big dry son-in-law

Chapter 1116 I, I can’t do it!

Chapter 1116 I, I can’t do it!

Li Shilong's face turned dark.

Everyone in the room was silent.

Gongsun Min smiled bitterly, Qin Mo really dared to say that.

Even if there are problems with His Majesty's strategic layout, can't you be more tactful?
Seeing that Li Shilong was about to get angry, Qin Mo quickly said: "Don't get angry, you forced me to say it!"

Li Shilong suppressed his anger and said: "Okay, if you don't say one, two, three today, let's see how I deal with you!"

"Father, your strategic layout is actually good. With a three-way assault, you can basically catch that old guy in Modu.

Moreover, our weapons are so good, the probability of winning is very high, but the grassland is so big, anything can happen.

When it comes to fighting, you must practice various extreme situations in the sandbox as much as possible.

To be honest, your layout is a bit hasty, more like a decision made on the fly.

This is commanding an army of 30, not an army of [-]. He is facing the prairie eagle, Maodun.

In just a few decades, this man has unified the grassland and allowed the name of Beinu to float around again. He is not a weakling. "

Qin Mo scratched his head and said, "What if the other party escapes deep into the desert? Should we pursue him or not?

If we can't catch him, wouldn't we be cutting the grass without eradicating the roots?
If you want to fight the military officials in the southeast, just say so. Don't let King Heng guess. What if he is a little stupid and doesn't guess what you mean?
This is fighting, not playing house, but also playing tricks.

What to do if there is a problem with team connection?

Doesn't that just create a powerful enemy for yourself?

Although Jihe and Shidan are restraining him, at this time, we cannot place our hopes on outsiders. "

Li Daoyuan felt that what Qin Mo said made sense. If he guessed Li Shilong's thoughts wrongly and rashly made the military ministers rebel, delaying the opportunity to fight, then he would be guilty.

For a moment, my back was covered in cold sweat.

Li Shilong frowned, "When will I hit the military officials? I just said that I should be careful to guard against the military officials. Am I wrong?"

"Come on, just be stubborn and fight. It's not a big deal. Three Beinu plus one can fight no more than 60 soldiers.

The North Slaves held back about 25 troops in the courtyard, the New North Slaves had less than 15 troops, and the Northwest Slaves' tens of thousands of troops were lost on the southern side. At this time, they were also injured and did not dare to set foot on the southern side.

But I don't think it's a wise choice to start a war on both sides.

It is entirely possible to capture Bei Nu Longting and then casually let people say that the military officials secretly colluded with Bei Nu Longting in an attempt to backstab Da Gan.

Then he asked the military officials to come to Suzhou to plead guilty. If he didn't come, it would mean that he had something evil in his heart.

With the cowardly nature of the military minister, there is a high probability that he will not come.

However, we captured Beinu Longting, and it was so majestic that he was also afraid in his heart.

Therefore, the greater probability is that he will send his son or something to be a proton, or send his daughter to Daqian for marriage. These are the areas we need to consider.

By occupying the atrium, we have almost surrounded the northwest slaves. We have the final say on how we will slaughter them in the future.

If he is stupid, then we will deal with it together this time.

If we are smart, then we will formulate another three-year plan or something to slowly encroach on the Northwest slaves and let the Northwest slaves peacefully integrate into Daqian.

The speed is a bit slow, but the casualties are small. Our soldiers are very valuable, how can we let them die casually? "

After everyone heard it, they all nodded.

This is indeed a mature way of planning a country, and it considers all aspects of the problem very thoroughly.Even Li Shilong fell into deep thought. He had to say that what this guy said made sense.

"Also, it's time for Gaoli to be conquered. Zhu Guogong went to the Bohai Bay and took over the three countries on the Gaoli Peninsula. He completely cut off the retreat of the northwest slaves. He was called a military minister. He has no way to go to heaven and no way to go to earth. .

As for the northwest slave, you don’t have to worry about him for five years. If you give him a hundred courages, you won’t dare to come here to cause trouble.

In five years, we will only be stronger. When the time comes, we will be connected from east to west. What can he use to fight us? "

Cheng Sanfu on the side seemed to see hope and kept blinking at Qin Mo, as if Qin Mo would say a few more words to him.

But Qin Mo ignored him directly, "Military ministers don't need to worry too much, but Yi Zhixie just needs to be more careful.

However, the probability of Yi Zhi coming over is not very high. The grand strategic direction is basically correct, but their retreat must be cut off to prevent Mao Dun from escaping into the depths of the desert!
It is necessary to send a rapid march of ten thousand people to cross the grassland and guard the only way to pass. This strategy is considered foolproof!
Of course, this is just my little opinion. The most important thing is the sand table drill. You must ask questions repeatedly and then find ways to solve them.

The previous fighting methods have been eliminated, and we must keep pace with the times.

To achieve the greatest strategic goal with the least casualties, this is a qualified battle! "

Many veterans looked at Qin Mo and suddenly felt like they couldn't keep up.

They have been fighting all their lives, and when they get old they are said to be outdated.

Even if you want to disobey the old age, there are indeed two tools for the new generation to fight.

For example, Qin Mo is a piece of shit who wins every battle. Whether it's the three-day expedition to Wozhou or the surprise attack on Tianxiang Kingdom, it's all amazing.

500 people defeated Kucha's [-]-strong army. This was also done by Qin Mo's men.

I won’t mention the guide to Nanfan. Now Nanfan is basically Daqian’s back garden.

However, Li Shilong looked a little confused and asked: "What do you think of this strategy?"

Li Daoyuan pondered: "Wei Chen thinks it needs to be discussed!"

"Not bad, mainly because His Majesty's general strategy is very good!" Cheng San said.

Su Yun also said: "Your Majesty must have known these issues for a long time. It is really shameful for you to teach us through the mouth of Qin's consort, the captain!"

Damn it, these three people are so shameless.

Especially Su Yun, he couldn't lick it well.

"Father, if you want to test me, just say so. It's true!" Qin Mo complained a little.

The fierce light in Li Shilong's eyes disappeared, and he nodded: "I am willing to test you, and I guess what you said makes sense. I naturally know these questions."

Everyone's teeth were aching for a while, but no one dared to expose him.

There is no way, the emperor still has to give him face.

To prevent the emperor from coming to power is to make him feel uncomfortable. They are not as bold as Qin Mo!

"Daoyuan, remember, the military ministers must be appeased. When we get there, we will find a way to unite Ji He and Shi Dan to jointly deter the military ministers so that they will not dare to rebel."

"Yes, I obey the order!" Li Daoyuan said quickly.

"As for Jingyun!" Li Shilong said: "The last method you added is very good. I will give you 5000 people. You go and block the Beinu people's retreat. You must not let Mao Dun escape to the depths of the desert!"

Qin Mo was stunned, "Me? I can't do it!"

(End of this chapter)

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