big dry son-in-law

Chapter 1124 No, it must be included!

Chapter 1124 No, it must be included!
Qin Hei smiled and said: "Chanyu, you are also a knowledgeable and knowledgeable person who understands history. If you want to mess with Da Gan at this time.

That was not a good life.

I know that Beinu Dragon Body sent people over to try to borrow a passage, but you refused. "

The military minister's face suddenly became embarrassed, "Xinbeinu and Beinu are not from the same country. Naturally, I will not listen to their words."

"Let me put it this way, if they were lucky enough to survive and escape to the depths of the desert, the poverty would be uncomfortable.

Chanyu should also know the poverty deep in the desert. "

Qin Hei sighed: "So, whether you want to join Da Gan or not, the decision is in your hands.

It's up to you to decide whether to establish your position in one battle or to continue to wander and make mistakes.

Daqian will not force anything.

In addition, I can also tell you a little tidbit. "

"what news?"

"Shidan and Jihe also have inner meanings." Qin Hei pulled the tiger skin and pulled the flag and said: "Think about it for yourself!"

At this point, Qin Hei stopped talking, but silently took out a Qinzi and handed it over.

The military minister took Qin Zi with dull eyes. He used to like smoking this thing, but now it tastes like chewing wax.

Shidan and Jihe are also included.

There is a difference between vassal and vassal states.

A vassal state means that everyone agrees with a suzerain father.

Integration means directly merging into Daqian. From now on, everyone will be completely their own people.

Shidan and Jihe are still pretty good.

He exhaled a breath of smoke and finally made a decision, "Okay, I will join you, but there are conditions. My twin brother must be the Shanyu from generation to generation!"

Jingtang's surname is Shanyu's surname. This surname has been used for thousands of years.

“The annexed country has the right to legislate independently and enjoys the legal right to rule, but the bill must be discussed with the Daqian.

At that time, Daqian will send officials to govern the New North Slavs, and the New North Slavs can also go to the Central Plains to serve as officials.

There is me in you, and you in me, regardless of each other.

I, someone from Qin, can guarantee that the Twins and Daqian will live and die together! "

The military minister was completely tempted, and he gritted his teeth and said, "Okay, then I will write a letter now and please Mr. Qin and pass it on to His Majesty the Emperor Daqian!"

However, Qin Hei did not agree immediately, but hesitated and said: "Won't the Shanyu discuss with the ministers?"

"I don't need their consent, I can make the decision!" Military ministers just like to talk!
Qin Hei said: "No, Shanyu, the matter is serious. Although I really want the Xinbei slaves to integrate into Daqian, I know that this matter cannot be rushed.

It's better to convince everyone so that everyone can work together to get this done.

If there is disunity, a war will break out, wouldn't it just add to the trouble? "

What Qin Hei said was true to his feelings, and the military officials trusted him even more. They took Qin Hei's hand and sighed: "Mr. Qin, you put yourself in my shoes in everything, I'm really touched.

With the Dagan included, many people will inevitably say that our military ministers have forgotten their ancestors and abandoned the Wolf God.

But don't worry, Mr. Qin, I have made up my mind. The only way out for Xinbei slaves is to attach themselves to Da Gan.

This grassland is too barren. You can't survive without plundering it.

After fighting against the Central Plains dynasty for thousands of years, although there were small victories, they were repeatedly beaten to death.

How many races have appeared on this grassland, but they all ended up being exterminated.

Daqian has risen, and its military strength far exceeds that of previous dynasties.

Famous commanders and generals are like countless bright stars in the sky.

The prestige of His Majesty the Heavenly Khan has shocked the past and the present, and our army has surrendered! "He walked to the document, wrote the attached book, and finally stamped it with the treasure seal given to him by Da Qian. After confirming that it was correct, he said: "Mr. Qin, if possible, I would like to make friends with you and give you the title of "Mr. Qin". Royal brother! "

Qin Hei was stunned.

Younger brother?

He waved his hands repeatedly, "Absolutely not. How can I, Qin, be so virtuous and talented as to be able to make friends with Shan Yu?"

"Mr. Qin, do you look down on me?" The military official pretended to be angry, but he knew very well that only by tying Qin Hei to the New North Slave's chariot could he gain more benefits.

And this Qin Hei is from the Qin tribe.

The Qin clan is the largest clan in the capital. Qin Xiangru and Qin Mo are both from the Qin clan.

With the endorsement of the Qin people, he can also take more initiative.

When the military minister said this, Qin Hei thought for a while and said, "I don't dare to take it as my younger brother. Shanyu has also read Daqian's Journey to the West. The majesty in this book was written by Qin's consort Du Wei based on his majesty." of.

I don’t dare to be this royal younger brother! "

"I didn't expect this." The military minister laughed loudly and said, "Then I will wrong Mr. Qin and become King Zuoguli.

I will give you another [-] horses, and these [-] horses will be under your command! "

Qin Hei also didn't expect that the military minister would actually give him ten thousand horses.

But after thinking about it, he understood.

Giving these [-] horses showed his inner determination. If the emperor knew about it, he would definitely not doubt it.

At that moment, he bowed to the ground and said, "Thank you to Shanyu. Qin Hei will definitely live up to Shanyu's trust!"

The military officer helped him up and said with a smile: "You can't call him Shanyu, you have to call him brother!"

Qin Hei quickly patted his mouth, "Look at my stupid mouth! Thank you for your trust, brother!"

"Hahaha, okay, it's a great joy in life to have a good brother!"

The military official said: "Today, I will stay with my virtuous brother until I get drunk."

When Qin Hei woke up, there were still two women lying next to him. These two women were the concubines of the military officials.

Still the kind that is favored.

Thinking of his drunken absurdity, Qin Hei also shook his head.

However, the grassland people are indeed more unrestrained, and they believe in this to express their close relationship with each other.

After being favored by Qin Mo, these two concubines belong to Qin Hei. He must take them away. If he doesn't take them away, he will look down on the military officials.

Fortunately, these two women are pretty good-looking.

When they got up, the two concubines quickly got up to serve Qin Hei. Qin Hei was not polite and allowed them to mess around.

After getting dressed and standing at attention, Qin Hei left the camp and saw the military minister carrying a long gun on his back and a short gun in his hand.

Seeing Qin Hei, the military minister threw his gun to the attendant, dismounted and said, "Brother, you had a good rest last night. How are the two women serving you?"

"Thank you, brother, I had a good rest!" Qin Hei said with cupped hands.

"Haha, that's good!" The military minister took Qin Hei's hand and said: "This new pistol is great, it can fire continuously, it's fun!
Although it is not as powerful as a rifle, it is not comparable to a bow and arrow. If you are fighting closely, you can quickly take it out and catch the opponent off guard! "

"I also brought some firearms and bullets this time. I should be able to let my brother form a personal bodyguard. With this bodyguard, anyone who dares to disobey will be killed by my brother!"

The military minister was overjoyed. He now loves firearms far more than women.

The deterrence of this thing is much stronger than that of bows and arrows.

"Thank you, dear brother. I will give you two more women for my brother's sake!"

(End of this chapter)

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