big dry son-in-law

Chapter 1129 The battle achievements that come to your doorstep!

Chapter 1129 The battle achievements that come to your doorstep!

Once the army goes deep and Yi Zhixie comes from behind, it is really possible that Su Yun and the others will be caught off guard.

Thinking of this, Li Daoyuan quickly wrote an urgent report and asked the scouts to send it to Suzhou.

"Chief Qixin, since the Qixin Ministry has been incorporated, please be a general under my command. I have already written an urgent report to Your Majesty. I will give you a proper official position after the formal appointment. I have wronged you now. !" Li Daoyuan said,

"No grievance!" Qixin Yongli's posture was very low.

"When I came here, I saw you break up the stronghold, but you want to go to Beinu Longting?" Li Daoyuan didn't fully trust Qixin Yongli.

"Yes, because our family members were all transferred away by Maodun, so I asked my brother Qixin Muda to surrender to Ashina Tumen, and then we should cooperate inside and outside." Qixin Yongli did not hide it either. The plan was revealed.

Li Daoyuan said: "This plan is very good, but it is a bit dangerous, but it is also the most trustworthy plan to save your family.

So, let’s continue with this plan. "

Li Daoyuan thought for a while and decided to use the trick. He called 1 people, changed into the clothes of the Qixin tribe, and even shaved the hair of the Qixin tribe.

Everyone is equipped with grenades and white phosphorus grenades. If they enter the Dragon Court, they will definitely be able to kill him like crazy!

Qixin Yongli also thinks this method is good. He knows better that he has not completely trusted Li Daoyuan. These more than [-] people following Li Daoyuan can also give him peace of mind.

Ashina Tumen, who was stationed dozens of miles away, was helpless when he learned that Li Daoyuan had intercepted Hu on the way.

What a great contribution it was, just gone.

He even regretted that he did not pursue him, otherwise, the Qixin Department would have been completely defeated in yesterday's battle.

It's useless even if my intestines turn green at this moment.

At this time, Su Yun was still fighting anxiously with the people in Ju Yanhai. These people were special thieves.

Faced with Su Yun's show of weakness, he was not fooled.

For a while, the battle situation fell into trouble.

Su Yun also got off to a bad start and became increasingly anxious.

As for Qin Mo, he passed Yumen Pass and headed straight to Jinshan.

After Jinshan, there is Geluolu to the east, and then there is Wushan. Beinu's Dragon Court is on the east side of Wushan, along the Fukun River, and you can find Beinu's Dragon Court.

However, this road must be heavily guarded, and the risk of a surprise attack is high.

But why not go around it?
From Xiakou Mountain to Beinu Longting, there is a blank buffer zone for thousands of miles, and you can go straight to Longting.

Qin Mo was terribly entangled, but after thinking about it, if he captured Mao Dun alive, wouldn't Su Yun be blinded?

In the end, it was his first achievement.

No one else gets to play.

If you want to be like a champion, you must also consider the mood of others.

Forget it, it's okay if he wins, but if he loses, all the faults are his. He, Qin, can't be greedy for credit at this time!
Gao Yao saw Qin Mo's dilemma, "Master, should we cross Jinshan and continue north, or should we go east?"

"Go north!" Qin Mo said: "Go home!"

This time, Qin Mo wants to seal Langjuxu. Da Qian also said this, but Qin Mo is not going to Langjuxu Mountain, but to Xiaohai (Lake Baikal), directly pushing Langjuxu Mountain forward by several hundred inside.

He wants to let his horse ride, bathe, and have fun in the small sea!
Write about Qin Mo’s visit here!
Along the way, Qin Mo sent out scouts to explore the road during the day and marched at night. After entering the country, he crossed Jinshan Mountain in only three days. On the west side was Bo Ximi, who was also Tiejue's original tribe.

This tribe is opposed to Geluolu, and there is a large river thousands of miles long in the middle.

This is the hardest part of getting around.

Qin Mo was worried. Crossing the river was a big problem. It was even more difficult to cross the river without anyone noticing.

almost impossible.

Unless he took a detour from Jinshan to the west, which would increase the journey by almost half, the rations he brought would not be enough.Finally, Qin Mo made a decision and secretly borrowed a passage from Buximi. If he found out, he would kill him.

He stayed in Jinshan for two days, letting the scouts figure out the route map, and then march secretly.

Diaximi can be considered a large tribe, but according to scout reports, there are not many Diaoximi people, maybe only a few thousand people.

Qin Mo immediately thought of Maodun's transfer of people.

Modu should have transferred all the people from the major tribes.

It’s better to have fewer people.

On the third night, Qin Mo led his army to march from the east side of Bo Ximi's tribe. The distance was only twenty miles, which was particularly exciting.

Fortunately, this night went very smoothly. Early the next morning, we arrived at the end of the river. Here was a huge lake, and it was a saltwater lake.

Just when Qin Mo was about to cross the big lake in one go, the scout rushed to report, "Report, general, there is a large group of cavalry twenty miles away in the northwest direction, numbering no less than 3 people."

Thirty thousand riders?
Where did it come from?
Qin Mo's expression changed. This was the northwest, close to Northwest Nu.

Logically speaking, no large group of cavalry will come here.

Even if there are, they are guarding the front line.

Could it be that he was discovered?
"Quick, find the commanding heights and prepare to fight!"

"The scout camp is exploring again!"

Since they have collided with each other, Qin Mo will not be afraid. At worst, he will wipe out all these people in one go.

Qin Mo gave an order and the whole army was on alert.

They found the high ground, fixed the gun mount, and loaded the bullets.

This location is very good, condescending, easy to defend but difficult to attack!

This was not the first time Qin Mo fought, so he was not panicking, just thinking about how to deal with the next battle.

But after waiting for more than half an hour, there was still no sign of the enemy.

"Report, general, the enemy troops are heading to Ubusu Lake!" the scout reported anxiously.

Qin Mo was stunned. He was setting up the Dragon Gate Formation here, but they actually went to Ubusu Lake?
The Ubusu Lake is the largest lake in Beinu. It is also a saltwater lake and is only a hundred miles away from him.

"If you explore again, be careful not to be discovered!"


After the scouts left, Qin Mo touched his chin, "Did these people not discover us but went to Beinu Longting?

So where do these people come from? "

There are only 13 elites in Beinu Longting at most, but they can be cobbled together to more than 20, and there are 10 in Xiakou Mountain.

This group of people is no less than [-], and the scouts said they should be the elite of Beinu, which is strange.

Qin Mo's intuition told him that there was a problem here, and it was a big problem.

He quickly ordered people to put away their weapons.

If the other party rests at Ubusu Lake, it can be concluded that these people do not know they are here.

Maybe at night, you can catch them off guard!
Thinking of this, Qin Mo had an idea.

Soon, it got dark, and the scout came back again to report, "General, the enemy has camped at Ubusu Lake!"

"Okay, these people really don't know where we are!" Qin Mo was overjoyed. This is a military achievement that was given to him, so don't give it up. "Notify them, go to Ubusu Lake, and we will give them a big gift!"

(End of this chapter)

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