big dry son-in-law

Chapter 1109. Cheng Sanaxe attacks!

Chapter 1109 The attacking Cheng Sanaxe!

Ji Zhisheng has now completed the rectification of Ji family Confucianism and implemented the principle of teaching without distinction.

In Southern District College, the number of female students enrolled is increasing every year.

Some female students are really talented, no less talented than men.

Even better in some aspects.

This also made Ji Zhisheng change his previous views.

In the past, he was forced to change, but after careful education, he did find many problems.

Especially after absorbing some of the advantages of the new learning, he felt that Ji's Confucianism was even more impeccable.

He also often reads newspapers. After students complete their studies, being able to review their results is a good job to make a living.

Could it be that those thousands of female students, after completing their studies, can only marry and raise their children?
Living in the backyard every day, never leaving the front door or taking steps towards the second door?

So what's the point of their learning?
Just to reproduce for men?
Then why do they work so hard to impart knowledge?
Will they go back to the old path of most women?
Neither is.

Everyone looked at Ji Zhisheng in surprise.

Didn't he never deal with Qin Mo?

Why did you suddenly speak for Qin Mo?

“Your Majesty, I happened to read about the Women and Children’s Protection Association in the newspaper, and the author of the article wrote a sentence that is still fresh in my mind.

It says: A man’s hands are used to conquer the world and guard the four directions, not to beat women.

A man's majesty and strength are not demonstrated by hitting women.

A real man is worthy of his country and court, his wife, children and parents, and his conscience.

This is how you become a man!

If domestic violence against a good wife and abandonment of one's own children are not punished, then wouldn't I be like a donkey dung egg with a smooth surface?
Therefore, I sincerely request your Majesty to formally enshrine the legitimacy and formality of the Women and Children’s Protection Association.

Let these weak people, under the protection of the Queen, take a breather! Ji Zhisheng said: "Although the establishment of female officials is a precedent, wasn't the emergence of 'Madam' a thousand years ago also a precedent?"

Women are inherently weak and have been dependent on men for thousands of years, but this does not prevent them from being loyal and patriotic, nor does it prevent them from contributing their own strength!
What are the common people?

The surnames of hundreds of families!

There are either men or women in this world.

But what man is not born of a woman? "

Even Qin Mo didn't expect what Ji Zhisheng said.

"Lao Ji, that's well said!"

Qin Mo strode forward, cupped his hands and said: "Father, what Lao Ji said is definitely the words of conscience.

It is also the words of a few people in Daqian who are willing to speak out for the disadvantaged.

My son-in-law begged my father to legislate for the vulnerable, which is not limited to women who have been domestically abused or abandoned children.

There are also people with mutilated limbs, old people who have been abandoned by their children, who cannot speak, cannot hear, and have low intelligence.”

Qin Mo mentioned a dozen vulnerable groups in one breath, "Please give me your permission!"

After saying this, Li Daoyuan and Du Jingming took the lead and said, "Please give me your permission!"

Gongsun Wuji and Gongsun Min also stood up and said, "My lord, I second the proposal!"

"My son, I second the proposal!" Li Yue stepped out and said.

Li Xin glanced at Qin Mo and knew that he was doing it for the good of Empress Gongsun, so he said: "My lord, I second the proposal!"

With Qin Mo taking the lead, Ji Zhisheng was at the bottom, and the civil and military giants also came forward to second the proposal.

Those opposing voices don't matter anymore.

Qu Tuba clicked his tongue and stepped forward to help Zhuge Sui, "Brother Wen Liang, let me help you!"

Zhuge Sui felt sad in his heart, damn, Qin Hanzi didn't come back before, but you are not like this.

Each of them screamed more happily than anyone else.

It's better now, he's the only one getting beaten.

"If you don't get up, I'll let His Majesty judge!"

Zhuge Sui lay on the ground with his legs in the air, smearing nosebleed all over his face, and kept saying 'Ouch'!
"Damn it, it's so noisy!"

Cheng Sanxu cursed in a low voice, moved to Zhuge Sui's side calmly, and kicked Zhuge Sui unconscious, "Let's see how you scream again!" Everyone else's eyes widened.

Everyone cursed in their hearts.

Damn, Cheng Heizi is so ruthless this time, he doesn't mince words when he talks about it!

Qu Tuba smacked his lips.

Forget it, just pretend you didn’t see it.

This wind direction comes in waves.

Just follow the wind, you're right.

Li Shilong frowned and nodded slowly, "Where is the Zhezi?"

Qin Mo quickly handed over the memorial.

Li Shilong looked at it carefully.

Although Qin Mo is lazy, he is still very reliable when it comes to serious matters.

This excerpt is very well written.

He put the note on his desk and said, "Let the officials take a look at it later and come up with a charter together. Also, I have approved the canonization of the Women and Children's Protection Association!

The appointment of female officials in the capital is temporarily designated by the Queen and the Ministry of Personnel. Outside the capital, the appointment is by the Ministry of Personnel! "

"Father, Holy Ming!" Qin Mo said quickly.

Du Jingming also came out and said: "I obey the order!"

This Women's and Children's Protection Association will become one of the auxiliary yamen in the future.

I dare not say anything else, but it will definitely be a must-go place for all ladies and ladies in the future.

Therefore, relevant bills must also be perfect.

"In addition, the Ministry of Punishment and the Ministry of Rites must cooperate with the Ministry of Rites to establish new laws!" Li Shilong said calmly: "From today on, Zhuge Sui will no longer serve as the Minister of the Ministry of Household Affairs and will become the Minister of the Ministry of Rites.

Gongsun Wuji, serves as the Minister of Household Affairs, hand over official duties well, don't slack off! "

Although the official department is the most expensive, the household department is really rich now.

Gongsun Wuji stepped back from the brink. After working in Lingnan for two years, his return seemed to be on a normal note, but in fact he was promoted secretly.

The power in his hands is much greater than before.

"Weak minister, I obey the order!" Gongsun Wuji thanked him calmly.

"Huh? Where's Wen Liang?" Li Shilong frowned, "Why don't you say anything?"

The crowd separated into a lane, and Qu Tuba said: "Your Majesty, Zhuge Shangshu, he has fainted!"

Li Shilong was furious, "Why don't you call the imperial doctor over quickly?"

He hurriedly walked down the hall, looked at Zhuge Sui whose face was covered in blood, took out his belt and drew it towards Qin Mo without saying a word.


This belt pull made Qin Mo jump up.

"Father, it was you who asked us to beat him to death!"

"Quick, hold him, this bitch, I have to beat him to death today!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Cheng San hugged Qin Mo and said hypocritically in Qin Mo's ear: "Jingyun, it's okay, just two hits and it'll be over.

If you want to run, your butt will definitely bloom! "

"Ah ah, Cheng Laogou, where are you from?"

Cheng Sanxu said righteously: "I am from your Majesty's side!"

"You avenge your personal vengeance, just wait!"

Cheng Sanaxe grinned, "Your Majesty, fight quickly, this idiot is too strong, I can't hold him anymore!"

With that said, he snatched the hammer from Qin Mo's hand and handed it over, "Your Majesty, use this to hit him. Just one strike will make him honest!"

Li Shilong looked at the hammer that was handed to him, and for a moment he didn't know whether to take it or not!

(End of this chapter)

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