big dry son-in-law

Chapter 1115 Your strategy is rubbish!

Chapter 1115 Your strategy is rubbish!

April [-]th, the wind is warm and the sun is beautiful.

It is advisable to go to war and offer sacrifices.

After many years, Li Shilong once again boarded the imperial chariot that the imperial commander personally conscripted.

He was accompanied by an army of 25 people, and an army of [-] people on the Longyou side had been waiting for a long time.

Qin Xiangru said to Qin Mo: "There are a lot of generals this time, so don't rush in. Let them make more contributions and give dad some way to survive, okay?"

Dad would be very happy to be a hereditary prince in this life, but he really doesn’t have the destiny to be a prince! "

Qin Mo knew very well that even though Lao Qin said this, he was still worried about his recklessness.

"Also, your whole family depends on you for their livelihood!"

"I got it, Dad, I'll just follow Lao Liu and won't go anywhere. It must be fine!" Qin Mo stepped forward to hug Lao Qin and patted him on the back.

After all, Lao Qin is getting old, and his back is not as tall as before. He used to have the ambition to go to the battlefield to fight, but now he just wants to hold his grandson at home.

"Idiot, it's time to go!" Dou Yiai came over and said.

"Father, let's go!"

Qin Mo waved his hand and returned to his horse, with Gao Yao following closely behind.

As for Fang Shu, he slipped away on a dark and windy night and continued to transform into a bearded man to guard Qin Mo.

For this reason, Qin Mo was very upset, thinking that it was Subi Mojie's arrival that made Fang Shuan angry.

He originally wanted to go find Fang Shun, but he happened to be stuck at the moment of setting off for the expedition. He was also unable to do so.

I just hope that after returning from the expedition, Senior Sister can listen to his explanation!
"My son, I would like to welcome my father in triumph in the capital!" Li Yuechang bowed to the ground and said loudly.

When he bowed, everyone said: "I wish your majesty a triumphant victory!"

Boom boom boom!
Hundreds of drummers beat the drums, and one person shouted loudly: "The auspicious time has come, let's go to war!"

The melodious horn sounded.

All the soldiers drew out their horizontal knives and slapped them on their armors, "Long live your Majesty, may you be victorious!"

The people lined the road to see each other off.

Li Shilong looked back at Chengtian Gate. Li Yuan was standing on it, waving to him.

There are people in front of him and relatives behind him.

Li Shilong smiled, as if he had returned to the time when he was on the battlefield more than 20 years ago.

At that time, he led the soldiers to charge into battle, and every time his father would watch him leave from behind until there was no more trace of him!

This time, Zan Ying also came, and Qin Mo asked Zan Ying to arrange a new health care doctor for the old man.

That doctor is also a member of Zan's family. Although he is not as famous as Zan Ying, his medical skills are not necessarily worse than Zan Ying's.

He was as foolproof as possible.

This time their destination was Suzhou, a journey of [-] miles.

Li Shilong's body can walk 150 miles a day, which is very good.

Fortunately, the Lizhi Road has already led to Longyou, and we should be able to reach it in 01:30 months.

Because it was a long road and there were many stops along the way, I didn’t suffer much along the way.

Qin Mo hangs around under Li Shilong's nose every day, and will not leave the camp if he can. He will definitely not do anything dangerous.

That's what he thought at first.

"Cheng Sanxu, you lead [-] troops to attack Qixin. In addition, you must also be on guard against rebellion. They have already reached Qiuba Mountain.

Li Sixun came to report, saying that the military officials have been a little disobedient recently, and we must be careful not to bite us back.

If there is anything wrong, I will deal with the military officials together so that I will not waste my saliva! "

Li Daoyuan thought to himself that His Majesty planned to deal with the military ministers in advance, but if he attacked the Allies for no reason, he would get a bad reputation.Li Shilong didn't tell him how to do it, so he gave him 3 people and let him operate it.

It's a little tricky!
"Cheng Sanxu, I will give you 1 people to join Xu Luo and others in Qiuci.

Li Yongmeng, Cheng Dabao, and Cheng Xiaobao will go over and cooperate with you.

You have to guard against Yi Zhixie, and at the same time cut off Mao Dun's escape route. If Mao Dun escapes, I will blame you! "Li Shilong said.

Cheng Sanxu said with a bitter face: "Your Majesty, if you let me, Old Cheng, be a tortoise, wouldn't that make things difficult for me? I am willing to lead 1 people and go straight to Beinu Longting!"

"Go if you are told, stop talking nonsense!" Li Shilong snorted.

Cheng Sanxu was about to cry but had no tears. God, why did you do this to him?

He is not the vanguard, and he is still not the main attacking force. How can he still make meritorious deeds?

Li Shilong hinted at Li Daoyuan, how could he not hear it?
The Military and Ministers Department is too close to Daqian. Although they are honest now, who knows whether they will be honest in the future?

Take advantage of now and clean it all up, everything will be fine.

"How about I go do it with Yi Zhixie too?"

"No, the reformed county boy has already gone to Tianxiang Kingdom. His Majesty obviously wants Yizhixie to attack Yuezhi and Dashi. If I go to touch Yizhixie, won't that disrupt His Majesty's plan?"

Cheng Sanfu had a grimace on his face, as if he had lost millions.

"Su Yun, you are the vanguard. I will give you [-] troops. You enter from Suzhou and attack Beinu Longting's tent directly!" Li Shilong said.

Su Yun said quickly: "I obey the order!"

He was under great pressure, and the reason why Li Shilong put Cheng Sanaxe aside was just because he was young.

It can be considered that the younger generation is more resistant.

Anyone with a discerning eye can see that His Majesty is training the younger generation of generals.

The older generation of generals are still mainly auxiliary.

"Is there anything else that needs to be added?" Li Shilong glanced at it and found Qin Mo huddled in the corner eating, his eyes suddenly narrowed, "Jingyun, what do you think of my arrangement?"

"Okay, wonderful, great!" Qin Mo quickly swallowed the cake in his mouth.

"It's gone?"

"This layout is very good, and it covers all aspects. If we can win this battle within a month, the shortcomings will be trivial. If we can't win it within a month."

"What will happen if we can't win?"

"The military minister will definitely rebel. He is not a fool."

"Come here and tell me clearly!" Li Shilong said.

"Well, father, please don't test me. Prince Heng and the others are all here. Isn't it just a matter of practice? They must have seen the problem a long time ago."

"Stop talking nonsense and speak quickly!" Li Shilong said.

Gongsun Min glanced at Qin Mo. To be honest, Li Shilong had been a little hasty in arranging the battle situation these days.

When he followed Qin Mo, the staff would practice on the sand table dozens of times a day, practicing all the extreme problems that might be encountered.

Li Shilong's troop layout was already a little outdated. If they had dared to be so casual on the ship at that time, Qin Mo would have called them stupid pigs!

But no one dares to say this.

"Don't blame me if I made a mistake, right?" Qin Mo said.

"It's not your fault, just tell me!" Li Shilong felt a little confused in his heart. This guy always made shocking remarks. Could it be that there was really a big problem with his plan?

"Now, everyone, testify that my father forced me to say it!" Qin Mo originally didn't want to care. He was just here to be a gangster. If he talks too much, he might be made to be a vanguard again.

"Come on, tell me, you are so anxious!" Li Daoyuan wanted to kick him in a hurry.

"Father, with all due respect, your strategic plan is really rubbish!"

(End of this chapter)

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