Chapter 1112

Once the news that Xiao Xuanji had rectified Li Qian's name came out, the whole world was shocked.

Xiao Xuanji's reputation is still very resounding in Daqian. There are no fewer than ten Yicheng Empress Temples in the capital alone. On the fifteenth day of the Lunar New Year, the incense is at its peak.

And right after Xiao Xuanji, one after another the lonely ghosts from the past came forward to clear up Da Qian's name.

There are great scholars from the previous dynasty, and there are also nobles from the previous dynasty.

Li Shilong never closed his mouth, and it was only from this day that the surveillance of the Chai family was completely cancelled.

I just don’t know more than three.

Li Yuan lay in the hot spring and kept saying: "Jingyun, I want to thank you. I have fulfilled another wish of mine."

"Old man, thank you for seeing me outside. I just happen to meet you and do it occasionally!" Qin Mo said with a smile.

"What you do occasionally is much better than the two of us who have been planning for more than 20 years."

Li Yuan originally thought that Li Shilong had deliberately done this, so he met Xiao Xuanji in person and verified her true identity.

It is undoubtedly Xiao Lihua.

Li Yuan was very happy.

Although history is written by the victors, history that confuses right and wrong is nothing more than deceiving others.

Well now, these individuals have stood up to clear their names, and they have done a great job to bring justice to the country!

From now on, no one would dare to criticize the father and son on this matter.

"Old man, I have always been quite curious, is Emperor Yang really 'Yang'?"

"That's it!" Li Yuan stroked his beard, as if thinking about how to answer Qin Mo. After a while, he said: "This person has mixed success and failure. In the early stage, he was talented and rough, but in the later stage, he was willful.

Do you know why Emperor Yang conquered Gaoli three times? "

"Because Gao Liqian was provoking Dazhou, it's a pity that there was a mole inside. He was guaranteed to win!" Qin Mo said.

"That's on the one hand." Li Yuan said: "On the other hand, it was because he wanted to destroy the aristocratic family so much at that time. The aristocratic family is such a thief.

Most of the civil and military officials in the entire dynasty came from aristocratic families, how could they be destroyed?
So he set his sights on Gao Li. He conquered Gao Li three times and failed. He sent an army of millions to attack a small country. There was no reason why Yan You couldn't defeat him.

It’s not that there are no generals, nor that there isn’t enough food and grass.

You have to know that since the founding of the country, the granaries left by the previous dynasties have not been used up.

You know, Gao Li's armaments are completely different from those of Dazhou.

Why lose?

Emperor Zhou Yang wanted to consume the family through war and at the same time enhance his prestige by destroying Gaoli.

But has the family been wiped out?

No, it was just the common people who died.

Years of levying corvees and increasing taxes have done no harm to the family at all.

Even if he designated conscription, would all the millions of troops be dead?
He is too headstrong.

The Grand Canal was dug only a few years ago.

It was a good thing to dig a big river, it was a bridge connecting the north and the south, but the next year he took a big boat to go there.

When a person thinks he is invincible, he cannot hear the truth. "

Qin Mo nodded, "To put it bluntly, it's just swelling."

"Yes, it's just too arrogant." Li Yuan said: "This person has the means, but he has lost the support of the people and the family.

Why did I say that I would rule the world together with the aristocratic family? It's not that I didn't know the disadvantages of each. If it hadn't been for this sentence, I wouldn't have been able to defeat the Eighteenth Route Rebel King and rule the world in a few years!
It turns out that I am also from a wealthy family, so I know how arrogant these people are.

Their clan annals classified Huangli into the third class.

I feel more uncomfortable than anyone else.

Their intermarriage was not allowed by my father. As a result, the influence of the aristocratic family became so popular that they became proud to marry the daughter of the aristocratic family.

It was also at Erlang that the court began to check and balance the family. By the time you arrived, the family had been killed and fell into pieces.

Whether it's the south or the north, you've taken care of everything, and it's hard to make a difference.Daqian has no right to speak of. "

Speaking of this, Li Yuan smiled all over his face, "If Emperor Zhou Yang could convince the family, then he would be the emperor of the ages, but it's a pity that he didn't.

Even if I die, I can close my eyes. In the past, they were making all the decisions in the court, but I could only give in again and again.

That situation will never happen again. "

Qin Mo understood, right and wrong, success and failure were all in vain.

However, Li Yuan's evaluation of Yangdi is quite fair.

At least Qin Mo didn't blindly criticize him in person.

To be able to say that he has mixed success and failure is already Li Yuan's best evaluation of him.

He originally wanted to tentatively ask if he could change his posthumous title, but now he didn't have to ask for trouble.

"Next month, you are going to go on an expedition, right?"

"Probably so." Qin Mo scratched his head, "I'm going out, but you have to exercise on time and have Zan Ying come over to check your body on time."


Li Yuandao: "After this battle, there will be no more battles to fight. Even if there is, you should let others fight.

Stop running around outside every day. "

"I think so too. After this battle is over, I will write a book or something at home." Qin Mo said.

"I'm going to Lingnan with you. It's better to think clearly at the beach." Li Yuan stood up, "Let's go, I'm inspired. Let's write a book!"

Qin Mo smiled and said, "Come on!"

In mid-March, Qin Mo was supervising work, and Xiao Liuzi ran over quickly, "Master, here we come, Su Pi's caravan has entered Beijing!"

Qin Mo said something to Liu Wanche and ran over quickly.

If the two girls don't come again, they won't be able to see each other until the second half of the year.

At this time, Subi Mojie was sitting in the carriage, looking at the prosperity outside the window.

She was also holding a chubby little thing in her hand.

The little thing is more than a year old, and his big eyes are staring outside curiously.

In his memory, he had never seen so many houses before.

"Tiangao, this is your father's hometown!" The nickname Subi Mojie gave her child was not a typical Subi name.

Because Supi does not have its own written language, names are generally given according to the habits of Nanfan people.

She was afraid that the child's name would be too weird and make him look out of place with the other siblings.

Xiao Xuanji was asked to come up with a few names in advance.

She likes the word Tiangao very much, which means the emperor is proud and has a broad mind.

Tiangao is a nickname this day, and Qin Mo has to give him a famous name.

This is his right as a father, and he is also afraid that Qin Mo will have a grudge.

"Abba, Abba!" The little thing still couldn't speak clearly, and he kept speaking every word.

"Yes, if you see your father later, be sweeter." Subi Mojie's eyes sparkled. She took out a small mirror, handed the child to the maid, and immediately checked her makeup.

After making sure there was no problem, she felt relieved.

I don't know if Qin Mo will be happy after seeing him.

"King, the officials from Daqian said they would lead us to Honglu Temple!" A Supi female official came over to report.

"You tell him that we are family members of the Qin Mansion. Instead of going to Honglu Temple, just take us directly to the Qin Mansion!"

The reception officials at Honglu Temple were confused. Is Queen Subi a member of the Qin family?
Which Qin Mansion?

(End of this chapter)

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