big dry son-in-law

Chapter 1114 The Royal Expedition!

Chapter 1114 The Royal Expedition!

Su Pimojie's arrival was specially welcomed by everyone in the Qin family.

Li Yulan and others do not exclude Subi Mojie, because she will eventually return to Subi.

It's heaven-high, and it's the most popular.

At noon that day, the clan leader Qin Xianggui brought someone over to ask if Su Bimojie should be included in the family tree.

Of course, Tian Gao must be included in the family tree.

Qin Xiangru thought for a while, "The genealogy must be entered, but we have to go to the palace first, and the two of them haven't held a wedding yet, so the etiquette is not complete.

This etiquette will have to be made up for when the time comes. "

Qin Xianggui nodded, "That's the truth, but I may have to open another book. She is the queen after all. To show respect, I will open a separate book for her. Then her heirs will be remembered more clearly!"

Xiang Li Yulan, Li Yushu, Li Lizhen, and even Li Xue and Li Jingya all opened separate genealogies.

Even Chai Sitian is as valuable as her mother.

Although Niu Duzi was young, he was favored. While taking back the title of Qin Mo, he also gave Niu Duzi another title, so he also opened a separate family tree.

There is also Soga Sachiko, who is still the nominal queen of Wazhou. When her child is born, she will have to reopen a family tree alone.

As for Churui and the others, they are not qualified.

"Then we'll trouble the clan leader!" Qin Xiangru said.

"No trouble, this is a good thing. The county and king lineage are all among the best, which is a sign of great prosperity for our Qin clan!"

It is no exaggeration to say that Qin Mo's acquisition of these wives is worthy of envy even if he takes one alone.

Princess, princess, queen, there are seven together.

Chai Sitian is a second-grade imperial concubine, and Chu Rui and the others are also fifth-grade wives.


After Qin Xianggui left, Qin Mo took Su Bimojie and the child to the Dingyuan County Duke's Mansion.

Su Bimojie couldn't help but cry when she met Xiao Xuanji again after more than a year's separation.

Although this pair is not a biological mother and daughter, they are better than a biological mother and daughter.

After talking for more than an hour, Subi Mojie was reluctant to leave.

Afterwards, Qin Mo took her into the palace.

Li Shilong had an indifferent expression towards Subi Mojie, gave her many rewards, and acknowledged her status in person.

Su Pi's Guo Zuo was also saved.

When he was about to leave, Li Shilong stopped Qin Mo, "You bitch, you're really good at taking Queen Subi away without saying a word."

"Father, that is also an expedient measure, otherwise Su Pi would not have surrendered so quickly!"

Li Shilong was not really angry. He had known about this for a long time. He was just angry that Qin Mo didn't take her into the palace immediately.

"Now that she has given birth to a son for you, do you plan to let your son inherit the throne of Supi in the future?" Li Shilong snorted coldly.

"Ah no, Subi is a feminist country. Sons cannot inherit the throne, only daughters!" Qin Mo said: "Subin is a poor place. Even if I give birth to a daughter, I won't let them suffer in the past."

Hearing this, Li Shilong's face looked better, "You told me it's okay, but what do you want others to think?
They will definitely think that your son will inherit the throne.

Why are you so dissatisfied? You married three of my daughters, a royal daughter, and a princess.

There is already a Wazhou Queen by her side, which is not enough.

He also has to keep an eye on Tiangang's apprentice.

Now you have taken over Queen Subi again. You are so greedy that all the benefits have been taken away by you! "

"Father, Third Sister and the others agreed!" Qin Mo said with an innocent look.

"Do I still want to praise you?"

Li Shilong was very angry, "I don't care if you want to take concubines, but you have to pay attention to the impact!" "Father, calm down, I have restrained myself enough. I think back then, those aristocratic families tried their best to bring their daughters to me. Shit, I didn’t even look at it!”

Li Shilong was speechless for a moment.

Indeed, at the beginning, the Wang family and the Pei family used all kinds of sugar-coated bullets to marry their legitimate daughter to Qin Mo.

Qin Mo didn't pay attention to it, which showed that Qin Mo's heart was towards him.

"Don't think I'm stingy. Subi Mojie is the queen of a country after all. You got married without my permission. To say the least, you don't respect me.

To put it more seriously, what if I accuse you of being a traitor to the country and an enemy? "

Li Shilong couldn't help but kicked Qin Mo, "You've just made some merit, and you've caused me trouble again! But if you persuade Su Bimojie to abandon the dark side and turn to the bright side, your merits and demerits will be equal to each other.

I decree that I will give her to you, but your son cannot inherit the position of King Subi. If you have a daughter, it is okay to inherit in the past. "

There is still a big difference between a son and a daughter, and Li Shilong knows it very well.

Otherwise, what would happen to the two kings of the Qin family?
Expensive is not such a expensive method.

Or should we grant Su Pi to Qin Mo as a fief?
Su Pi only has such a small area. Even if he wants to seal it, he will seal the entire Gaoli Peninsula to the Qin family.

"Father, it's actually not necessary. After the defeat of Beinu is over, it's time for Nanfan to return to work. At that time, whether Nanfan or Supi, the state capitals will be re-divided.

Even if they were allowed to establish new laws on their own under the official system of governance, it would only be done under the supervision of Da Qian. "

Li Shilong thought for a moment and decided to return to Qiang from the south. This year happened to be the fourth year. After defeating Beinu this year, he would go to Qian from the south next year.

Everything is just right.

"If you don't return to work in Nanfang next year, let's see how I deal with you!" Li Shilong snorted: "I have retired in the past two years, and if you don't let me go as planned, I will have plenty of time to deal with you after I retire!"

Qin Mo shrank his neck, "I'll sue the old man!"

After saying that, Sayazi ran away.

Looking at Qin Mo's back, Li Shilong was helpless.

That night, Qin Mo and Su Pimojie relived their trip to the grassland.

Although this wild horse was tamed by Qin Mo, it had not galloped for more than a year. Now it let go of the reins and was very wild.

This wildness lasted until the beginning of April, when Subi Mojie's wildness was cleansed and tamed again.

After the Qingming Festival, Qin Mo put on heavy armor.

Li Shilong personally led the expedition and became the general marshal of the three armies, commanding the entire army.

Li Daoyuan, Cheng Sanfu, and Su Yun, who had just been transferred back, also left Beijing with Li Shilong.

Li Yue was temporarily ordered to supervise the country, and the fifteenth and sixteenth princes assisted in supervising the country.

It is very rare for three princes to supervise the country at the same time.

Many people smelled something strange.

This is clearly Li Shilong's test.

Anyone with a discerning eye knows that after defeating Beinu, Daqian will have no rivals.

The slaves in the New North are the turtles in the urn, while the slaves in the Northwest have fled to the Western Regions.

Gao Li is the fish on the chopping board.

The emperor's health is not as good as before, and the prince is growing again. It seems that it is time to choose a suitable heir for the empire.

Gongsun Wuji originally wanted to accompany the emperor on the expedition himself, but now he is the Minister of the Ministry of Household Affairs and needs to cooperate with the Ministry of War in allocating food and fodder.

He stayed in the capital.

In this way, we can find a way to win Li Yue's trust.

The general trend is here and it will not change, sooner or later it will be eliminated!
Gongsun Wuji knows it better than anyone else!
(End of this chapter)

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