed in his heart, "Smelly female crown, you are so cruel, you bit her all over your neck!"

Gao Shilian also noticed Qin Mo's neck at this moment and smiled bitterly, "Young man, you really know how to play!"
Soon, the carriage arrived at Chengtian Gate, and the small door was already opened.

Many people had already entered, sitting in the temporarily opened canteen and eating breakfast while snoring.

"Hey, the sun is out in the west, and the court actually provides breakfast?"

As soon as Qin Mo said something, Li Yue, who was sitting there, waved, "Idiot, come here, I've prepared one for you!"

"Jingyun, uncle is going to the palace first. Someone will bring ginseng soup in a moment." Gao Shilian said, turned around and walked in.

Qin Mo rushed to Li Yue's side and glanced at him.

Liu Rujian, Dou Yiai, and Chai Rong were all here, and Gongsun Min was sitting not far away.

Li Xin also came and sat opposite Qin Mo.

"Morning, Jingyun!" Li Xin greeted with a smile, holding a bowl of rice in his hand and a food plate in front of him, all of which were fine dishes: "Thanks to you, His Majesty has postponed the time for going to court by half. For an hour, give me the extra time to drink morning tea, eat breakfast, and recharge your batteries."

"It's only half an hour, it will take at least an hour." Qin Mo curled his lips and muttered: "Young people like me lose half an hour of sleep every day, and they have to sleep for two hours during the day to make up for it. .”

Everyone's lips twitched, this piece of shit was so lazy!

(End of this chapter)

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