big dry son-in-law

Chapter 1113: Small scene, don’t be too surprised!

Chapter 1113: Small scene, don’t be too surprised!

I haven't heard that Queen Subi has any relatives in the capital.

For a moment, the reception officer was in trouble, "Queen, according to the Daqian Order, envoys from the vassal state must be introduced to Honglu Temple as soon as possible when they enter the capital.

Our minister from Honglu Temple has been waiting for you for a long time. How about you send someone to notify your relatives to come to Honglu Temple to pick you up? "

Subi Mojie felt a little unhappy. She was full of joy and traveled across mountains and rivers to bring her child to the capital.

As a result, Qin Mo was not seen.

Just as he was thinking about it, a group of people came over on bicycles. The leading man put down his bicycle and walked over in a few steps, "The sky is high, daddy is so big!"

Seeing this man, Subi Mojie's original grievance disappeared instantly, but she still couldn't help but said: "I thought you didn't want us two anymore!"

The little thing was carried over by Qin Mo, his big eyes full of astonishment. He didn't understand why this dark and strong man hugged him and kissed him again and again.

"What nonsense are you talking about? There's a traffic jam on the road, so you're a little late!" Qin Mo put his arms around Su Bimojie's slim waist and gave her a deep and long kiss.

Su Pimojie is bold and enthusiastic. Although she has been educated by Xiao Xuanji since she was a child, the romance in her heart cannot be wiped out.

She hooked Qin Mo's neck and looked at others as if they were nothing.

The receptionist's eyes widened.

Good guy, the feelings belong to the Qin Mo family.

It's really good, I ate it on the street.

This is offensive.

I wanted to remind you, but who is this, Qin Mo!
Is that what he can say?

At that moment, he stood aside with his hands tied and bowed slightly, "I've seen Qin's consort, Captain!"

Don't say anything, just say goodbye first.

Qin Mo ignored him. He waved his hand and called a few people from Honglu Temple to form a human wall and let them eat as much as they wanted.

Both of them were a little forgetful.

It was the little thing's cry that made the two of them react.

Subi Mojie blushed fiercely, her heart beat even harder, her whole body felt limp, and her big eyes were watery.

Qin Mo wiped the rouge from his mouth and said, "Eldest son, go home with dad and see your Azu!"

After speaking, he patted the receptionist on the shoulder and asked, "What's your name?"

The reception officer hurriedly said: "My humble name is Huo Xi, and I am the reception officer of Honglu Temple!"

"Not bad, you have a bright future, I will remember you!"

Qin Mo hugged his son, hugged Subi Mojie's thin waist and got into the carriage.

Huo Xi quickly got out of the way.

Watching the motorcade leave, Huo Xi clicked his tongue, "As expected of Qin Mo, he is either a princess or a queen!"

Realizing that he was speaking too wildly, he quickly covered his mouth.

Little did he know that it was his actions today that allowed Huo Xi to rise to prominence and finally become the Minister of Honglu Temple.

On the carriage, Qin Mo asked, "What's in the carriage behind this?"

"It's nothing. It's just Supi's specialty. It's for my father-in-law, mother-in-law and several sisters, and the children."

She didn't bring anything valuable, just a thousand yaks, two thousand horses, gold, brass, musk and other things.

Qin Mo didn't pay much attention to it. Looking at the sky high, he felt very happy.

After the little thing stopped crying, his big eyes stared straight at Qin Mo, as if he had flowers on his face.

He doesn't look fair, and looks very much like a calf. Especially when he cries, the two brothers look exactly like they were carved out of the same mold.

100% Qin Mo's seed.

But it still has some Supidian characteristics.

"Tian Gao, this is your father, call him father!" Subi Mojie quickly guided him.

The little thing blinked, "Abba?"

"What Da Gan said is very true!" Qin Mo laughed, "When I go back, dad will look through the music and give you a nice name!"

Seeing that Qin Mo loved Tiangao so much, Subi Mojie was completely relieved of her worries. "By the way, has Mr. Xiao come to see you?"

"It's at my house. I'll take you there in a moment, and then go into the palace to see His Majesty. It's unreasonable for you to come to the capital and not go to see him because of your status."

"I listen to you!" Subi Mojie leaned against Qin Mo, her uneasiness and anxiety completely gone.

Back at the Qin Mansion, the Qin family also cleaned the entrance hall and put up lanterns and festoons.

"Can't you dress appropriately?" Qin Xiuying scolded: "This is the first time you come to our house, and you dress so casually?"

Qin Xiangru said speechlessly: "What about the queen? We still have three princesses in our family. It would be better to be casual. It is too grand and seems polite!"

After saying that, he couldn't help but scolded: "This bastard is really good, even if he marries a princess, he won't even let go of the queen of a foreign race.

You really don’t give me any way to survive. "

Look at this big family, the princess, princess and queen are all alive.

A noble family.

If he continues to show himself, the light of the Buddha will appear behind him.

"You can marry her if you can!" Qin Xiuying snorted.

"I don't dare to do anything!" Qin Xiangru raised his head, "I am dedicated, am I proud?"

Li Yulan and others were no longer surprised, and they all covered their mouths and snickered.

Several furry children also dressed up and stood at attention.

They are lined up from small to large, standing straight.

"Prince, here we come, the motorcade is here!" the butler ran in with surprise on his face.

"Let's go out and pick them up!"

Qin Xiangru walked out immediately.

There are 30 people in this big family.

When Subi Mojie stepped out of the carriage, she was startled by the grand scene.

Qin Mo held Tiangao in his hand and held her hand, "Don't be nervous, I'll introduce you properly!"

"This is my father and this is my aunt. This is actually my aunt. This is the third sister Li Yulan."

Qin Mo introduced them one by one.

Su Bimojie greeted each other one by one.

Seeing that Queen Su Pi was so polite and seeing the doll in Qin Mo's hand, Qin Xiangru's face was filled with laughter.

It’s his grandson again, and Qin Xiangru likes his grandson the most!
If it weren't for his embarrassment, he would just do it!

While Subi Mojie looked at them, Li Yulan and others were also looking at her.

This Subi Mojie has thick eyebrows and big eyes, her face is full of heroism, but there is a charm between her eyebrows.

She has a graceful figure and a clear voice. No wonder Qin Mo likes her.

"Dad, aunt, and sisters, Supi is poor and there is nothing of much value. I brought some specialties here this time!"

Subi Mojie quickly asked people to unload the car. When the things in the car were unloaded, everyone was in a daze.

One hundred taels of gold equals a thousand ingots, and brass, not to mention, is ten times as valuable as gold.

Musk has three horses.

There were also yaks and horses, which stunned Qin Xiangru.

"My dear, could this have emptied Subi's treasury?"

Qin Mo walked over and closed Lao Qin's mouth, "Dad, it's a small scene, don't be too surprised!"

"This is all for our family, where is your majesty?"

"Whatever is for our family belongs to our family. This is your daughter-in-law, do you know?" Qin Mo stuffed Tiangao into Lao Qin's arms, "This is my eighth son, your eighth eldest son." Grandson, your nickname is as high as the sky!"

This boy is like a small weight. After Qin Xiangru caught it, he grinned and said: "My good grandson, he is as strong as your father when he was a child!"

(End of this chapter)

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