big dry son-in-law

Chapter 1128 Tell the truth!

Chapter 1128 Tell the truth!

When the war horse was galloping, his vision was not very good, and he could only feel that things around him were passing by quickly.

But you can still vaguely see in the distance. The people in the Qixin Department did not re-arm and go into battle. On the contrary, they seemed to be waiting to die on the spot!
Li Daoyuan was even more surprised and quickly stopped the Benteng army.

Seeing the army stopped, the Qixin people who could speak Dagan spoke loudly: "General Dagan, we are from the Qixin Department. Our Qixin Department is willing to surrender. Please ask General Dagan not to fight again!"

As soon as these words came out, everyone was taken aback.

Is this surrender?
Should not be ah.

Li Daoyuan felt uncomfortable.

Damn it, you traveled thousands of miles and beheaded thousands of people. This is not a big achievement, but it is not as good as the military ministers department.

How embarrassing would it be to spread the word to His Majesty?

I originally thought of attacking him in a sneak attack and killing ten thousand of them, which would be a good idea.

Everyone is waiting for success in battle to get promoted and make a fortune.

"Generals of Daqian, our Qixin tribe has surrendered!" The scout got off his horse and knelt on the ground, holding a white flag high in his hand.

Looking at the large number of cavalrymen who looked like wolves and tigers, they were still very afraid.

At this time, the deputy general next to Li Daoyuan said: "Prince Heng, the people in the Qixin Department are holding white flags in their hands and kneeling there!"

Li Daoyuan quickly took out his telescope and saw that this was really the case.

What the hell is going on?

Continue to kill?

It is against the rules to kill someone for military glory.

"Go, capture those people and question them!" Li Daoyuan waved his hand, and a small team rushed over and captured these people.

After some questioning, Li Daoyuan found out that Qixinbu was sincerely surrendering.

"Damn it, you were defeated by the military officials in just one battle? This is not okay!" Li Daoyuan cursed, isn't this a joke.

But you can't kill now. If they really join, it will still be of great use.

"Let's go and have a look!"

Qixin Yongli looked ahead, only to feel his eyes go black for a while, and he suddenly fell forward and lost consciousness.

When I woke up again, it was already afternoon.

Qixin Yongli looked at the camp, his mouth went dry, and he suddenly thought of something and sat up suddenly, "Shaman, where is Daqian's army?"

The witch doctor on the side was also guarding Qixin Yongli. When he saw him waking up, the witch doctor was overjoyed and said, "Thanks to the God of Nature, the leader finally woke up."

There were many people sitting around the tent. They were overjoyed to see Qixin Yongli wake up, and they all gathered around, "Chief, how do you feel?"

"Great, the leader has finally woken up. The Dagan people really have the ability to make flesh and bones of the dead alive!"

Looking at them, Qixin Yongli quickly asked: "Where are the Dagan people? Where are they?"

"Chief, the Dagan people are outside. It was the Dagan people who treated your injuries, and that's how you turned your danger into a blessing and woke up!"

Qixin Yongli was stunned for a moment, then looked down at the wounds on his chest and thighs. They used white gauze and the wounds were no longer as painful as before.

I touched my forehead and found that I wasn't feeling hot anymore.

While he was getting dressed, he asked about what happened after he fell into coma.

“After Ganren came over, he didn’t kill anyone, he just took away our tribe’s war horses and looted weapons.

After treating the leader, Daqian's military doctors also helped treat the injured tribal brothers. "When it comes to this, many people have complicated eyes. They are enemies.

Even though they surrendered, they were able to immediately put aside their past grudges and treat them.

Many people saw that they could not hold on any longer, but were forcibly saved by Daqian military doctors.

"My younger brother was shot through the stomach. It looked like he was going to die, but he ate a big bowl of beef in the afternoon and his spirits improved!"

"Chief, the Dagan people don't seem to be bad!"

Qi Xin Yongli got out of bed and limped out of the camp, where he saw the big cadres busy treating the Qi Xin soldiers.

The compatriots who could only lie down and wait for death stopped shouting at this time and just looked at them gratefully.

The leading general sat there, not angry and proud.

Qixin Yongli walked over quickly and knelt on the ground as if he were pushing a mountain of gold over a jade pillar. "Thank you General Li for saving your life. Qixin Yongli is deeply grateful!"

Li Daoyuan looked at Qi Xin Yongli, stood up and helped him up, "Daqian is a righteous teacher and surrenders his troops without killing.

The Qixin tribe was originally the Tiejue tribe. The Tiejue had good relations with the Central Plains during the Northern Zhou Dynasty, but it was a pity that they were embezzled by the Beinu.

There is no way out for working for thieves. If you dare to stay in this hut, go against the grain on the grassland, and use women and children as hostages, you will definitely be punished by God. "

Qixin Yongli didn't know that Li Daoyuan was stepping down for him, and he was ashamed for a moment.

He knelt down again and said: "Qixin Yongli is willing to surrender to Da Gan and die for Da Gan!"

"Get up quickly!" Li Daoyuan said: "Daqian welcomes everyone who abandons darkness and turns to light."

Now that he has achieved this step, Li Daoyuan will naturally continue to be this good man to the end.

Qi Xin Yongli stood up, looked at the busy military doctor Da Gan, and couldn't help but said: "I, Qi Xin, have worked hard for Bei Nu, but in the end we have to end up like this.

I never thought that the person who saved me would be my former enemy. I really regret it! "

"The barbarians outside the Maodun Fortress have no righteousness and do not know destiny." Li Daoyuan said: "Since the Qixin tribe has surrendered, I will make my own decision and establish the Qixin tribe as the Qixin army.

The leader will still lead the Qixin Army. When Beinu is pacified in the future, I will definitely ask for credit for the Qixin Army! "

As soon as these words came out, everyone in the Qixin tribe quickly knelt down on one knee and said, "I am willing to be driven by General Li!"

Li Daoyuan nodded, "Okay, everyone, get up. This general can assure you that the war will calm down in the future. If the Qixin tribe wants to stay in the grassland, they can continue to stay in the Qixin ancestral land.

If you are willing to live in the Central Plains, there must be a place for everyone to live in peace. "

This is what the Qixin tribe is most worried about. Now that they heard Li Daoyuan's promise, the last trace of worry is gone.

Li Daoyuan is the King of Daqianheng and has a high status, so his words can naturally convince them.

"General Li, Beinu Longting is cheating, be careful!" At this time, Qixin Yongli no longer held back and revealed Beinu's conspiracy.

Li Daoyuan listened carefully, "You mean, Yi Zhixie will come to help?"

"Yes, that's what Mao Dun said." Qi Xinyong said: "Actually, the split of the Northwest slaves was a good plan by Yi Zhixie and Mo Dun. The purpose was to allow Yi Zhixie to defraud Daqian's armaments, thereby relaxing Daqian. Be careful.

After Daqian's main force came in, Yi Zhixie came from behind to outflank him! "

Li Daoyuan squinted his eyes. Isn't Yi Zhixie attacking Yuezhi and Dashi right now?

Across three to four thousand miles, I came here to help Beinu Longting.

How come it sounds so unreliable!
But it's not impossible.

Cheng Sanaxe was guarding the west side, but it was impossible to go deep into the Beinu Atrium. Yi Zhixie could completely take a detour.

In this way, the army guarding Xiakou Mountain is used to attract attention!
(End of this chapter)

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