big dry son-in-law

Chapter 1118 Qin Mo’s outflanking tactic!

Chapter 1118 Qin Mo’s outflanking tactic!
Isn't Li Shilong worried about Qin Mo?

Of course he was worried. Looking at the map, there were almost no suitable insertion points.

The probability of being discovered is high.

The probability of failure is also high.

This is a thankless and dangerous task.

But there is no way, who makes Qin Mo his son-in-law.

Li Shilong pointed at the map and said: "You have to get between Guligan and Xijiasi to cut off their retreat. But this time, you have to go thousands of miles deep into the grassland, which is very dangerous.

And there is no aid.

Therefore, you have to think about the team and weapons you want to bring. "

Qin Mo said: "There is still time for me to consider. If we want to avoid being discovered, we should mainly use light cavalry.

I will just take away three hundred mountain guns, and some new compressed dry food to supplement the nutrition of the horses. The most indispensable thing on the grassland is grass.

Dry food also mainly comes with compressed dry food.

Cannonballs, crossbows, bullets, my son-in-law wants all these!
Moreover, if you want to avoid it, you must march at night, which is the safest way. "

Qin Mo already had a rough plan in mind, and this battle was also very dangerous.

But Li Daoyuan will go to Qixin first, which will divert Bei Nu Longting's attention and make him less stressed.

In fact, Qin Mo also had a bold idea in his mind. Since he was interspersed with others, he might as well go straight to Longting.

War never goes as planned 100% of the time.

But Qin Mo didn't say anything, it mainly depends on the situation.

If that doesn't work, he can go around and make a surprise attack, forcing them to move forward.

Since they want to set an example, they should praise Su Yun.

When the time comes to investigate, the past can be covered up by simply saying that the war situation is changing rapidly.

Qin Mo was thinking in his mind that if things went well, the battle might be resolved in June.

If it doesn’t go well, it will be postponed to July or August.

With such a big commotion in the court this time, Beinu couldn't just sit back and wait for death.

"You write a note and I'll have someone prepare it for you." Li Shilong said.

"Thank you, Father."

"Go down and have a rest. We have to travel early tomorrow morning!" Li Shilong was also a little sleepy. In the past, even if he didn't sleep for three days and three nights, it would be nothing.

After Qin Mo left, he went back to his room and lay on the bed, tossing and turning.

"Master, are you worried?" Gao Yao was not qualified to attend important meetings, so she didn't know yet that Qin Mo was going to lead the team to get in behind.

"Xiao Gao, hold on tighter and spread out the map!" Qin Mo washed his face with cold water and lost all sleep.

Seeing this, Gao Yao couldn't help but said: "Master, are you going to lead the troops into battle again?"

"Yes." Qin Mo nodded, "Xiao Gao, are you afraid?"

"Don't be afraid!" Gao Yao said.

"Just don't be afraid. This time, the young master took you to search the back and stole Moton's hometown!" Qin Mo said with a chuckle.

Seeing Qin Mo's light words, Gao Yao's expression was particularly solemn.

Fang Shuan, who turned into a bearded man on the side, even had his eyelids twitching. "General, are we going to lead a team to raid Beinu Longting this time?"

"That's not to say, it's just for us to penetrate behind Beinu Longting in advance and block their retreat."

"Wouldn't it be very dangerous if he was discovered?" Fang Chun said worriedly. "There is some danger, don't be afraid, just do it in the worst case." Qin Mo said: "Beinu has not had a good life these years, and he is extremely weak now.

Maodun is old, and the successive betrayals by military officials and Yi Zhixie have made this prairie eagle exhausted.

It’s unclear whether they can suppress the Beinu families.

Even if it can be suppressed, as soon as the signs of defeat appear, there will probably be chaos inside! "

"Oh, then my humble position will be by your side!" Fang Chun said.

"You bearded man is very loyal." Qin Mo still admired the bearded man very much and said: "When you win this time, I will select some women from the Northern Slave nobles for you, and you will be treated as a master!"

Fang Shuan's face felt a little hot, but fortunately her face was now darkened, so she couldn't see it. She just smiled and said, "I still like our working girl, who is thin-skinned and tender, and who manages the house!"

"You're such a good guy, your requirements are quite high!" Qin Mo touched his chin, "Okay, I'll introduce you to a girl from Qinzhuang when the time comes, but I can't guarantee whether she will like you!"

Fang Chun scratched his head, "If you don't like it, you won't like it. The worst is, you'll be a bachelor for the rest of your life!"

"Coward!" Qin Mo cursed with a smile, and then looked at the map seriously.

He also brought some blank paper and started writing and drawing. He worked until early in the morning and then rested.

Seeing Qin Mo's tired face, Gao Yao felt even more distressed. She whispered, "The young master originally said that he was here to mess around, but he didn't expect that your majesty would still let him lead the troops. It's too dangerous."

"Fake eunuch, we are on truce these days, and everything is focused on the safety of the stinky guy!" Fang Chun said: "When the war is over, whatever happens will be done!"

"Hmph, I'm not in the mood to fight with you, a liar!" Gao Yao said, "You will be struck by lightning if you lie to me, Master!"

"How did he know that I lied to him if you didn't tell me? Besides, wasn't I trying to better protect him?" Fang Chun gritted his teeth and said, "If you say I lied to him, you are not the same!"

Gao Yao glared at her angrily, and then the two of them snorted and turned away, paying no attention to anyone.

Two days later, the team arrived at the northernmost part of the Guannai Road. Going up, there was Yinzhou.

Past Yinzhou is Xinbeinu. Passing through several city-states, you can reach Qixin directly.

Li Daoyuan led an army of [-] people and headed straight for the grassland.

Li Shilong took the others and continued walking west.

Finally, hurriedly and slowly, half a month after the expedition, we arrived in Ganzhou!
Li Sixun led the royal family and officials from Longyou out of the city to greet him.

"Wei Chen, see Your Majesty!"

Emperor Li was from Longxi, and Li Sixun was the Duke of Longxi County, deeply trusted by Li Shilong.

"Get back together!" Li Shilong went over and took Li Sixun's hand, "Come into the city with me!"

Li Sixun immediately felt flattered. Although he was pulled by Li Shilong, he did not dare to walk parallel to Li Shilong, but was half a body slower than him.

Ganzhou was originally an important town, sandwiched between Tuyuhun and Beinu.

Now Tuyuhun has become the territory of Daqian, and Ganzhou is targeting only Beinu.

As a result, the entire Longyou became much more relaxed, unlike before, where they were afraid of being beaten every day.

And this is the land of Longxing. If it is lost, it will be a big sin.

Entering Ganzhou, Li Sixun held a banquet, but Li Shilong was not in the mood to eat or drink.

Past Ganzhou is Suzhou. When the time comes, he will guard Ganzhou and the rest of the army will go to Suzhou to enter.

Beyond Suzhou is the sandbank.

And Yumen Pass is right there!
In fact, it is best to go straight to Longting from Yumen Pass, but there was Juyanhai in Ganzhou in the past.

Past Juyanhai is the Xiashan Pass, where Beinu has tens of thousands of troops guarding it.

If you don't take over this important town and sneak in secretly, it will be easy to be attacked from both sides!
(End of this chapter)

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