big dry son-in-law

Chapter 1107 If I can’t beat you to death, my surname is not Qin!

Chapter 1107 If I can’t beat you to death, my surname is not Qin!
At this time, a little eunuch came over with ginseng soup.

Qin Mo took the ginseng soup, slurped it in his mouth, and rinsed his mouth.

Then I started to eat early and took my time.

In front of him, there were seven or eight kinds of food, which were all bought by Li Yue and several people. Each person was given two kinds, which looked very rich.

After eating and drinking, the palace door opened wide, and a eunuch stood there shouting: "Go to the palace!"

Everyone put down their bowls and chopsticks and filed in.

This time, Qin Mo did not stand in the corner, but chose a middle position.

"Jingyun, come here!" Cheng Sanaxe waved to Qin Mo. Seeing that Qin Mo ignored him, he grabbed his shoulder with a palm-like hand, and then pulled Qin Mo away. past.

"You kid, why are you hiding from me? I asked you to help me last time. You must be stingy."

Qin Mo knew that this old dog had a lot of things to do, so he simply pursed his lips and said nothing.

Cheng Sanxu laughed angrily, "You're heartless. I used to talk to you about Uncle Cheng, but now you're looking at me with your nostrils!"

"Stop talking nonsense, you're making a lot of noise!" Li Daoyuan glared at Cheng San and pulled Qin Mo down behind him, "Jingyun, stand here and stay away from this old dog from now on.

He fights every day without looking at his own weight. "

Cheng Sanfu sighed, and his mood was very low. If Qin Mo didn't help, it seemed like there was no chance!

Do you really think he is willing to be shameless?
Doesn’t he have many sons?

At this moment, Li Shilong came. He glanced around and saw Qin Mo behind Li Daoyuan, and he couldn't help but nodded.

It seems that delaying for half an hour is quite wise. This bitch actually stands so upright.

After everyone paid homage, Dou Xuanling stepped forward and said, "Your Majesty, I have this memorial!"


"Your Majesty postponed the court meeting for half an hour because he was considerate of his subjects and set up a canteen, which was a wise move. However, some people waste food wantonly, which is really shameful.

Qin Mo was the first to bear the brunt. One person had to eat seven or eight kinds of food, which wasted a lot.

There were hundreds of subjects in large and small court gatherings. Over the course of a year, there was no telling how much money the court wasted.

I ask your Majesty to punish Qin Mo.

At the same time, breakfast is made strictly according to the number of people attending the meeting, and pickets are set up. If there is any waste, it will be reported and deducted from their salary for the month! "

Qin Mo was speechless. He took care of himself as soon as he came.

"Jingyun, is what Xuanling said true?"

"Father, it's true. My son-in-law is willing to be punished!" Qin Mo said: "It's shameful to waste food. Please punish me, father. I hope others will learn from it and don't waste food just after you have eaten."

Everyone was stunned. Qin Mo actually accepted it happily?
Even Li Shilong found it incredible, but then he thought that Qin Mo might have done this intentionally.

In fact, he had thought about this issue when he set up the canteen.

Although Qin Mo is a fool, he still values ​​food very much.

Therefore, he must have done it intentionally today.

Thinking of this, he said: "I hate people who are extravagant and wasteful. Although there was a bumper harvest last year, it is still no reason to waste.

I will punish you with a hundred taels of silver and a hundred shi of food, and donate them to the Royal Charity Society!
At the same time, pickets are set up. If any waste is discovered in the future, they will be fined a thousand taels of silver and a thousand dan of grain!
If I find a case, I will punish it and I will never tolerate it! "

"Yes, Father!"

Dou Xuanling also glanced at Qin Mo and thought, this kid may have done this intentionally.

However, the effect is very good. A thousand taels of silver and a thousand stones of food are nothing to Qin Mo.

Not a good deal.

"Is there any more playing?"

"Father, my son-in-law has this note!" Qin Mo came out with a wat tablet in his hand. This wat tablet is not for playing with, but for recording. No matter how good your memory is, you will forget it sometimes.If you have the original memorial, you can write the summary on the Wat board.

And it also has one of the biggest functions, which is to cover the face.

If there is trouble today, the emperor asks everyone if there is anything they can do.

Then you can use the wat board to cover your face.

Just like the teacher asked a question in class.

At this moment, everyone looked sideways. Qin Mo had been in the court for many years, and he could count the number of memorials on three fingers.

But every time, it caused chaos in the court.

Gongsun Wuji squinted his eyes, thinking about what Qin Mo was planning to do.

Either he doesn't play it, or he plays it, and he must have a complete plan.

And it echoes up and down, the kind that you can't stop.

"Say!" Li Shilong said.

“My son-in-law recently visited the Women and Children’s Protection Association and found that there were many people being rescued but very few protectors.

There are approximately [-] women and abandoned children who have suffered domestic violence.

However, only a few or less than a hundred people came to help.

On average, each person has to help a hundred people, which my son-in-law found incredible.

As early as last year, my son-in-law heard that the Empress General was in charge of the association, and the court intended to officially recognize the status of the Women and Children's Protection Association.

But to this day, the status of this association is still unresolved.

As a result, it is difficult for more than [-] people to receive effective help.

My son-in-law doesn't know what kind of idiots are opposed. It's okay if they don't help, but they are still obstructing him.

Thinking of this, my son-in-law was heartbroken.

Therefore, my son-in-law thought over and over again and implored His Majesty to legislate for the disadvantaged, formally recognize the Women and Children Protection Association, and establish it as a regular government agency.

At the same time, officials were established, and many female officials were hired.

Not only in the capital city, but also in all prefectures and counties, women and children protection associations must be established.

Since then, when officials were promoted, domestic violence and abandonment were listed as one of the promotion assessment criteria.

Anyone who domestically abuses women, abandons children, buys and sells women, or buys and sells children should be punished with serious crimes. "

Qin Mo's voice was very loud, and everyone finally understood what he was playing, and it actually involved the harem.

Li Daoyuan looked at Du Jingming and Yu Boshi, and it seemed that this boy had listened.

Gongsun Wuji sighed and thought, is this his plan to perfect the harem law?
He was the first to speak out: "I object, if the Women and Children Protection Association is formalized, it will involve the issue of the harem interfering in politics.

This is the bottom line that must not be opened! "

"I second the proposal!" Dou Xuanling came out and said.

This matter was not directed at Qin Mo, but he also felt it was inappropriate.

He thought that since Qin Mo went to court to present the memorial, the emperor must have known about it.

Why not discuss it first?
Legislating for the weak is a good thing, but doing politics in the harem is a big deal!
Qin Mo's words stirred up waves, and there were actually many opponents.

"Qin Mo, I don't know what your intention is to let the harem interfere in politics. You are going to be nailed to Daqian's wall of shame!"

"Qin Hanzi, have you suffered from Soul Leaving Syndrome again? If so, go to the Imperial Medical Office. Don't talk nonsense here and spoil my work!"

Qin Mo glanced around and held his head high, "Whoever disagrees, stand up and let's go outside and argue. If we can't beat you to death, my surname is not Qin!"

(End of this chapter)

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