Chapter 1119
Thousands of years ago, Juyanhai was called Juyanze, and it was the frontier land acquisition to stop Beinu.

Thousands of years later, it seems like the cycle has come full circle.

Li Shilong asked Li Sixun to explain the situation in Longyou in detail.

Li Sixun said: "There are about [-] troops in Juyanhai, and recently the Beinu have plundered herdsmen. These herdsmen grew up on horseback and are natural mounted archers.

With a little training, he becomes a brave warrior.

Now there are no less than one hundred thousand Beinu soldiers guarding Juyanhai. "

Everyone looked stunned.

Beinu has a large area but few people. Why are there so many string control people?

It's because of these herdsmen.

If there are 30 households in Beinu Zhongting, and there are 30 people, they dare to say that they have [-] people who can control the strings.

In fact, Beinu does not have its own demographics.

Because the population of the Beinu tribe is sparse, it is estimated that there are close to one million people together with the fused Wuhu, Tiejue, Khitan and other tribes.

Excluding the old, weak, women and children, there are 60 million people who control the strings to death.

In addition, grassland people are short-lived and mature early, so it is estimated that young people as young as fourteen or fifteen years old will be dragged into the battlefield.

In other words, the 5 new people in Juyanhai are likely to wipe out the Zhongting tribe.

If they lose, they can directly declare the demise of Beinu Zhongting, and it will be the kind of genocide.

Qin Mo thought of another world. Tiejue was divided into 22 states. Some states had only more than 1000 people. In the end, the state capitals were canceled because the population was too small.

Because this small number of people are simply not worth garrisoning.

But now these 10 people are real.

If 10 people are placed at the front, the front will be stretched.

"In addition, the scouts reported that they even dragged young women onto the battlefield. It seemed that they wanted to suppress everything in Beinu, and they managed to get 30 combatable soldiers!" Li Sixun road.

"Isn't it a joke to put a woman on the battlefield? It's just shooting yourself in the foot!" Cheng Sanfu said nonchalantly.

It's no wonder that Cheng Sanfu looked down upon him. There was an inherent gap in strength between women and men.

The beating was like an adult beating a child.

"That's not necessarily the case." Li Sixun said: "Modun was so crazy that he threatened their families and ordered them to either fight on the battlefield or kill all their families.

It was originally a desperate battle, but Mao Dun no longer cared. "

"It's just a struggle to the death." Li Shilong said.

Would Mo Dun really do such a stupid thing?

Originally, there was disharmony within Beinu, and the huge territory was divided into three kingdoms.

He didn't win over her properly, but instead did such stupid things. No matter how you look at it, there are problems.

Qin Mo touched his chin, damn, this is not a plan to lure the tiger away from the mountain, right?


Qin Mo said: "Although Juyanhai is very important, it doesn't mean that they can put half of their combatable troops in Juyanhai.

Because Juyanhai is too close to Longyou, and the distance from Longting Yazhang in Beinu is almost more than 100 miles!

How could they extend the front line to more than 1000 miles?

No fool would do such a thing.

Don’t forget, in addition to Juyanhai, there is also Helan Mountain close to Guannai Road!

Although this area is now the territory of the New North Slaves.

But the other party is a Northern slave. If they pretend to be a New Northern slave, they will probably get through.

From Helan Mountain, you can go straight to the Guannai Road and then go south! "

Everyone looked at the huge map in front of them.

Their expressions were extremely serious.Qin Mo didn't stop and continued: "Helan Mountain is also an important town and must be heavily guarded. If the opponent can't break through these passes and deploy heavy troops in Juyanhai, either they are really stupid and try their best to plunder the tribes in the middle court and pull the battle line. Thousands of miles long.

Or, it diverts our attention.

To the east were military ministers and the troops of Ji He and Shi Dan. They attacked from there and were looking for trouble.

Not to mention going south, with hundreds of thousands of our troops lying here, it would be a stupid choice to go head-on.

So is it possible that they went west?
After all, there is Yizhixie to the west. What if we take advantage of the passage and kill a carbine from behind?
For Yi Zhixie, he only needs to borrow without taking too many risks.

If we lose, it will also be good for Yi Zhixie.

When questioned in the future, all he had to say was that he had transferred a large number of soldiers to Tochara and had too much time to take care of himself.

He even said that he had killed many people, so what's the use of blaming him? "

Qin Mo's proposal made many people think deeply. This possibility is not small.

Su Yun said quickly: "Your Majesty, in this case, we have to guard the west. If it is true as General Qin said, it will be very dangerous for us.

If you take the risk and attack from behind, it must be the main force of the assault, such as where His Majesty is.

Only in this way can this battle be ended quickly.

We can help him get off, but Beinu can't get off.

Caught in the middle, Beinu Atrium has insufficient resources to support them! "

Cheng Sanfu rolled his eyes. If it was true as Qin Mo said, wouldn't he have fought a big war?

"Your Majesty, I am guarding the west side and will not let the Beinu Dog go any further!"

Li Shilong looked at the map. At this time, he already felt that the battle situation had become complicated and confusing.

"If I were Mao Dun, it would be normal to suppress half of the soldiers here. If there are fewer people, I can't help but fight. I just need to hold back the army.

If they are defeated and defeated, the thousand-mile front will actually be a buffer, allowing them enough time to adjust their response.

Whether you run away or fight back, there is enough time! "

Li Shilong said: "However, we must also be on guard in the west. Cheng Sanaxe, I will give you 1 more people. You can bring 2 people there to guard it!"

Cheng Sanxu said with a bitter face, "Yes, I, old Cheng, obey your order!"

Qin Mo didn't say any more. On this matter, just a reminder would be enough. Without knowing Beinu's situation, it would be a big deal to delay the battle with nonsense.

The current situation is quite clear, and everything is going well.

Everyone deliberated for two full hours before Li Shilong ordered the banquet to begin.

However, no drinking, no singing or dancing, everything is kept simple.

That night, Qin Mo received urgent reports from six spies.

It was a message from Qin Hei.

After inciting the rebellion of the military ministers, this boy did not return to Beijing, but continued to gather information on the grassland.

Recently, the grassland has been closed in, and their work in the grassland has been difficult to do.

Especially those Hu people who were instigated to rebel were forcibly taken away.

In a tribe, there are often only old people and children shorter than a wheel.

Qin Hei's urgent report said that they killed old women and old people to use as military rations and save food.

Loot all the edible food from the wandering tribes.

Qin Mo felt his stomach churn.

This reminded him of the Jie tribe in the late Eastern Han Dynasty. This brutal race marched and fought without preparing food and grass.

Because preparing food and grass takes time and requires many people to transport it.

So they killed people for food, and the people they killed were Han people. They captured Han women, raped them during the day, and killed them for food at night.

It was also the only tribe that was completely exterminated after killing Hu Ling!
(End of this chapter)

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