big dry son-in-law

Chapter 1127 Li Daoyuan is confused!

Chapter 1127 Li Daoyuan is confused!
In this first battle, the military ministers took it away.

As a pioneer, he has not opened up meat so far.

"Notice to march at night." Li Daoyuan looked at the time, but it was around Chou hour. If he was fast, he would be able to reach Qixin Department early tomorrow morning.

The military ministers were in the east, and they would never have imagined that the vanguard of the Qian army was here.

After receiving the order, the scout team went to explore the road first.

Everyone got up from their sleeping bags, folded them, placed them on the horse, took out the dry food and ate it silently.

The war horse has been fed before going to bed and is full of energy at this time.

Under the moonlight, thirty thousand cavalry galloped on the grassland.

At this time, the leader of the Qixin Department camped.

Qixin Yongli developed a high fever. Even though the witch doctor applied medicinal powder, the flesh and blood under the arrowhead was too large, and after the golden juice was rolled on it, the infection was too strong.

Within one night, the wound suppurated, and the pus and blood soaked into the wrapping, exuding a fishy smell.

Qixin Yongli was leaning on the bed. In this state, let alone fighting, he couldn't even swing a mace.

Not only did I feel dizzy, but I also felt extremely nauseous and felt like vomiting.

He quickly called the people of the tribe over, "I, I am so ill, I won't be able to lead you in a short time.

Quickly break out of the stronghold and go to Longting for help. "

The people in the tribe were extremely puzzled, "Chief, even if we go to Longting, we will still be treated as pawns. If you have a problem, there will be no one to lead the Qixin tribe, and Maodun Shanyu will not take us seriously."

The situation of Qixin Yongli is particularly bad, and everyone is worried. If something happens to him at this stall, the Qixin Department will basically be leaderless.

Moreover, the little leader is still in Longting.
"We have no retreat, but we can send people to find Ashina Tumen. We can choose to be internal responders, but we have to save our compatriots and relatives."

Qixin Yongli said tiredly: "If I don't survive these days, let my son be the leader. He will lead the Qixin tribe in my place."

"Chief, you will be fine!" the witch doctor said solemnly: "If we can find Ganjun, we might be able to cure you with Ganjun's methods.

I heard that the doctor in Daqian is very good! "

"Come on, it's too late!"

Qixin Yongli said weakly: "It will be dawn soon, hurry up and notify us, break out the stronghold, and let's go to Longting.

Let Qixin Muda lead a hundred people, take Qixin's banner, go to Ashina Tumen and tell them, I, we are surrendering to the Military Ministers Department.

When the time comes, we will cooperate internally and externally, and together we will destroy Beinu Longting! "

Qi Xin Mu Da is Qi Xin Yongli's younger brother. Seeing his brother like this, Qi Xin Mu Da gritted his teeth and knelt down on one knee, "Brother, don't worry, I'll go right away!"

He rushed out of the tent and looked at the wind blowing on the tent.

At this time, the sky and the earth were dim, and a golden light separated the sky and the earth, shining straight on the flag.

Qixinmuda held a bow and arrow in his hand, and with just one arrow, the flagpole broke and fell.

Qixin Muda tore off the banner, walked into the camp, and knelt on the ground, "Brother, don't worry, when I get to Longting, I will definitely rescue my little nephew and support him to become a new generation of the Qixin tribe. leader!"

"Okay, I didn't see the wrong person!"

Qixin Yongli nodded, feeling very relieved. Yesterday those people persuaded him to surrender, but Qixin Muda said nothing.

He was particularly worried. Today he deliberately said that his son would be the next generation leader. In fact, he also wanted to see Qixin Muda's reaction.

If he was ambitious, the arrow would hit his head instead of the banner.

Now, even if he is, he can rest assured!
Its daybreak.

Qixin Muda took the banner and left the Qixin tribe with a hundred people.

Others also began to break camp, leaving Qixin and heading to Longting.Qixin Yongli was lying on the carriage, and the witch doctor changed the medicine for him, saying that the poison had entered his blood and might have entered his lungs.

He knew very well that he would probably not be able to escape this time.

He only hoped that he could survive to Longting and finally see Mao Dun alone.

Only in this way can Maodun Shanyu be completely reminded of his old feelings, relax his vigilance, and buy more time for the Qixin Department.

At this moment, exclamations suddenly came from outside, and the hysterical voice of the scout came from a distance, "Enemy attack!"

All of a sudden, the Qixin Department who was cleaning up the camp couldn't react at all!
They froze on the spot, their eyes full of confusion.

Qixin Yongli heard the sound, struggled to get up, opened the curtain of the carriage, and shouted at the top of his voice: "Did Ashina Tumen bring someone here?"

The scout got off his horse and ran over, "It's not Ashina Tumen, it's Ganjun!"

Why did Ganjun arrive at the Qixin Department all of a sudden?

Where are the people over at Yanda Hongjing?
Why wasn't the news delivered in advance?
Qixin Yongli thought of a possibility, that is, all the garrison soldiers there were killed by Da Gan people.

He looked around and saw billowing dust from the south.

This was the time when the water and grass were at their most plentiful, and the cavalry could actually step out of the billowing sand, indicating that their strength was at least [-].

In this way, repeated trampling of grass can form this kind of sand and dust.

"Quick, let them get on their horses!" Qixin Yongli said hysterically.

At this time, the witch doctor rushed over and said: "Chief, what a good opportunity. Since the Qian army has arrived, why do we still resist? Send someone to tell them that our Qixin tribe has surrendered.

You are saved! "


"It's nothing, if you don't get treatment, there is really no hope!" The witch doctor gritted his teeth and said: "You are still young and can continue to lead our Qixin Department for 20 years.

At this juncture, the little leader is not good enough, and your brother is not able to lead us out of the predicament. Only you can turn our Qixin Department into danger!

So, I was offended! "

Witch doctors enjoy a high reputation in the tribe. They are not only witch doctors, but also shamans.

The Qixin tribe was originally a Tiejue tribe, so they believed in shamanism.

The witch doctor stepped over and ordered dozens of people to come out and let them go in batches.

Too many people would make the Dagan people think it was a counterattack.

There are too few people, and I am afraid that Daqian people will not pay attention to it.

He also tore off a lot of white cloth, pierced it with arrows, and asked them to go over with the white cloth!

Although the Dagan people seemed very close, they were actually quite far away, enough for the witch doctor to take these measures.

After finishing, these people who were called on also mustered up the courage to go forward.

As this was not enough, the witch doctor was afraid that the Dagan people would not believe him, so he directly ordered them to drop their bows and arrows and kneel on the ground.

Although it was humiliating, facing the fierce warriors coming, Qi Xinbu, who was severely injured, really had no ability to fight.

After all, Da Gan people have rifles and thunder cannons.

Those mysterious weapons are far beyond what the Ministry of Military Affairs can match.

Li Daoyuan was leading the charge. When he saw a dozen people from the other side rushing over, he was also confused.

This isn't right. Are the Qixin people stupid?
If you don't form a formation to charge, how can you let a dozen little Karami come over?
(End of this chapter)

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