big dry son-in-law

Chapter 1133 Ming Xiu's Plank Road Darkness Chen Cang!

Chapter 1133 Ming Xiu's Plank Road Darkness Chen Cang!

"Then what are we going to do?" Dou Yiai was very excited when she heard about the war. "Idiot, when the time comes, I will catch Mao Dun dancing in front of you and give you all her wives and daughters!"

"If you want me to die, just tell me!" Qin Mo shot him with a kick. "If you want to offer it, it's for His Majesty. Why are you offering it to me? Do you think I've lived too long?"

Dou Yiai rubbed her butt and said, "What are you afraid of? Can't I just present it to His Majesty after playing?"

Qin Mo was speechless for a moment, and Chai Rong quickly pulled Dou Yiai over and said, "Brother Qin, let's wait for news from the scouts and then attack Maodun, right?"

"Yes." Qin Mo said: "The distance between Kusugule Lake and Xiaohai is a day and a half at most. As long as we are sure that Maodun is indeed there, it means Qian Renjiang is right.

Now that the reinforcements from the Northwest Slaves have been wiped out, Su Yun should have no problem dealing with the 10 people in Xiakou Mountain.

In the east-west direction, there was also King Heng, the military ministers, Ji He, and Shi Dan, who directly blocked Maodun's eastward path.

The Ashide tribe and the Ashina tribe ambushed in Longting, and their number was only about 5.

Therefore, the maximum number of people in Maodun Longting does not exceed 10.

Those women and children must have been placed in the original Dragon Court by him to create the illusion of a large number of people.

After we finished firing the cannon and rushed over, they came over from behind.

We have a [-] to [-] percent chance of losing.

This kind of defeat is not acceptable to us. "

Qin Mo analyzed the battle situation and drew everyone's positions on the ground.

“It’s a pity that Mao Dun didn’t expect us to be so brave and send a commando to go back.

Otherwise, his layout is really awesome.

It is indeed the eagle that once again allowed Beinu to stand on the top of the grassland. "

Qin Mo still admired Mo Dun. Beinu had been living in the depths of the desert for thousands of years, and when the Tiejue and other tribes were raging, they unified the grassland.

This is what happened to Da Qian. If it were a weak Central Plains dynasty, maybe we could just create an alternative version of Da Yuan.

Everyone gathered around Qin Mo, listening to his analysis of the situation, and everyone felt scared in their hearts.

If they make a mistake, or if they have bad luck, they may be broken up by Yalkin now.

Or someone made dumplings for me.

"Xiao Dou, Xiao Chai, when the time comes, you two will lead the cavalry to outflank Mao Dun from the left and right wings. Don't let Mao Dun escape.

The remaining people must accurately bombard Beinu Longting! "

Qin Mo adjusted his battle plan in time.

Since God is chasing after me to feed myself, I don’t think about myself or the more than 1 brothers.

I hid in a shady mountain range near Kusugule Lake for a day and a night. On the afternoon of the next day, the scouts came to report.

As expected, Maodun's Longting is next to Xiaohai.

Not only that, the distribution of troops is also similar to what the thousand-man general said.

Qin Mo nodded and hurriedly ordered the march.

It's the end of the Chou period now. If we go quickly, we can reach Xiaohai early tomorrow morning.

I have been wandering around the grassland for almost a month, and now the grassland has entered summer, and it will get completely dark when it is about to fall asleep.

It’s not hot in the grassland in mid-June, and it’s even a little cool at night.

This is the most comfortable time to travel.

At this time, beside the small sea.

In Beinulong Court, Mao Dun looked at his wife, Yan. Even though his wife was old and beautiful, Mao Dun still loved his wife deeply.

"It's a pity that my concubine is old and has lost her beauty. She can no longer give birth to an heir for Chanyu." Mrs. Yan held Maodun Chanyu in her eyes, her eyes filled with regret.

"You have given birth to a son for me. I have two sons, one is the Chanyu of the New Beinu and the other is the Chanyu of the Northwestern Nu. I will die when I die. At least the bloodline of the Beinu has not been cut off." Mo Dun He said: "I am old, almost sixty years old. On the grassland, few people can live to my age.

Although my two sons betrayed me, this is the law of the grassland. The alpha wolf will eventually be replaced by a new generation of wolf kings.

Then he will be eaten by the new wolf king, and everything he has will be inherited by the new wolf king! "

Faced with the betrayal of Yi Zhixie and the military officials, Mao Dun was actually not very sad. This was normal. The so-called fatherly kindness and filial piety of the Central Plains people could not be maintained on the grassland.

"Chan Yu is the hero and eagle of the grassland and the leader of Beinu's renaissance. How can he be so depressed?" Yan said: "I believe that Shan Yu will drive away the Dagan people and unify the grassland again!"

"You have quite a lot of confidence in me!" Modun smiled, knowing in his heart that he was old and his claws had deteriorated.

He could no longer scare the wolves, but used cruel methods to force them forward.

"That's natural. Shan Yu is a god in my heart!" Mrs. Yan looked at Mo Dun, with still girlish admiration in her eyes.

Modu squinted his eyes, enjoying Yan's admiration.

After he defeated Da Gan this time, he gave up Beinu Atrium to Yi Zhixie.

Compared with the weakness of military ministers, he preferred Yi Zhixie's cunning and insidiousness.

This is the quality required of a qualified wolf king.

Yi Zhixie is quite suitable, but I don’t know why his army hasn’t arrived yet.

But counting the time, it will be here in the next few days.

Yizhixie has been attacking the Western Region for a long time, how can there be a ready-made Beinu Longting?

When the time comes, he will cooperate and Yi Zhixian will fight for the throne.

On the surface, Yi Zhixiao had surrendered to Da Gan, but her heart was still with him.

Although this was also Yi Zhixie's plan, Mao Dun appreciated that when he was weak, it was the right choice to bow his head appropriately in exchange for a lot of benefits for himself.

At that time, it would be hard for Dagan to continue attacking Beinu, right?

So Modu's calculations were clear in his mind.

It's a pity that the military officials were so stupid that they actually became Da Gan's lackeys.

Otherwise, he would be quite suitable.

Thinking of this, Mao Dun felt contented, so what if he gets old, what if he dies?
He hugged his wife and said, "When I die, will you stay with me?"

The Yan family was stunned for a moment, thinking that Mao Dun was talking about dying of old age naturally, so she said: "My concubine is not young anymore. When the Chanyu dies, my concubine will naturally die too.

When the time comes, he will be buried with Shan Yu. "


Modun stroked his wife's hair, "Don't worry, you and I will definitely be buried together."

Mrs. Yan lowered her head, smiled charmingly, and got into the mattress.

Modun squinted his eyes and murmured: "Li Shilong, you and I have been fighting for a lifetime, but in the end I am better than you.

Just wait, even if I die, my son, my children and grandchildren will still be on the grassland.

One day, my descendants will destroy your great power.

God Khan?
Bullshit Heavenly Khan, only I, Maodun, am the real Heavenly Khan! "

He laughed.

When Yan heard what Mao Dun said, he worked even harder.

Just like back then, whenever Mo Dun came back from fighting, the first thing he did was drag her into the camp.

Regardless of the blood all over his body.

Smelling the bloody smell on her husband's body, she always felt particularly at ease!
(End of this chapter)

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