big dry son-in-law

Chapter 1108 I, Qin Mo, am the most reasonable!

Chapter 1108 I, Qin Mo, am the most reasonable!
Qin Mo rolled up Lao Gao's sleeves.


A big hammer fell from his sleeve and fell to the ground.

Everyone's eyes were wide open. This bitch was actually carrying a weapon!

Although Qin Mo can wear a sword when he goes to court, is it too arrogant to wear a hammer?
Those old men with stiff necks shrank their necks the moment they saw the hammer.

Especially Zhuge Sui, Lao Gao rolled up his sleeves. He had long wanted to have sex with Qin Mo.

Seeing this scene, he also silently lowered his sleeves.

After all, the head is not as hard as a hammer!

Li Shilong said angrily: "You bitch, why are you bringing a hammer to court? Who are you going to hit? If you dare to attack, see if I can spare you!"

"Father, these people are so irritating. They bully a weak woman like my mother. As a son-in-law, if I don't give them some color, they think I'm a soft persimmon!"

Qin Mo walked back and forth among the crowd with his big hammer in his hands, "Are you not convinced?"

The big hammer was placed directly on the head of a civil servant.

"No, I'm convinced!"

The civil servant's head was sweating and he waved his hands repeatedly.

"Damn it, I'm not in the capital, yet you dare to bully my mother, do you have any intention?

You stay in the temple every day, have you ever stooped down to see it?

There is also the Ministry of Personnel, Lao Du, you said restructuring and restructuring, what is the name of the change?
It has been several years. Has the official system been resolved?
How many of these great men have been let go?

Didn’t you say that officials were reformed? How was the reform going? "

Qin Mo turned the big hammer. Now that he no longer plays with gunpowder, he is still as good as before.

The small hammer is forty, the big hammer is eighty, the hammer will not fail!
Du Jingming was also burned by the fire and gave a wry smile. This piece of shit is just a big catfish in the pond. It doesn't do much on weekdays. Whenever something happens, it will chase after everyone's butts and bite them.

He glanced at Li Shilong from the corner of his eye and found that he was not too angry. He must have been a little annoyed when everyone jointly rejected him before.

After all, the queen's wisdom is recognized by the world. Since the reform, the queen has been the most aggrieved.

Li Shilong had already compensated her long ago, and finally found something for the queen to do, but they still didn't allow it.

If I let you do it again, it's okay this time, just blow up this big catfish.

"The transfer of officialdom and the change of officials are all major events. Although they are changing, there are limits to how they can be changed. They cannot be accomplished in one go.

Don’t you often say that if you take too big a step, you will easily lose your temper? "Du Jingming said.

"Three or four years have passed. It's not working to change the official position, and it's not working to change the official position. What can you do?

Domestic violence is a crime for women, child abandonment is a crime, and bullying of my mother is a crime! "

As soon as these words came out, everyone fell down and said, "Your Majesty, Qin Hanzi's soul-leaving syndrome has occurred again, and he has started to talk nonsense and be stupid again."

"I have nothing but respect for the Queen, why should I bully her!"

Li Shilong didn't even say anything. These people were so tepid that sometimes they could make him almost angry to death.

It was also during the past two or three years that Qin Mo was absent. They may have felt that the atmosphere in the court was too good.

Now that the yamen was rich again, they were unwilling to move, and frivolity began to prevail throughout the court.

This bitch needs to be dealt with severely.

"Old dog Zhuge, I heard that you are the one who screams the loudest. What's wrong with my mother who just wants to provide shelter for the helpless people?
Firstly, she does not participate in politics, secondly, she does not need to allocate money from the court, and thirdly, she does not control the military power. All she needs is the money allocated from my mother's treasury.

You all regard the queen as your mother, but you are only willing to let her weave cloth in the harem and manage the 72 concubines in the three palaces and six courtyards.

She can't even get out of the palace, so how can she be the mother of the world? "

Qin Mo rushed over with a hammer.

Zhuge Sui was almost frightened, "Qin Mo, stop it!"

He backed away sharply.

There was a bang.The hammer hit the white marble floor and sparks flew everywhere!

The hammer almost touched Zhuge Sui's chest and the clothes fell down. If he hadn't dodged quickly, he would have been brain-dead when the hammer came down.

Zhuge was so frightened that he was sweating all over.

"Old Zhuge, stop leaving. If I don't punish you today, if you call me daddy, your surname will not be Qin!"

Qin Mo rushed forward directly.

There are civil servants nearby who are doing evil things.

Qin Mo was not used to it. He danced like a tiger with a hammer, hurting him if he rubbed it, and destroying him if he hit it!
"Your Majesty, help!"

Zhuge Sui shouted, but in the next second, Qin Mo jumped up and was riding on him.

The hammer fell in front of his eyes.

Before he could feel the pain, a fist as big as a casserole landed on his face.

"I let you bully my mother, and let you have no regard for the common people. You have enough to eat, your wife does not need to be bullied, and your children are supported.

But there are many people who are not! "

Zhuge Sui howled when Qin Mo beat him.

The civil servants and military generals suddenly became a mess.

Li Shilong had not seen this kind of scene for many years. Although he was quite satisfied with Qin Mo's performance, he still pretended to be furious and said, "Don't stop me, let them beat me, and every one killed will be counted."

I want to see how many lives they have! "

As soon as Li Shilong said these words, Li Daoyuan and the others became excited.

If His Majesty was really furious, he would have asked the guards to pull away, and then rewarded each of them with dozens of big boards.

Will they continue to fight?
"Your Majesty, pull away. If you fight again, someone will really die!"

Several civil servants came forward to plead.

"I can't control this bitch. Let him beat him. If he beats him to death, I'll let him pay with his life!" Li Shilong snapped the document frantically.

Gongsun Wuji was very smart and kept silent at all.

He came home later, so it had nothing to do with him.

Moreover, it would be good for their family if the queen had more rights.

At least for now.

Otherwise, that bitch Qin Mo would really dare to chase him with a hammer!

"Qin Xiaoxiao, if you continue to beat me, I will fight you to the death!"

"Qin Mo, stop fighting!"

"Jingyun, I was wrong, stop fighting."

Zhuge Sui's eyes were so swollen that he could hardly open them. At this moment, he was even more ashamed and angry.

"It's cheap!"

Qin Mo spat, then stood up, put the hammer on his shoulder, and glanced at everyone, "If there is any blind bitch who wants to reason with me, come with me."

Talk about a fart!

Everyone was angry and helpless.

When you meet other people, you can still make sense, but when you meet Qin Mo, your reasons become irrational!
When Ji Zhisheng saw this, he quickly stood up and said, "Your Majesty, I believe that letting the Queen lead the Women and Children's Protection Association is in compliance with the destiny.

In the past dynasties, the power of the queen was not clear, so that the harem often interfered with politics.

Whether or not to participate in politics often depends on personal feelings. This is a vague policy!
If the queen's power is clear, the harem can be more effectively prevented from interfering in politics.

Secondly, it can lead the harem more effectively and let the queen's wisdom shine through! "

(End of this chapter)

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