big dry son-in-law

Chapter 1111 The driving force of history!

Chapter 1111 The driving force of history!
"Damn, you think you've got me?" Qin Mo got angry, "You said inviting me to dinner is just a step up, you just want to give me your child, right?

I can't take care of those kids in my family, but I can't take care of you? "

"One sheep is being driven, and a group of sheep are being driven, there is no difference!" Li Xin said: "I will prepare ten ships of treasures for you, how about it as a apprenticeship ceremony for my two sons and daughters?"

"How can I, Qin Mo, be a money-grubbing person? How much material are you talking about for the ship? A hundred materials, a thousand materials, or three thousand materials? Or is it the latest steel ship?"

Li Xin's face turned green.

He knew that the steel ship was modeled after the treasure ship. It was full of information. It was said that it was equipped with the latest steam engine, which replaced the human rower.

However, it takes a little longer to get into the water, five to ten years.

"How about two thousand materials and ten ships?" Li Xin gritted his teeth.

"Only two thousand materials!" Qin Mo said, "Forget it, for the sake of my sister-in-law, I reluctantly agreed!"

Still reluctant?
A 200-ton ship is loaded with jewels and is worth at least 2000 million taels. Ten ships would be worth [-] million taels.

It was equivalent to Qin Mo conquering a medium-sized country, and he still looked disgusted.

But thinking about Qin Mo's all-powerful means and ten ships of treasures, it seems to be nothing.

To him, money is just a number.

If he doesn't agree, what if it's a hundred ships of jewels?

What he didn't know was that Qin Mo had invested a lot of gold in the bank, and the existing monetary system was still too troublesome.

In the future, unified minting, issuance of banknotes, and new coins will be the trend.

However, Qin Mo doesn't want to do it yet. He will unify the currency systems of neighboring countries first, and then slowly cut the leeks.

"Then come to my house for dinner tonight!" Li Xin said and hurried away.

Li Yue said: "You kid, you made ten more treasures without saying a word."

"Am I short of that treasure?" Qin Mo said: "He went to Tianxiang Kingdom and probably won't come back for several years. He took his children there, but he didn't feel confident.

In order to avoid suspicion, the sister-in-law's family is either sent to a remote village or guarded outside. Who cares about these two children?

Let the queen mother take care of it, if the name is not justified, people will still say it as time goes by.

I really owed you my hard-working life to the Li family in my previous life! "

Soon, everyone arrived at the Dingyuan County Duke's Mansion, and Li Shilong led the ministers in personally.

Chai Shao stepped forward to verify Xiao Xuanji's identity.

In fact, many people have never seen Xiao Xuanji. Of course, some have seen it, but it has been so long that their memories are blurred.

However, Chai Shao would never joke about this matter.

Many people recognized Xiao Xuanji immediately when they saw him.

Li Shilong once again staged a drama of recognition.

Xiao Xuanji was particularly generous and had tears in his eyes.

Qin Mo remained silent in the corner the whole time.

After the scene of recognition ended, Xiao Xuanji knelt on the ground and said: "Xiao Lihua is an orphan from the previous dynasty. Thank you for taking her in."

"Aunt Lihua, get up quickly!" Li Shilong went to help her, but didn't.

"Let me finish!"

Xiao Xuanji said: "I have been living outside for 30 years, and I have witnessed the turmoil in the grassland, and I have also seen the grassland's coveting of the Central Plains.

From the initial intrusion, to now they are afraid to go south even an inch, and even the grassland is divided, and the south is almost back to the dry land.

You have made the people of the Central Plains live a good life.

My cousin deserves the most credit, and you deserve the most. On behalf of the people, I, Xiao Lihua, would like to express my heartfelt thanks to you and your son.

Da Qian gained the orthodoxy of the country.

It is not a conspiracy to usurp the throne, nor a subordinate to conquer the superior. It is an act of people's surrender and an act in compliance with the destiny of heaven.

Da Zhou lost its deer, Da Qian gained it.

It's what everyone expects.

Xiao Lihua, I would like to pray for Daqian and pray for His Majesty the Emperor Daqian.

May we work hard for thousands of years! "

Everyone's eyes were complicated after hearing this.Who would have thought that the eldest princess of the previous dynasty would actually personally acknowledge the legitimacy of Daqian.

Many people looked at Qin Mo.

The teeth of jealousy are about to break.

That bitch is really capable of meritorious deeds.

It's easy to do great work.

Don't give anyone any way to survive.

The civil and military officials in the court were so overwhelmed that they could no longer lift their heads.

Looking at the guy again, he still looked indifferent, holding his head high and looking impatient.

Li Shilong was completely relieved now. He was really afraid that Xiao Xuan would tell nonsense.

Fortunately, everything went smoothly, even better than he expected.

He quickly helped Xiao Xuanji up, "Aunt Lihua, you have suffered a lot these years. You have been protecting the people of Jiuqu in Supi for more than 20 years. I should be the one thanking you!"

He took Xiao Xuanji's hand, looked at the crowd and said, "Princess Yicheng is my aunt, a heroine. She is also a heroine. She has a fiefdom of Lantian and a city of thousands of households.

He was given ten imperial mansions, thousands of servants, 50 gold and silver, and a salary of thousands of stones.

Give the princess a mansion and ten thousand acres of fertile land. "

This is a big reward.

The princess of Daqian has three hundred households, the eldest princess adds six hundred, and even the elder princess can only have six hundred to nine hundred households.

Xiao Xuanji lived in a city with thousands of households and had a fiefdom of Lantian.

Lantian is a good place, and Li Shilong was not willing to give it to his own daughter.

Moreover, it is rare to use a heroine as a title.

50 gold and silver, a thousand stones of salary, and a generous reward to the princess mansion, which shows that Li Shilong is interested in her.

With just a thousand servants, Li Yushu was outclassed.

"Thank you Your Majesty!"

Xiao Xuanji wanted to kneel down, but was stopped by Li Shilong, "Aunt Lihua, there's no need to be polite!"

Xiao Xuanji gave him what he wanted, and Li Shilong gave it back to her twice as much.

From now on, Li Shilong no longer has to work hard to distort history or create any ideology.

The historian will definitely record this day.

The eldest princess of the Great Zhou Dynasty said that Da Qian won the orthodoxy of the country!
Li Shilong was in a good mood. He and Li Yuan had been thinking about it for 22 years and finally got it.

Everyone started flattering one after another.

It is said that Li Shilong became an emperor through civilization and so on.

"Jingyun, come here!"


Qin Mo ran forward quickly.

"Before Aunt Lihua's princess mansion is completed, I will rest in your mansion temporarily. You take good care of Lihua Yi, do you hear me?" Li Shilong said.

"Knowing that father, I will definitely take good care of my aunt!" Qin Mo blinked at Xiao Xuanji, and she would soon be his master's wife. In this way, he and Lao Liu
This is a super senior!
Thinking of this, Qin Mo was shocked, and a sincere smile appeared on his face.

Li Shilong waved everyone away and chatted with Xiao Xuanji for a long time before leaving the Dingyuan County Duke's Mansion.

After coming out, Li Shilong issued several orders, including the order to repair the imperial mausoleum of the Northern Zhou Dynasty and to pardon Emperor Zhou Yang.

As soon as the pardon order came out, everyone praised Li Shilong for his magnanimity.

Even the historian smiled.

From now on, there is no need to hunt down the remnants of the previous dynasty.

They are all people of Daqian.

Many years later, history would call this day a turning point in history.

And many historians call Qin Mo the promoter of history!
(End of this chapter)

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