big dry son-in-law

Chapter 1126: Heavy damage to the Qixin Department!

Chapter 1126: Heavy damage to the Qixin Department!
"Damn thing, damn it!"

After Qixin Yongli escaped back to the tribe, he still had two arrows stuck in his body. Even though the blood was flowing, he still didn't care.

The mace in his hand contained some flesh and blood, and blood flowed down from the top, dyeing Qixin Yongli's hand red.

The witch doctor in the tribe said: "Chief, I am going to pull out the arrow, please bear with me!"

Qi Xin pushed the witch doctor away bravely, grabbed the arrows on his chest and legs, and pulled them out.

The arrowhead hooked a piece of flesh and blood, leaving a hole directly behind.

He took off his armor, and blood was flowing out from the wound.

The witch doctor quickly sprinkled medicine on the wound, "Chief, this arrow has gold juice rolled on it. You must be careful. We can't fight these days. Let's go back to Longting!"

Qixin Yongli's face was gloomy, "Shut up, if I go back now, wouldn't I be afraid of that traitor and lackey?
And now that I haven’t even seen anyone, if I just go back like this, wouldn’t my plan be completely disrupted? "

The witch doctor did not dare to speak anymore, and Qixin Yongli asked again: "Have the injuries been counted?"

The clansman in charge of this area did not dare to speak. It was Qixin Yongli who pressed him and said, "Back to the leader, we lost 790 brothers in this battle!"

Hearing this, Qixin Yongli's eyes widened and his teeth chattered, "Why are there so many broken parts?"

"Chief, the traitors in the military department have been supported by Da Gan and have sophisticated weapons. Moreover, in the past two years of white disasters, they have been supported by Da Gan and have not suffered any damage.

The scouts came to report that the military officials were doing well, and the Dagan people even brought a large number of doctors and veterinarians to help them.

In the past two years, four to five thousand children have been born in the military department. Except for those who died in infancy, not a single child was killed or injured. "

The man smiled bitterly and said: "Chief, Beinu has no hope. Stop resisting in the corner. We can't even defeat the army and ministers. If the main force of the Dagan people comes, how can we fight?
Their weapons are even more powerful than those of the military ministers! "

"Shut up!" Qixin Yongli yelled.

"Even if you kill me, I still have to say that Maodun Shanyu is old and no longer as wise as before. If he kills old people for food and forces women to go to war, there is no hope for this country!
Our Qixin tribe is not a tribe of Beinu. As the Zuoxian King of Beinu, the military minister can surrender. Why can't we surrender?

Is it good for us to continue working for Beinu? "

"Shut up!" Qi Xin Yongli was panting like an ox, his eyes filled with bloodshot eyes, "I, Qi Xin, will not be a slave of the second surname, a soldier, a traitor, and a thief. From now on, all the men in the grassland will laugh at him and ridicule him. He, spit on him!"

"Chief, does it mean that you are a loyal minister if you lead the entire Qixin tribe to perish?"

The group knelt on the ground and said, "I beg the leader to consider the people and the overall situation. Maodun is old and has no successors. If you continue to follow Bei Nu, you will die."

Qixin Yongli's face was particularly ugly. In addition to being injured, his face turned blue and white in turns.

"If I surrender at this time, will I not care about the more than 1 brothers and more than 2 women and children?" Qixin Yongli scolded: "A bunch of stupid people."

Maodun Shanyu said it was a secondment, but in fact he was afraid that they would not be able to work hard.

Force them to fight to the death.

And after all this time, he still didn’t know the situation in Longting.

"Chief, I think Maodun Chanyu just wants to drag us to death together. The military minister Yi Zhixie has deserted and he has no successor. Will the four major families be loyal to a Chanyu who has no queen?"

"That's right, they are hiding behind and letting the Qixin, Ashina, and Ashide tribes be the vanguard. Isn't this a clear intention to let us consume the enemy?"

"I'm telling you again, shut up!" Qixin Yongli said with a stern face: "How do you know there are no traitors in the tribe? If the traitors spread what you said today back to Longting, what will happen to our compatriots? Do you know?

We've been forced to the point where there's no way out, do you understand?
Stay well guarded here. "

"Chief, we can't sit still and wait for death. If Mao Dun doesn't treat us as human beings, then we won't serve him.

It's better to secretly send people to find Gan Jun, surrender secretly, and then go to Longting to kill him and turn the world upside down.It is such a great achievement to save our fellow tribesmen, Ganren will definitely not treat us badly.

No matter what happens, they won't kill us. Maybe they can make the leader a king like the military ministers did, and permanently divide the territory of Qixin to our tribe.

In the future, when the weather is cold and the ground is freezing, with the support of Daqian, we no longer have to move around without purpose. How great? "

Qixin Yongli stopped talking and gradually became moved.

But Ashina Tumen was chasing so closely at this time, no one knew when he would hit him again.

I don’t know where Ganren is.

"Chief, stop swaying. Beinu has no hope. The most important thing is to survive with your clan members."

Qixin Yongli sighed and said: "But Ashina Tumen is chasing so closely, there will definitely be a big battle in the next two days!"

"This is easy to handle. Send people to look for Ashina Tumen. If you can't find someone to do it, then let the credit go to Ashina Tumen."

Qixin Yongli opened his mouth and thought of Modun Shanyu's plan.

Can this plan really work?

Is it possible to abandon these people and hit the main force of the army hard?
That night, Li Daoyuan led an army of [-] people to Yan Hongda Well. There were only more than a thousand people stationed here, but they were directly killed by Li Daoyuan.

He didn't even leave anyone alive and directly beheaded this group of Qixin people.

Cut off their ears.

Taking into account the time, the people from the Military Ministers Department should have already started fighting with the people from the Qixin Department.

I don’t know if I win or lose.

Just wait for the scout to report.

After replenishing water at Yan Hongda Well, Li Daoyuan chose a place that was easy to defend and difficult to attack as his base. If he was quick, he should receive news from the scouts tomorrow morning.

As a result, Li Daoyuan was woken up in the middle of the night.

"Prince Heng, the scout is back!" the deputy general reminded.

Li Daoyuan woke up instantly and got up from his sleeping bag.

This sleeping bag is warm, lightweight, easy to carry, and feels safe while sleeping.

He patted his face and walked over, "How about the front?"

"King Heng, at the end of yesterday, Ashina Tumen led an army of [-], and killed more than [-] enemies more than ten miles away from the Qixin Department, captured more than [-] people, and severely damaged the Qixin Department!" the scout replied! .

"Oh?" Li Daoyuan drawled his voice, which surprised him.

The Qixin Department was severely damaged in the first battle. Unexpectedly, Ashina Tumen had two brushes.

"Do you know what's going on inside the Qixin Department?"

"I don't dare to get too close, but it can be seen that there are not many people in the Qixin tribe, there should be no more than 2 people!" The scout said: "It is possible that they were taken away by Beinu Longting!"

Li Daoyuan squinted his eyes, "Whether it's taken out or not, this is a good opportunity!"

(End of this chapter)

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