big dry son-in-law

Chapter 1131: Don’t keep biting dogs!

Chapter 1131: Don’t keep biting dogs!
"What's the use of all these calculations?"

"In front of Da Gan, it's just childish play!"

Yalkin's vision was full of fire. Perhaps he had been discovered by Daqian's scouts since he led his troops to leave the northwest slaves.

They specially waited for me here.

Along the way, he was very careful and vigilant because he was afraid that he would capsize in the gutter.

Unexpectedly, Da Ganren had already understood his route.

Previously, Xu Luo was able to kill more than 1000 people, but now they were besieged from three sides. The number of people was far greater than before, and they were unable to fly.

"General, let's take off our armor and run away!" the lieutenant general said, "we can still escape under the cover of night!"

"This is a hundred-mile lake, can you escape?"

The water quality of Yalkin is not good, or in other words, the water quality of the grassland people is poor. It would be very frustrating to jump into the lake and drown.

Fighting on the battlefield, dying is better.

If it really doesn't work, you can still surrender and save your life.

Thinking of this, he took a deep breath, hugged the shore, and soaked in the water.

Although the fire was a little far away from him, the heat wave made his skin dry and cracked.

He was also afraid of cannonballs falling on him. After being here for so long, there were very few cannonballs falling into the water, so it was relatively safer here.

When the deputy general saw this, he also imitated Yalkin, like a bastard, lying on the shore panting, his body soaked in the water, only the bastard's head exposed.

After eight rounds of bombardment by two hundred thunder cannons, Qin Mo ordered the bombardment to stop.

Qin Mo pressed forward with three thousand light cavalry.

Flares rose into the sky, bodies littered the ground.

Someone rushed over. Qin Mo was holding a rifle, and there was a bullet in the darkness.

There is no shelter here, and they don't even have a place to hide. They get together to feed bullets.

The cavalry slowly approached the center, gradually forming a semicircle to avoid bullets from accidentally injuring their own people.

If faced with these people during the day, many people would definitely run away.

But it was night, when everyone was sleeping the deepest. The right time, place and people were all on Qin Mo's side.

They can't escape.

Even if you jump into a big lake, you will die. Most prairie people are not good at water. They rarely even take a bath, let alone swim.

After forcing them to the edge of the fire, the remaining 2000 people began to clean the battlefield to prevent anyone from pretending to be dead and escaping.

This group of Northern Slaves had been completely defeated and their courage was shattered.

They knelt on the ground in disgrace, begging for forgiveness.

Dou Yiai grabbed two thousand generals and kicked them to the ground, "Son of a bitch, tell me where you came from."

The two thousand generals knelt on the ground and looked at Qin Mo, "I, we are slaves from the northwest!"

Northwest slave!
Qin Mo's eyes became stern, "You bitch, I knew that the Northwest slaves were dishonest, but I didn't expect that you actually sent troops here!"

What he thought at first was correct. The Beinu were indeed deceitful. If Su Yun's team encountered this group of northwest slave cavalry who came to support them at Xiakou Mountain, they would most likely be outflanked from behind and caught off guard.

"Who is the leading coach? How many people do you have this time?" Qin Mo drew out his pistol, pointed it at the Thousand-Man General next to him, pulled the trigger, and directly blew the Thousand-Man General's head off!
Another thousand-man general was so frightened that he trembled, "It's General Yalkin. This time there are 5 people!"

"Fifty thousand people, you Northwest slaves are really willing to spend money!"

Qin Mo sneered: "Give you a chance to live and find Yalkin for me. Whoever finds Yalkin, I will spare his life. Not only will I spare his life, I will also give him a chance to start a new life!" "

Although he never expected the northwest slave to be honest, this time, what Yi Zhixie did made Qin Mo angry.Even if the 5 people who came out of thin air did not attack Su Yun, could they approach Longyou?
Soon, Yalkin was found from the waterside.

Yalkin knelt on the ground and looked at Qin Mo, "Dear General Daqian, Yaljin sends his regards to you!"

"Yalkin, you are also a smart man. When Yizhixie failed in Kucha, you were the one who took people to Supi for talks.

Now he is actually working for the tiger? "

Hearing this, Yalkin hurriedly said: "No, no, we came here this time to assist Da Gan, not Long Ting!"

Qin Mo took out his pistol and fired three shots, two of which hit his knees, and one hit his shoulder blade.

Yalkin howled hysterically, "Don't kill me, general, I was forced here by Yi Zhi.

This time almost no one came over. I tried to persuade him, but he didn’t listen at all! "

"Tell me, what's the conspiracy between Mao Dun and Yi Zhixie? My patience is limited. It's up to you whether you can survive!" Qin Mo pressed the bullet into the magazine. This time it was pure luck. If it were staggered, what would have happened to the battle? , he was not sure: "Are there any reinforcements behind?"

"No more!" Yarjin shook his head like a rattle, "Ashinasumi and Ashinaumu were killed in battle one after another, losing tens of thousands of elites.

The tens of thousands of troops lost by Long Ting had already left Yizhi leaning to the bone.

In addition, the army is still attacking Yuezhi and Dashi, these 5 people are almost all the available troops! "

Seeing Qin Mo still tinkering with the pistol and pointing it at his head, Yalkin broke out in a cold sweat, "Yizhixie asked us to come to Longting without giving a detailed plan. We have traveled thousands of miles. It's early. Even the tired soldiers don't know the situation on the battlefield.

It's impossible to attack rashly. General, please show your dignity and spare my life! "

He didn't know Qin Mo, but this man was decisive in killing and a real god of killing. He brought 5 people here, and now only this circle of people is left.

I'm afraid there won't be more than [-] people.

"You are quite honest, but prairie people should know that an injured old wolf will be expelled from the team, or will be preyed upon by its companions, right?"

Qin Mo hated the traitor the most, so he decisively shot him in the head, "I am a kind-hearted person, so I will send you to see the Wolf God in advance to save you from such pain. It is a waste of air to survive!"

The surrounding Beinu soldiers kneeling on the ground were trembling with fear.

This Da Gan man is simply a devil.

Qin Mo looked at them and grinned: "Introduce yourself, I am Qin Mo!"

They were already afraid, but when they heard this, they became even more afraid.

Who is Qin Mo? People in Nanfan call him Qin Mo.

Bei Nu was torn apart in his hands.

That Xu Luo was just an insignificant young general in Qin Mo's hands.

They killed tens of thousands of them and threw off their armor.

Now in the hands of this devil, can they still survive?

Some timid people were even scared to death.

Not an exaggeration at all.

What the Beinu people fear most now is really Qin Mo.

"General Qin, spare your life, we are willing to die for General Qin!"

They kept kneeling on the ground begging for mercy.

Qin Mo sat on the horse and said calmly: "You can't have a biting dog, let alone a wolf?"

(End of this chapter)

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