big dry son-in-law

Chapter 1121 Don't play cards according to the routine!

Chapter 1121 Don't play cards according to the routine!

That night, as soon as Su Yun rested, he was awakened by the urgent report from the scouts.

"What's wrong?" Su Yun said.

"Report, General, a small group of Beinu cavalry attacked, but were repulsed by the scout team. They killed more than [-] enemies, but we had no casualties!" said the scout.

Su Yun frowned, "Weren't they all wiped out?"

"No, it was already dark when they arrived, so it was not easy to pursue them. In addition, they were setting up mine arrays at the time, so they were afraid of exposing their plans, so they did not continue to pursue them!"

"How do you know that the mine formations have not been discovered by them?" Su Yun looked solemn. Damn it, the Beinu people are really fucking thieves. "Ignore the existing mine formations and choose other places to place them!"

Mainly, Su Yun was waiting for news from Qin Mo, and he wanted to buy time for Qin Mo.

When Qin Mo enters the grassland, he will definitely launch an attack.

"Yes, General!"

After the scouts left, Su Yun asked people to patrol and protect him.

As a result, less than an hour after falling asleep, the scouts came again to report that another small group of cavalry was attacking.

Until dawn, Su Yun didn't get a full night's sleep.

Following Su Yun was Li Sixun's son, Li Ankang!
He stepped forward and said: "The Beinu people are learning our sixteen-character mantra, just to harass us and make us tired to deal with it!"

Su Yun couldn't help but feel a little irritable, but he knew very well that being anxious at this time would only make him lose his sense of proportion. He immediately said: "Don't they like to intrude? Then let's compare who is more powerful and wear them out!

Lieutenant General Li, I leave this matter to you! "

"Yes, general!" Li Ankang cupped his hands and walked out of the military tent.

Later, Su Yun called a few more Xun Erdai who came to take credit for their achievements. These people were not as clever as the group of people led by Qin Mo.

Even more idiotic.

His Majesty asked them to come over. In addition to training them, he also wanted Su Yun to pull up this group of people.

But the more he watched, the more angry he became.

Everyone is as stupid as a pig.

After catching a few people and scolding them, Su Yun calmed down. He admitted that he was not as good as Qin Mo in battle, but he did not think that he was worse than Qin Mo.

Since his debut in Su Yun, he has never failed, he just lacks a chance!

This battle is his chance to prove himself!

After the two sides had been harassing each other for nearly seven days, Su Yun received an urgent report from Qin Mo.

After reading the urgent report, Su Yun couldn't help but smile and said: "Okay, the time is right, call Li Ankang and the others over!"

Soon, Li Ankang and others entered the camp. After sitting down according to their official positions, Su Yun said: "It's time to launch an attack on the Beinu army in Yanhai. Who will be the vanguard?"

Li Ankang did his duty and said: "General, I am humbled by my position and would like to be a pioneer!"

Others are also clamoring to be pioneers.

Su Yun said: "It's easy to be a vanguard, but in this battle, you have to lose, and you have to lose realistically!"

As soon as these words came out, everyone frowned, and one person asked in confusion: "Why should we lose?"

"Beyond Juyanhai is Xiakou Mountain. This Xiakou Mountain extends from Zhangye River in the north, and bends through Tongcheng Town to Xiakou Peak, a total of three thousand and 78 miles!
The mountains are majestic and steep, with solitary peaks standing tall.

The mountain is winding and stretching, twists and turns.

There is a tendency that "a horse cannot be brined with two persons, and a chariot cannot be driven with two persons".

Once they retreat to Xiakou Mountain, this battle will be difficult, do you understand? "

Su Yundao said: "Even if we have the advantage of guns and artillery, and the opponent occupies the geographical advantage, we can advance, attack, retreat or defend, which greatly increases the difficulty."

Only then did everyone understand Su Yun's painstaking efforts.

"But are the Beinu people so easy to be fooled?" Li Ankang asked: "Unless they use the lives of their brothers as bait, they will never be easily fooled."

Su Yun frowned.Over the past few days, the two sides have been fighting. Nearly a thousand people have died on Beinu's side, and more than [-] people have been killed or injured on their side.

This kind of intrusion made Su Yun more and more anxious.

The Beinu people would definitely not believe the strong combat power shown in the early stage if they lost rashly.

"This is impossible. Every one of our officers and men is a priceless treasure. How can we easily give up our lives as bait!"

Su Yun waved his hand, "In that case, let's delay it for a while, but after this the battle will mainly be a loss or a draw.

Make them feel like their intrusion worked. "

Everyone was helpless, the positions occupied by these people were too good.

All we can do is keep dragging.

At this time, Li Daoyuan had crossed Xinbeinu and reached the middle boundary between Beinu Atrium and New Beinu.

Further ahead is Yan Hongda Well, which is an important town left by Tiejue in the past. After Yan Hongda Well, there is Qixin.

The Qixin tribe is a large tribe whose surname is the place name.

It is the bravest tribe in Beinu Longting after the four surnames of Beinu nobles and the Ashide tribe.

The leader of his tribe, Qixin Yongli, is also famous on the grassland.

"King Heng, the military officials have sent someone over!" The scout came to report.

"Let him in!" Li Daoyuan said.

Soon, the envoy sent by the military minister entered the camp. When he saw Li Daoyuan, he saluted and said: "Your Highness, King Heng, I am the king of Yougu Li under the throne of the military minister Shanyu, Ashina Tumen!
On behalf of Shanyu, I would like to say hello to you! "

As a close general of the military minister, after the military minister was canonized by Da Qian, he was promoted to King Youguli.

"King You Guli, there is no need to be polite, please sit down!"

After Ashina Tumen took his seat, Li Daoyuan said: "I need Shanyu's help to attack Qixin this time.

The Qixin tribe is a large tribe. This time I only brought 3 to [-] people. I'm afraid I won't be able to catch them all in one fell swoop.

The Chanyu is near Qiuba Mountain, very close to Qixin. I hope the Chanyu can attack first! "

He also made his request without hesitation.

Ashina Tumen cursed in his heart.

Too thief.

Originally, they could have attacked the Qixin Department last year, but Ganren had too many thoughts and did not allow them to send troops.

Coupled with Shi Dan, Jihe's tens of thousands of troops lay overhead, blocking their way north.

After a year of blockade, Beinu Zhongting has become extremely weak, and there has been a situation of being eaten by people.

What a great opportunity. If they send troops, they will definitely be able to take over the vast territory.

It's a pity that Da Qian didn't give in.

Now they just want to use them as a stepping stone. How can it be so easy?

"His Royal Highness Prince Heng doesn't know that in last year's war, our Xinbei slaves also suffered heavy losses, and our military equipment suffered countless losses.

Logically speaking, it is one's duty to be a vanguard, but there are no weapons in hand, and there is no heavy armor on the body. After a cold winter, even the war horses are hungry and fat.

It’s really hard to do anything! " Ashina Tumen shouted.

Li Daoyuan sneered in his heart, thinking he was a fool.

"In that case, forget it, then I will let Ji He and Shi Dan be the vanguard, and the land we conquer in the future will be divided among them!"

Ashina Tumen was stunned, why didn't Li Daoyuan play his cards according to the routine?

If these lands are really divided between the two countries, wouldn't it mean that the New Taipei slaves are completely made dumplings?

(End of this chapter)

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