big dry son-in-law

Chapter 1120 The troops arrive in Yanhai

Chapter 1120 The troops arrive in Yanhai

Qin Mo's intuition told him that the Beinu people were deceitful, and acting like this seemed like a desperate fight.

But they killed the old man and drove the women to the front of the battle, which meant they were going to become extinct.

But the situation is unclear now.

Tomorrow, he will lead his troops to Yumen Pass, wait for the Su Yun army to press forward, go to Juyanhai, and then go straight to the grassland.

It is very dangerous to pass through the middle of these tribes.

What do the Beinu people want to do?
Qin Mo locked himself in the room and thought through all the strategies he knew.

Several possibilities were ultimately identified.

He firmly wrote these possibilities on paper, and then did a lot of analysis and response methods for every possible situation.

After doing this, it was dark.

Qin Mo also felt that his brain was dizzy and felt like it was being hollowed out.

Gao Yao had already had a large amount of food and supplements prepared, and he just waited for Qin Mo to open the door before sending them in.

She has followed Qin Mo for many years and understands Qin Mo's habits.

Whenever he encountered a problem that he couldn't figure out, he would shut himself in his room and think about it over and over again.

There is no undefeated record, it's just that their young master pushed himself to death.

After eating and drinking enough, Qin Mo just covered his head and fell asleep without caring about anything.

Li Shilong sent people over to let Qin Mo pass, but they were all stopped by Gao Yao.

After Li Shilong learned about it, he was not angry. Instead, he said: "I don't feel confident. He can actually sleep now, which means I feel confident.

Let him rest well. "

Li Shilong knew very well that rabbits would bite people when they were in a hurry, let alone bite them.

If Mao Dun is determined and puts everything down, this battle will still be difficult.

The next day, Qin Mo got up early and left the city with Cheng Sanxu.

This time, Qin Mo was still followed by Dou Yiai and Chai Rong.

These 5000 people are all light cavalry.

And this time, they only brought 20 days of rations.

This undoubtedly increased the difficulty of marching again.

Qin Mo calculated the distance and found that even if he arrived at his destination in half a month, the rations would not be enough to last until the end of the war.

Unless the horse is killed, it can last another month.

In addition, wheat bran is used, and wheat bran is mixed with beans, highland barley, salt, and other highly nutritious compressed horse grains.

There is no shortage of grass on the grassland, but if you only eat grass, your war horses will lose weight and will not be able to support long-distance raids and successive battles.

People can also eat these grains, so at critical times, these horse grains can fill people's stomachs.

"Uncle Cheng, don't leave!" A few days later, Qin Mo arrived at the sandbank, where the army parted ways.

Cheng Sanaxe sighed softly: "You boy, please pay attention to your own safety. This mission of yours is the most difficult. If I say it is treason, your Majesty should not let you perform this mission."

Although you are the consort and must lead by example, this is too dangerous.

Once the enemy discovers you, it is very likely that they will use their tactics to surround you.

You must remember that although our weapons are far superior to theirs, [-] cavalry and [-] cavalry are two different things.

Once a charge is launched, it is no joke.

You must not take it lightly.

It doesn't matter whether you can capture Maodun alive or not. Survival is the most important thing! "Although Cheng Sanfu likes to trick Qin Mo, he still protects Qin Mo at critical moments.

The emperor was arranged behind his back. If Qin Mo was a young man and sold him out, Cheng Sanfu wouldn't even have the time to cry.

But this also shows that Cheng Sanxu regards Qin Mo as one of his own, so he doesn't shy away from it.

"Uncle Cheng, please pay attention too!"

Cheng Sanxu took a deep look at Qin Mo, took the reins, turned the horse's head, "Let's go!"

The army left Shazhou City.

Qin Mo was doing the final touches in Shazhou City.

Replenish food and grass again, check the armaments, make sure there are no problems, and go straight to Yumen Pass.

Yumen Pass has always been the gateway to the Western Regions.

It is also an extremely prosperous place, and since there is a mixture of fish and dragons here, there must be spies from Beinu here.

So Qin Mo deliberately took a detour and took advantage of the darkness to bypass Yumen Pass and headed towards the grassland.

At this time, Su Yun led an army of [-] troops to guard the city in a distant place. There were only a thousand soldiers guarding the place, and it was only more than a hundred miles away from Juyanhai.

Juyanhai was occupied by Beinu people at this time.

After the army set up camp, a large number of spies came back to report, "Report, general, the generals guarding Juyanhai are Huyan You's son, Huyan Anda, and the leader of the Ashide tribe, Ashina Shi!"

Huyan Anda and Ashina Shi are both fierce generals that Beinu can count, and they are brave and resourceful.

The pressure on Su Yun was considerable, but Daqian's armaments were far superior to those of Beinu, so there was no reason for them to lose.

Xu Luo had 500 people and defeated tens of thousands of people in Yizhixie. Couldn't they still handle 10 people with 10 people?
The advantage is in him!

“Let the army repair and continue to explore, and let people lay mines in advance.

After the mines were laid, 5000 people were sent to tease them and lure them toward the mine array. "

Before Su Yun separated from Qin Mo, he also discussed it with Qin Mo. He himself also reviewed Qin Mo's overall strategy for attacking Tianxiang Kingdom.

Qin Mo's strategy and pre-battle arrangements were much newer than their previous fighting methods.

It is often possible to achieve the greatest strategic goals with the least casualties.

Su Yun thinks this is good.

"Yes, General!"

At this time, next to Juyanhai, Huyan Anda and Ashina Shi were sitting there fishing, with no trace of panic on their faces.

It wasn't until the spies came back to report the situation that the expressions on their faces changed.

"Oh, we have already arrived at Weiyuan to guard the city. It seems that we will see the real chapter in the next few days." Huyan Anda said with a smile.

"Let them win. It doesn't matter if we win or lose for a while. If we can severely defeat the main force of the army and seize weapons from their hands, it will be time for us to counterattack!" Ashina Shi said with greed in his eyes, "But not I know if they will be fooled!”

"Winning is addictive. No one likes losing, and I am the same." Huyan Anda said: "I am already prepared to lose tens of thousands of people, just waiting for them to take the bait!"

Ashina Shi shook his head, "Although all this is to confuse Ganren, Shanyu shouldn't have killed so many people.

There are already many people internally dissatisfied. "

"Don't worry, all the dissatisfaction will disappear after the heavy defeat of Qianjun." Huyan Anda said: "If it weren't for the ambition of the military ministers and Yi Zhixie, Shanyu would not have risked his life and fought against the odds!
After all, this is all a despicable conspiracy! "

"Go down first and let the chief hundred lead a small group of cavalry to harass them. Don't fight them. Just leave after the harassment is over!" Ashina Shi said to the spies: "They will not be able to live in peace if they want to be disturbed!"

"Yes, Captain Right!"

After the spies went down, Huyan Anda put away his post and said, "Let's go, we've been here for a few months, it's time to do some serious work!"

Ashina Shi stretched his body and said, "When I win, I will redeem your father!"

(End of this chapter)

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