big dry son-in-law

Chapter 1123 The military officials were frightened!

Chapter 1123 The military officials were frightened!
Since Xinbeinu became a vassal state of Daqian, military officials have been intimidated by Qin Hei all the time.

Qin Hei's intimidation was not the kind of face a villain would have when he succeeds.

Instead, it subtly planted the irresistible seeds of Daqian Tianwei in the hearts of military officials.

This time Ashina Tumen's words directly gave birth to the seeds in the hearts of the military officials.

Moreover, Xinbei Nu sent people to pay tribute to Xinbei Nu last year. The envoy told the military officials what he saw and heard along the way. What he told Qin Hei was exactly the same.

Qin Hei even kept a low profile in some places.

After the envoy came back, the military officials didn't sleep much for two nights.

Qin Hei took Nanfan as an example. The population of Nanfan was larger than that of Beinu. What is happening now?

It's not like they were beaten and lost a lot of land.

Moreover, Nanfan is about to be annexed. Once Nanfan is annexed, Daqian will instantly have hundreds of thousands more soldiers to fight.

The new Zanpu is the nephew of Emperor Daqian.

The soldiers and ministers were numb.

Two years ago, he was still a little arrogant.

Now I have lost all my pride. Sometimes when I think about going to work, I feel uneasy and nervous.

Qin Hei felt reassured when he saw the military minister frowning and his eyes full of panic.

The uncle's idea was so good that the military minister was really frightened.

Going up to attack with troops is a technique to attack the heart and defeat the enemy without fighting.

He quickly patted the military minister on the back of his hand and said, "Don't panic, Chanyu. Let me analyze this matter with you in detail."

"it is good!"

The military minister sat opposite Qin Hei and heard Qin Hei say: "This time I am sending more than 30 troops. Counting the strength of our allies, the actual number is nearly 50.

This does not include the civilians who transported grain and grass. If they were included, the actual amount would be 60.

You know, Beinu can only support one million people to death. Excluding the old, weak, women and children, there are at most 50 to [-] string control people.

If this were the case before, they would indeed be evenly matched.

But now that Daqian's weapons have been updated several generations, Shan Yu knows in his heart that the numerical advantage is nothing.

Xu Luo, the second son of the British Duke of Daqian, led 500 men and captured Qiuci, a city of 5 people. This was a real deal.

We, the son of King Qin, led tens of thousands of people and captured the Tianxiang Kingdom with a population of 2000 million.

Needless to say, Nanfan will be classified as Daqian in the next two years.

It has been negotiated above. When the time comes, Zampu will retain his right to rule, and he will legislate with Daqian. He will be prosperous and wealthy with Daqian, and he will no longer have to worry about food and clothing.

There is no need to worry about intrusion from foreign enemies.

Last year, we had a bumper grain harvest in Dagan. With hundreds of millions of dan of grain, Dagan people would not be able to finish it all in a few years.

There will be so much food every year from now on.

Just think about it, Daqian has a large population, good weapons, and no worries about food. Why would it lose to a country with poor resources, insufficient food, and a small population?

To be honest, the grassland is so barren and unobstructed that it depends entirely on the weather for food.

I chase water and grass every day. Sometimes the cattle and sheep multiply too much and eat all the pasture, so there won't be much growth next year.

They also have to move their tribesmen around the vast grasslands. "

At this point, Qin Hei sighed, "To be honest, I feel miserable and tired as an outsider. If Beinu can be as prosperous as Daqian, Shanyu, do you think you need to work hard anymore?
To be honest, who wouldn't want to enjoy the glory and wealth just for that little bit of power?

Has Daqian treated Shanyu badly in the past two years?
Thinking about the heavy snowfall in the past two years, are there still people in your tribe who don't have enough clothes to wear, don't have enough to eat, and freeze to death in the wind and snow? "

"None of this!" Jun Chen shook his head, thinking about the past few years, it was really the most comfortable life he had lived in these years. "There are some things that I don't need to say, Shan Yu understands them in his heart." Qin Hei said with a smile: "I have also talked to you before about why the Central Plains dynasty has occupied this Middle-earth for thousands of years, while the grassland tribes, even if they win For a while, it was impossible to take over the Central Plains.

It is because one is an agricultural society and the other is a nomadic society. The agricultural society is stable and has great potential.

Although the nomadic society can still survive, when it encounters natural or man-made disasters, it directly destroys the country and exterminates the species.

You know smallpox, we are no longer afraid of smallpox, there is medicine to treat smallpox.

But can you handle it?

If the Dagan people put smallpox into your royal court, how many people in your tribe would die?
I'm being conservative, half dead is not too much, right?
If someone is sent to beat you right now, will you die?

This decision was rejected by His Majesty, who believed that throwing smallpox would harm the peace of the world.

Otherwise, a smallpox can bring down the entire Beinu! "

Hearing this, Jun Chen's body trembled involuntarily, and he remembered some past events.

In fact, smallpox was also spread in the grassland. If a tribe got smallpox, it would basically be abandoned by the Wolf God.

If you are lucky, you will not die, but you will lose half your life.

"So, if Da Gan wants to deal with Bei Nu, there are actually too many ways that you can't guard against. But you know, these methods I mentioned, there is no way to use them against Da Gan.

This is the cultural gap.

So Shanyu, now you have an opportunity in front of you to shorten this gap.

Dagan has a silage method that allows grass to be stored for a year.

If there is a cold winter, with this silage method, you can feed silage to cattle and sheep, and you no longer have to chase water and grass and live the homeless days.

Secondly, we can also grow pasture. These big cadres have also mastered the technology and can pass it on to the chanyu.

With pasture planting technology, even if this piece of grass is eaten up, with seeds, it can still grow lush and green next year.

It can also teach you how to make fertilizer to increase soil fertility.

Solving the problem of cattle, sheep and horses having no food during the winter can be regarded as solving the headache problem that Beinu has had for thousands of years.

Secondly, although this military tent is good, its ability to withstand the cold is average. Doesn't the Chanyu want to live in a big house?
Daqian can help you do it.

At the same time, you can also build stables for cattle and sheep to protect them from freezing to death in winter and from being bitten to death by hungry prairie wolves.

In this way, cattle, sheep, horses, and people no longer have to worry about not having enough to eat or not having enough to wear.

Finally, Daqian will build city-states on the grasslands, just like the herdsmen who live in the cities on the border.

There are wide roads, endless food, and a lot of exotic gadgets, which will continue to enter thousands of households in New Taipei.

Those tribes will only praise Shanyu's wisdom.

In the future, there will be no boundaries between the two countries. The Newbei slaves will become the Newbei slaves of Daqian, and Chanyu will become the only leader of the Newbei slaves recognized by Daqian.

The Great Qian is immortal, the Shanyu is immortal, the glory and wealth last for thousands of years.

Just thinking about those days makes me feel so beautiful.

What do you think? "

The military minister was stunned.

The world described by Qin Hei is fascinating.

He took Qin Hei's hand and asked again and again: "Mr. Qin, are these really possible?"

“It’s not about whether it can be realized, it’s definitely possible. Both the technology and the timing are mature!”

(End of this chapter)

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