big dry son-in-law

Chapter 1130 Too bullying!

Chapter 1130 Too bullying!
That night, Yalkin led [-] troops to garrison beside Ubusu Lake. In fact, he was extremely reluctant.

"General, why do we have to come to the muddy water?" A deputy general said angrily: "Daqan is so powerful, aren't we going to die if we come here?"

"Shut up, do you think I am willing to come over?" Yalkin said with an ominous look on his face: "I don't know what Chan is thinking, insisting on helping Longting.

Da Gan has been preparing for this battle for two years. He needs people and food. If we lose, we will all be in dire straits!

Wouldn't it be better to go to the Western Regions honestly? "

"It's okay if we win. To the outside world, Beinu Longting can be said to be resourceful. If we lose, just wait for the big crusade!" Another deputy general said: "I understand what Shanyu means, he just wants to delay the big crusade. Just buy more time for us Northwest slaves."

"Okay, stop talking." Yalkin glanced around and said in a low voice: "Be careful, walls have ears. If others listen, we will suffer!"

"Who dares to say that I will kill him!" The deputy general snorted and drank to burn the knife. Logically speaking, drinking during the march can easily delay important events.

But this is the hinterland of Beinu, and it is between two large lakes.

There is also the Paximi tribe to the east, so there is no need to worry about enemy raids.

If the enemy can touch this place without anyone noticing, then he might as well touch Longting.

"Come on, drink!"

Yalkin was also very angry, and Yi Zhixie went crazy, insisting that he pull out the elite.

Well, the scar forgets the pain.

Although Daqian gave them assistance and updated their weapons, thunder cannons, grenades, and rifles were the most important.

No matter how good the armor is, it can't withstand the thunder cannon's bombardment.

After all, Yalkin was the commander-in-chief, so he stopped drinking because he was tipsy.

In the second half of the night, snoring was everywhere in the camp, and only patrolling soldiers patrolled outside the camp tent.

The moonlight is bright and the lake is sparkling, which is indescribably beautiful.

Qin Mo also arrived at Wusubu Lake in an ugly state in the middle of the night.

In the distance, you can see the camp where they are stationed.

Qin Mo took out a piece of dried meat and ate it silently, "The artillery camp is setting up artillery, and the cavalry is outflanking it on both sides. Don't let anyone escape!"

Opposite them was Lake Usubu, besieged from three sides and unable to escape.

In this perfect terrain, God is helping Qin Mo.

The number of people in such a large camp is estimated to be 5 to [-].

The main force, definitely the main force!

I just don’t know where it came from.

It doesn’t matter where he comes from, let’s blast him to death!

The cavalrymen took out highly nutritious horse food and silently fed the horses. They also took out compressed dry food and ate it to replenish their physical strength.

These days, they are really struggling.

That kind of caution made them nervous.

Following Qin Mo's order, two hundred thunder cannons fired in unison.

Bang bang bang!
Intensive voices sounded.

A few breaths later, there was a violent explosion in the distance.

In an instant, the flames burst into the sky!
"Cavalry charge!"


Ten thousand cavalry were divided into two teams, outflanking them from both sides, and cutting off the retreat of these people.

The war horses have been trained and are not afraid of the sound of explosions.

On the contrary, hearing the explosion, they ran even more excitedly.

Qin Mo was also secretly glad that if he had passed through the middle without taking a detour, he would have been very likely to be attacked from behind by this wave of people.

An accidental collision also gave him an opportunity.

This time he came out with four hundred portable thunder cannons. Although they were not as powerful as heavy thunder cannons, the lethality of yellow gunpowder was still huge.

In order to save ammunition, Qin Mo only set up two hundred thunder cannons and bombarded them alternately in three stages to ensure uninterrupted firepower and maximize the lethality.The sudden explosion of the camp also caused many people to directly see the Wolf God in their sleep.

The fierce fire suddenly rose, illuminating the camp.

In the main camp, Yalkin woke up suddenly, "What's the sound?"

Just at this time, the deputy general rushed into the camp and said with a horrified look: "General, the artillery attack is from Ganjun. There is an ambush from Ganjun here!"

"What did you say?"

Yaljin's soul flew into the sky, this was Ubusu Lake, how did Ganjun get here?
Before he came here, he also communicated with the people of the Diaximi tribe to ensure safety.

Is it possible that these cadres have wings?

But the dense explosions, the screams of the soldiers, and the roar of the horses were mixed together, making Yalkin couldn't help but think of that night in Kucha.

The Daqian people crossed the Kunlun Mountains and descended outside Qiuci like heavenly soldiers.

If he hadn't been lucky and lucky, he would have died in Kucha that night.

"Quick, gather everyone and run away!"

"Where are you going?"

"Of course they were escaping to the northwest, could they also be escaping to Longting? With such dense explosions, maybe Daqian's main force came to kill them.

Are we continuing here, waiting to die? "

Yalkin cursed angrily, put on his armor tremblingly, and strode away from the military tent. The outside had turned into a sea of ​​fire, like purgatory on earth.

The deputy general led the war horse over, "General, mount your horse!

Yalkin got on the horse and was confused. Damn it, he didn't even know which direction the enemy was.

Many people even jumped into Lake Usubu in order to escape for their lives.

Why do you have to go against Da Gan people? Isn’t this seeking death?

Yalkin was so filled with hatred that he quickly gathered the remaining troops and headed out of the camp regardless of how many people there were.

At this moment, a light suddenly lit up in the sky.

Make the surroundings shine brightly!

Vaguely, they saw the cavalry lined up in front.


Intensive gunfire came.

The bullets penetrated their armor like ghosts and exploded into brilliant blood flowers on their chests and heads.

Yalkin's scalp was numb, so he reined in his horse and turned around in time, but light also appeared behind him.


They were surrounded by Ganjun from both sides.

Yalkin could not help but tremble, "Wolf God, are you going to abandon your descendants?"

These Dagan people are so bullying.

Yalkin's eyes were bloodshot, and his heart was filled with anger and fear.

The tense emotions suddenly collapsed!

He urged his war horse to the edge of Lake Usubu and jumped in with a splash.

But when he jumped in, he remembered that the armor on his body had not been taken off yet.

"Save me! Gulu Gulu"

"Help me!"

Yalkin was struggling desperately.

After choking on the cold, salty lake water, I suddenly woke up.

He was really scared out of his wits by the Dagan people. He went into the water wearing armor. Wasn't this a way to die?
Fortunately, the deputy general was still on the shore and took the risk to pull him ashore!
Yalkin narrowly escaped death and lay on the shore panting heavily, but tears slipped from the corners of his eyes inadvertently, "You son of a bitch, you are such a bully!"

(End of this chapter)

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