big dry son-in-law

Chapter 1122 Deceit is not worth life!

Chapter 1122 Deceit is not worth life!
"Your Highness Prince Heng, the two countries are too far away from Qixin. It's better to let them cut off their bones and sharpen their bodies to intercept Moton's retreat!" Ashina Tumen said.

"I thought so too, but King Youguli said that you have suffered heavy losses and your armaments have been seriously damaged, so I can't force you to die.

Originally, I thought about capturing Qixin, so I asked His Majesty to grant this piece of fertile land to the New North Slaves.

Look now, there’s no need to ask! Li Daoyuan looked pityful, "Forget it, if you try hard, you should be able to get through it."

I would like to ask King Yougu Li to go back and tell the military minister Shanyu that when Shidan gathers the army to cross the border, please make it easier. "

The implication is to see off guests.

Ashina Domon's butt is not even hot from sitting.

He observed Li Daoyuan's expression and felt anxious when he saw that he didn't seem to be telling lies.

They have been staying in Qiuba Mountain for almost a year and have long wanted to move.

I originally wanted to take the opportunity to gain some benefits, but Li Daoyuan didn't follow the routine.

Moreover, he saw this group of cadres and their elite equipment, which made him jealous.

The armor was black and glowing, and it looked like it was made of the finest stainless steel.

Arrows are difficult to penetrate.

There are also those thunder cannons, I want to snatch them all away.

"His Royal Highness Prince Heng, the armies of Jihe Shidan and Jixi are too far away from Qixin. Not only will this back and forth waste time, it will also easily delay the opportunity to fight.

Although we have suffered heavy losses, we are not without the strength to fight. I hope His Highness Prince Heng can send us a batch of armaments and we will send troops immediately! "

Li Daoyuan deceived him and said: "The main force is behind, how can we carry a large amount of armaments? If the army comes, there will be no need for the military ministers department to be the vanguard.

In our great work, we will never treat our meritorious officials badly. When the war stops, we will definitely reward them according to their merits.

This year, the military ministers have not made any achievements, but they are talking about armaments. If this reaches His Majesty's ears, what do you want His Majesty to think?
Over the years, grain and grass from Daqian have continuously entered the New North Island slaves, allowing the New North Island slaves to live a life without worries about food and clothing.

Looking at Jihe and Shidan, they never ask us for armaments in advance.

I will not be stingy with the rewards that are due to me, and don’t reach out for those that I shouldn’t ask for! "

After saying that, Li Daoyuan stood up and opened the curtain, "King Yougu Li, please!"

Ashina Tumen came in without even drinking. He looked at Li Daoyuan with a hint of impatience on his face, obviously angry.

Li Shilong was on a personal expedition, and hundreds of thousands of troops were at the border. It would be uneconomical to anger Li Daoyuan at this time and settle accounts afterwards.

Beinu is not divided, and Daqian still has the strength to fight.

Now that Bei Nu has split into this ghost form, how can we fight him?
Thinking of this, Ashina Tumen gritted his teeth and said: "Thirty thousand vanguard troops, is it feasible?"

Li Daoyuan said: "You can have as many troops as you want, as long as you can suppress the Qixin tribe for three days. At that time, we will cover up the Qixin tribe on both sides and eat the Qixin tribe.

I count you as the first contributor. Your Majesty will be happy. Your contribution is indispensable.

By then, there will be no shortage of armaments or food and grass. "

"Okay, I believe in His Highness Prince Heng, but I can't prove what I say. Why don't I write a letter to His Highness Prince Heng, and I will have an explanation to Shanyu!" Ashina Tumen said.

Li Daoyuan's face looked a little better now. He lowered the curtain and said, "Forget it, I will just write a letter. King Youguli has been tired of traveling and traveling all the way. It's hard work."

I'm going to let people cook in the pot right now, and we'll have some drinks later! "

With that said, he sat down and started writing a letter.

Ashina Domon sat aside and waited. The soldiers also brought him fine tea and snacks, and he was relieved.

In his heart, he was thinking about how many main forces there were behind Li Daoyuan.Because Li Shilong personally led the expedition, the main arteries along the border began to be blocked.

It has become more difficult for people like Xinbeinu to get information.

Ashina Tumen really believed what Li Daoyuan said nonsense.

If you bow your head without reaping the slightest benefit, you are also afraid of settling the score later.

After writing the letter and sealing it with wax, Li Daoyuan handed it over.

Ashina Domon checked it to make sure it was not damaged before stuffing it into his clothes.

"Come on, King Youguli, we must have a drink today!"

Li Daoyuan took Ashina Tumen's hand, his face was full of smiles, and his face changed so quickly that it was amazing.

Ashina Tumen was slightly drunk, so he didn't stay long and left the Qianjun station with the letter.

A gust of wind blew by, and Ashina Tumen sobered up a lot. He looked back at Li Daoyuan, who was waving to him, and couldn't help but ask, "Am I being deceived?"

On the third day, Ashina Tumen returned to Qiaoba Mountain station.

The military minister immediately summoned him, "How was the discussion with Qian Jun?"

Ashina Tumen licked his chapped lips and told the story of this meeting, "The main force of Daqian is still behind. Li Daoyuan said that there are about 10 people in Ganzhou and Suzhou. There are [-] to [-] troops.

This time they used a total of 35 troops!

There are 20 cavalry, 20 thunder cannons, 500 rifles, five grenades, and [-] to [-] million rounds of bullets! "

Ashina Tumen, every time he said a word, the color on the faces of the military ministers became less and less.

There are thousands of thunder cannons, 20 rifles, 500 to [-] million rounds of bullets, and five grenades on hand.

If this were to happen on the battlefield, if one person fired a shot, not many people would be able to stand, right?

Qin Hei had brought several thunder cannons here before, and he had seen their power before.

Wanmen, he didn’t even dare to think about it.

Just thinking about that destructive scene makes me feel cold all over.

"It's fake. The Dagan people must be exaggerating!" said the military official: "This is a deceptive statement, used to scare the enemy!"

Ashina Tumen smiled bitterly, "However, the vanguard troops led by Li Daoyuan each have a rifle. Not only that, they also have a short gun. Although it is not as powerful as a rifle, it has a very long range and is much more powerful than a bow and arrow.

I took a look at the thunder cannons, I'm afraid there are no less than a thousand!

The boxes of grenades were piled up into a mountain. This was witnessed by the minister and others with his own eyes! "

The military minister's scalp was numb. He originally wanted to scold Ashina Tumen, but now he changed his mind and said: "You are doing the right thing. You cannot let Jihe and Shidan send troops, otherwise these two countries will occupy the north. We New Taipei slaves , and were completely surrounded.

In these two countries, there are troops stationed in Daqian, as well as new weapons in Daqian, and their combat power cannot be underestimated. "

He walked around in the camp and said, "You personally lead [-] cavalry to Qixin and hold back Qixin's troops.

I, the New North Slave, must win this first victory! "

Ashina Tumen said quickly: "Yes, I obey the order!"

After Ashina Tumen left the military tent, Qin Hei opened the tent and came in, "Chanyu, are you looking for me?"

"Mr. Qin, please sit down quickly." The military official took Qin Hei's hand and said, "You said that if the Xinbei slaves are attached to Da Gan, they will not seize the title of the Xinbei slaves. Is this true?"

(End of this chapter)

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