big dry son-in-law

Chapter 1125 One touch and collapse!

Chapter 1125 Collapsing at the touch of a finger!
At this time, Ashina Tumen went straight to Qixin with an army of [-] people. He did not know that his Shan Yulian and the entire Xinbei slaves were sold to Daqian.

Thirty thousand Qingqi arrived at the Qixin Department in less than three days.

The Qixin tribe was a large tribe of 5 people. After being defeated by Mao Dun, they offered their loyalty.

The leader of the tribe, Qixin Yongli, was also a burly man, wearing armor forged from pig iron. The armor alone weighed more than eighty kilograms.

The weapon in his hand is a long-handled mace, weighing about seventy kilograms.

He is the number one warrior of the Qixin tribe, and he is also the hereditary Zuo Danghu of Maodun!

The left and right household members, the left and right kings of Guli, and the left and right generals all belong to the hereditary official positions of Beinu.

"Report, leader, the Xinbeinu army is coming!" The scout hurriedly came to report.

Qixin Yongli was wiping his mace and asked: "Who is leading the army and how many people are there?"

"The leader of the army is Ashina Tumen, and the opponent claims to have 6 people!" the scout replied.

"Hmph, traitor and lackey!"

Qi Xin Yongli snorted coldly, put on his armor, "Call the men, and snipe at these traitorous lackeys!"

He hated traitors like Ashina Tumen more than Daqian.

The appearance of these people is a complete troublemaker and can easily destroy Modun Shanyu's plan.

But in the face of a powerful enemy, there is no other way except to fend off the enemy.

The Qixin tribe is brave and good at fighting, and has about 5000 capable soldiers. However, there are only 2 people guarding here at this time.

The rest were transferred to Longting.

The past two years have been very difficult for everyone. There have been heavy snowfalls and disasters year after year, and some smaller tribes have lost their children.

He got on the horse, looked at the tribal warriors who were ready to go, and said: "Ashina Tumen is invading. We must kill these dog thieves on the grassland and prevent them from moving forward!"

"Kill these thieves!"

"The Wolf God will judge these traitors!"

Seeing that his morale was available, Qixin Yongli nodded, "Charge!"

After marching fifteen miles, the people of the Qixin tribe encountered an army of [-] people led by Ashina Tumen.

The brave wins when we meet on a narrow road.

Ashina Domon calmly said, "Run shoot!"

Their arrows were all made by Da Gan and were much more powerful than the ones they used before.

And it’s still an iron tire bow.

This iron-tied bow, whether it is Beinu or Daqian, can only be used by people with extraordinary courage and high status.

Now, they have a total of five thousand.

In order to facilitate and better draw the bow, this iron tire bow has also been simplified to a certain extent, and it is not that difficult to pull.

Otherwise, if you pull a few arrows, your arm will become useless.

The arrowhead is rolled in the gold juice. Once it is scratched, the chance of infection will be greatly increased.


Whoosh whoosh!
The arrow shot up into the sky, crossed an arc, and finally fell into the enemy's camp.

The arrowheads made of fine steel easily penetrated their armor made of pig iron.

If the arrowhead penetrates the flesh, life would be worse than death.

The longbow made of iron tire bow has a longer range and is more powerful.

The Qixin tribe still uses Beinu bows and arrows.

Their arrows have small holes in the blades of the arrowheads, and there are drilled bone balls underneath the arrowheads. After being shot, they make a sound in the wind, so they are called "Mingdy".

Their bow-making technology was indeed better than Daqian before this.

But now, this technology has been surpassed.

However, batches of arrows are still the most terrifying weapons of war.

The effective range is more than thirty feet, and the farthest range is from fifty feet to eighty feet.Qi Xin Yongli was furious and urged his war horse to kill the general first.

Ashina Tumen was also very calm at this time. They had good weapons and must maximize this advantage.

Moreover, their armor is also a new type of dry armor, which is difficult for arrows to penetrate.

Although they don't have much equipment, their swords are all produced by Daqian.

The blade is made of hardened steel and is extremely sharp.

It's a pity that the Dagan people were reluctant to give them their Mo Dao.

If we use the Mo Dao Team, we will definitely be able to kill all the Qi Chips without leaving a single piece of armor behind.

After the fifth round of arrows was fired, the two sides fought hand to hand.

Ashina Domon drew out his horizontal sword and said, "Kill!"


The soldiers of the Military Department took out the horizontal sword made of tempered steel. This sword was much better than the one they used before.

Not only heavy, but sharp and tough.

With the power of the war horse's impact, they can even break through their armor!
A tyrannical person would even cut the opponent in half with one sword!
"These traitor lackeys actually even wore armor on their war horses!" Qixin Yongli waved his mace, feeling both angry and envious in his heart.

The armor looked like fine iron.

Ashina Tumen has more people and better weapons than them, so they already have the upper hand.

He suddenly regretted having underestimated the enemy so much.

Ashina Tumen is usually not outstanding, far inferior to Ashina Sumi and Ashina Wumo, so, based on preconceptions, he felt that he would win this battle.

"For the bravery of killing Qixin, I will reward you with a hundred horses and yaks each, fifty kilograms of burning knives, a woman, and a promotion to the third rank!" Ashina Tumen said loudly.

This sentence directly made the soldiers of the Military Department scream excitedly.

These are real benefits.

Relying on the power of weapons and the protection of armor, these people rushed to kill, even more desperate for their lives.

It turned out that Li Daoyuan asked Ashina Tumen to hold Qixinbu down.

Unexpectedly, this battle directly suppressed the Qi Xin Department.

Moreover, it seems that the Qixin Department did not mobilize in full force.

Ashina Tumon killed a Qixin warrior with one arrow, panting heavily, "Quick, stick to them, they are trying to escape!"

When the two armies meet, they will fight for their determination and courage to the death.

The defeat is revealed. If the fight continues, there will be widespread defeat and casualties.

Although Qixin Yongli is unwilling to give in, he also understands that if he continues at this time, it is very likely that everything will be lost here.

Although he was angry, he was helpless.

The warriors in front held back the enemy, and they strung their bows again.

After several rounds of upward shots, the distance was widened by twenty or thirty feet.

"I want to escape, but there is no way!"

Ashina Tumon saw this and said angrily: "Pursue!"

That is Qixin Yongli. If he kills Qixin Yongli, Ashina Tumen will be one of the most powerful warriors on the grassland.

He also didn't expect that he would delay the battle and end up pursuing the battle abruptly.

After chasing for several miles, a lieutenant general said: "King Yougu Li, could they be deceitful? Then how could they be defeated by us in a single encounter with their bravery and great military exploits?
Moreover, they brought so few people this time, maybe there were reinforcements behind them, and they were just pretending to fail to lure us over.

It’s better to be cautious! "

Ashina Tumen was in high spirits, and when he heard this, he calmed down. After thinking about it, he felt that what the deputy general said was reasonable.

He said unwillingly: "Stop chasing, go back and clean up the battlefield and count the casualties!"

(End of this chapter)

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