big dry son-in-law

Chapter 1132 God is chasing after me!

Chapter 1132 God is chasing after me!

For the Beinu people, simply establishing virtue is useless. You have to kill them until they are frightened and make them tremble unconsciously every time they think about it.

Kindness does not hold soldiers.

Qin Mo is not here to be the Holy Mother.

Of these 5 people, Qin Mo didn't leave a single person alive.

Directly beside Ubusu Lake, Jingguan was built.

After spending several hours repairing at Ubusu Lake, these more than 5 war horses greatly relieved the pressure on the war horses.

Not only that, but a large amount of food and baggage was also seized, which was a great supplement to Qin Mo.

With this batch of food, grass and war horses, it would be no problem to defend the rear for two months.

However, people from the Paximi tribe and the Dubo tribe to the north of Ubusu Lake all came back here to herd their horses.

Therefore, time is of the essence. Once they discover this Jingguan, they will definitely report it to Beinu's Dragon Court.

Qin Mo was not afraid at all, and even asked someone to get a big stone and write down that Qin Mo was here for a visit.

After doing this, Qin Mo led the team towards the northeast along Tangnu Mountain.

There were no tribes along the way, and finally, three days later, they arrived at the rear of Beinulongting, Lake Kusugule.

It's only three to five days' journey from Beinu Longting.

No, we haven't reached Kusugule Lake yet. The scout hurriedly came to report, "Report, General, we encountered a small group of cavalry ahead, numbering about a thousand people!"

Qin Mo frowned, why are there thousands of cavalry here?

"Coming towards us?"


"Meet the enemy, don't use artillery!"

It's just a thousand-man cavalry, so using the Thunder Cannon is too wasteful.

After receiving the order, the cavalry responded quickly. In about two-quarters of an hour, the thousand-man cavalry team that the scout mentioned appeared in the telescope's sight.

It seemed that they had not discovered Qin Mo, but were performing some kind of mission or escorting something.

What Qin Mo likes most is ambush warfare, which saves time and effort.

When the group of thousands of riders came within attacking range, Qin Mo ordered the firing without hesitation.

Ten thousand rifles were fired, and hundreds of people fell to the ground in an instant.

The sudden attack left this team of thousands of riders confused.

The leading general hurriedly reined in his horse, and then enemy cavalry appeared on both wings. He shouted at the top of his lungs: "The enemy is attacking, retreat quickly!"

However it was too late.

In less than half an hour, the battle ended. The thousand-man cavalry beheaded six hundred and captured four hundred.

The leading general is a thousand-man general from Astide's tribe.

Looking at this group of soldiers, I was frightened.

Why did Qianjun reach Beinu's rear area?
Why is there no news along the way?
He was shocked, but Qian Jun's torture began to pry his mouth open.

It turned out that this team was going to greet Yalkin.

Maodun Shanyu asked Yalkin to attack Xiakou Mountain.

This is indeed similar to what Qin Mo thought, but this is Kusugule Lake, which already belongs to the rear area of ​​​​Beinu Longting. It is hundreds of miles away from Bei Nulongting. This group of thousands of troops should not appear. Here!

"Damn, this bitch is lying!" Dou Yiai has been killing like crazy for the past two days. He holds this horizontal knife in his hand and yells that he wants to chop off the heads of these thousands of generals. "Wait a minute." Qin Mo frowned, stopped Dou Yiai, and then asked the thousand generals again, "You said Longting asked you to greet Yalkin, so why are you here?"

The faces of those thousands of people will be full of confusion.

"To tell you the truth, all the righteous troops of my Daqian army have entered Beinu, and any attempt to resist is nothing more than a mantis trying to defeat the enemy.

If you tell the truth, I can still spare your life! "Qin Mo said: "The Ashide tribe was originally a tribe of Tiejue, but now it is loyal to Beinu.

It turns out that you are very loyal to the Northern Zhou Dynasty. Since you can be loyal to the Northern Zhou Dynasty, why can't you be loyal to Da Qian?

The loyalty of a dead person is worthless at all, not to mention, you are still an unknown general with a thousand men, and you will die when you die.

It has no value at all.

As long as you surrender, I will reuse you and let you live a life a hundred times better than in Beinu! "

Qin Mo's words finally convinced this thousand-man general.

"Ashid's tribe and Ashina's tribe stayed in Beinu Longting, and Shanyu has moved to the small seaside with a large force.

This time the reinforcements from the Northwest Slaves come to catch the main force of the Qian Army by surprise, and then trick you into the Dragon Court, attacking from three sides! "

"Cao, I'm telling you there's fraud in this!"

Qin Mo scolded him directly, feeling frightened in his heart.

This old treacherous and cunning Maodun, who feeds on human flesh, forces women and children to go to the battlefield, and wants to fight Daqian to the last soldier, is just a fucking smoke bomb.

It is deceptive.

The purpose is to trick people into going to Beinu Longting.

If he foolishly stayed at Kusugule Lake, he would be killed one night.

"You are a smart man, and I like smart people. With the remaining troops, you will join us. Tell us all the detailed information you know, as well as the military deployment map of Beinu Longting!" Qin Mo said! .

"Idiot, why do you keep these scourges?" Dou Yiai didn't understand and chased after him, "In Wubusu Lake, there were 5 people, and you cut them down just as you asked. Why do you still keep a few hundred people?"

"Those people are wolves, these people are dogs. Dogs can be tamed, but how can wolves be tamed?" Qin Mo explained, immediately called the scouts, and quickly wrote a secret letter, explaining: "Bring more war horses. Work day and night to deliver it to General Su Yun as quickly as possible."

"Yes, I obey!"

The scout team, each with three riders, left quickly with the secret message.

Chai Rong said: "Brother Qin, what if these people lie?"

"It should be the truth. We'll find out just by sending a scout team to investigate. Let's find a place to hide and wait for a letter from the scout team."

Qin Mo said: "If the main force of Maodun is in Xiaohai, then we will go and capture them."

"Didn't you say that you want to give our brother troops a chance?" Dou Yiai scratched his head.

"You know what the heck, our brothers' troops are still thousands of miles away, fighting with the enemy. When they come over, the day lilies will be cold!"

The opportunity was fleeting, and what Qin Mo was thinking about was not how to get rid of the credit, but how to win this battle.

This is God giving him a chance.

Originally, he just wanted to guard the rear, but he didn't expect that the old dog Moton was so cunning that he actually set up such a big trap.

If he hadn't mistakenly taken Yalkin's team and encountered this thousand-man cavalry, he would have definitely fallen into the trap set by Mao Dun.

Not only him, but other main forces will get in, and there is a high probability that the ship will capsize.

Da Gan couldn't accept the consequences, and Qin Mo couldn't accept it either!

Thinking of this, Qin Mo patted his chest and said: "Destiny is ours, and God is helping us. We have already put food in our mouths. If we still push him away, we will be punished by God!"

(End of this chapter)

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