big dry son-in-law

Chapter 1110 What a beautiful acting!

Chapter 1110 What a beautiful acting!

Qin Mo is so angry, Cheng Heizi is so petty.

I just didn't help him, right?
His backhand was just an elbow, but who was Cheng Sanfu? He was fighting in the court every day for more than ten years.

All kinds of black tricks are handy.

Qin Mo's elbow was directly blocked by him.

What followed was Li Shilong's belt like raindrops.

It was only after Li Yue came to plead for mercy that Li Shilong stopped.

Don't look at the marks all over Qin Mo's body, they will all disappear within two hours at most.

But Qin Mo couldn't help but scream, the screams made his head hurt.

"Forget it this time." Li Shilong said: "Go home and think about it for two months, and you will be punished with three years of salary!
For the sake of your advice, we are fighting each other again, so I will show mercy outside the law.

If there is another time, you pack your things and go to Dali Temple to stay for half a month! "

Li Shilong wanted to say half a year, but after thinking about it, he still couldn't do it. That was not a punishment, but a reward!

"Your Majesty, isn't fighting a downgrade?" someone reminded.

"Except for the title of Prince Consort, he has no official position now. Do you want me to demote him to a commoner?" Li Shilong snorted.

Everyone smiled wryly.

Qin Mo must be said to be cunning. In the past, he was demoted in fights, but now he has no official title at all, and fighting is in vain.

Does Qin Mo like that little salary?

Facing the wall and thinking about your faults is a punishment to others, but it is nothing to Qin Mo.

Is he still enjoying himself at home?
"Stop yelling. If you yell again, I will sew your mouth shut!"

Li Shilong returned to the dragon chair, and Zhuge was carried to the Imperial Medical Office. "Is there any more of this memorial?"

"Father, my son-in-law has a book!" Qin Mo came out again!
Everyone's scalps went numb.

This piece of shit still has a main tune?
Many people's hearts have been raised.

He played it once, and Zhuge Sui was carried down. He played it again, and who was carried down again?
Moreover, Zhuge Sui quietly surrendered.

Do you dare to say that there is no trace of Qin Mo in this?

This bitch is cunning enough, but if he adds an emperor to the equation, wouldn't he be eaten to death?

What they didn't know was that this matter had nothing to do with Qin Mo.

Zhuge Sui was very principled, but he was really bad at economics.

Daqian has developed so fast, but the household department has never made much progress. Li Shilong is very dissatisfied with this!
Therefore, after Gongsun Wuji returned to Beijing, he was the first person he thought of.

"What's the matter?" Li Shilong asked.

"When my son-in-law went to Nanfan, Su Pi surrendered and accidentally found the eldest princess of the Northern Zhou Dynasty, Princess Yicheng.

Princess Yicheng, after returning to her country, deeply felt God's grace and went to her son-in-law, saying that Emperor Li's rule was far superior to that of the Northern Zhou Dynasty.

The people's hearts have returned, the people live and work in peace and contentment, and the military is flourishing like never before.

Princess Yicheng also said that Emperor Li ended the troubled times, upheld justice for the people of the world, and gained the legitimacy of the country.

However, among the people, there are still people who have not yet developed their wisdom, and they say that Emperor Li won the country incorrectly.

Princess Yicheng wants to rectify Da Qian's name and rectify Emperor Li's name! "

As soon as Qin Mo finished speaking, everyone present took a breath.

"Princess Yicheng is still alive?"

"Didn't you say that Princess Yicheng is dead? How could it be?"

Not many people know about this matter, except Li Daoyuan.

They were also very emotional.

People fight when they fight, and Qin Mo can even run into the princess of the previous dynasty.

Damn it, I can persuade others to clear up Da Qian's name.

Li Yuan and Li Shilong both worked hard for this matter.But there's still not much progress.

Princess Yicheng has a very high reputation among the people. Every year on the day when Princess Yicheng is born, people will spontaneously pay homage to her.

There is even the Yicheng Empress Temple, which has countless incense.

Li Shilong is also a good actor. His expression changed from astonishment to shock to excitement, "Seriously?"

"My son-in-law doesn't dare to lie. Princess Yicheng is at my son-in-law's house right now," Qin Mo said.

“You bitch, you’re only telling me about such a big thing now!” Li Shilong deliberately cursed, showing great excitement, “Princess Yicheng is my aunt, she is actually a blood relative.

I was extremely sad when she got married, and I was even more heartbroken when I learned of her tragic news.

Unexpectedly, she is still alive! "

This acting is really beautiful!

Qin Mo couldn't help but click his tongue. Fortunately, Lao Liu didn't act too much, otherwise he would have vomited.

"Wuji, take someone to welcome Aunt Lihua in!" He said, "Forget it, I'll welcome him in person!"

He hurriedly walked down the hall and trotted away from Tai Chi Palace.

When everyone saw that the emperor had run away, they quickly trotted to follow him.

Qin Mocai was too lazy to run and walked slowly behind. Li Yue was still in the dark, "Idiot, you are really good and you have made a contribution again!"

"It was delivered to your door. I don't even want to take it!" Qin Mo sighed.

"Grandpa Huang and my father have always wanted these people to bow their heads, but they have never been able to do so. Even Chai Shao used both soft and hard tactics!" Li Yue whispered, "Your contribution to this has gone to my father's heart."

Qin Mo shook his head helplessly, thinking, if you weren't a bitch like you, you stretched your crotch too much before, this credit would have been yours.

I'm still happy here.

However, he was also happy for himself.

Although he was a bit stupid, he was really kind to himself and listened to his own advice.

People always have shortcomings.

His biggest shortcoming, Mr. Qin, is that he is too handsome, too capable of meritorious deeds, and too attractive to girls, and he cannot change it.

At this time, Li Xin came over and said, "Jingyun, thank you!"

"Thank me for what?"

"Thank you for everything you have done for your mother!" Li Xin said sincerely.

"That's your queen mother, and she's also my queen mother. Is there a problem?"

"No!" Li Xin smiled and shook his head, "With you and Lao Ba here, I can go to Tianxiang Kingdom with peace of mind. I will be leaving the day after tomorrow. Can I invite you to my house for a meal before I leave?"

"You won't dig another hole for me, will you?"

"Don't be afraid, I don't eat people!" Li Xin laughed.

"Brother, I'm not welcome!"

"Of course you're welcome!" Li Xinda said: "I'm afraid this farewell will take several years again, but this time I want to take Ronger away.

The child at home is too young and needs to stay in the capital. Jingyun, I will ask you to help educate him then. "

"You are really good at abacus!" Qin Mo was speechless, "You and your wife went out to live in a world of two and left the child with me. Why, I am your nanny?"

"If you want to be a nanny, I won't refuse!" Li Xin laughed, "I wouldn't worry if I left it to others, but I wouldn't worry if I left it to you.

We don’t ask them to be rich and powerful, we just ask them to understand how to behave and do things. "

"I don't even understand myself as a human being!"

"Don't say that. You are recognized as the number one pure filial piety in the world, and I, Li Xin, recognize it too!"

"Stop hating me." Qin Mo said, "We are not friends. Do you believe that I taught your child to be a villain?"

"Then I admit it too!"

(End of this chapter)

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