big dry son-in-law

Chapter 1134 Cavalry Battalion, Charge!

Chapter 1134 Cavalry Battalion, Charge!

That night, Modu slept very soundly.

Even had a sweet dream.

In the dream, he repelled the main force of Daqian, and even personally led the army to Daqian and captured Li Shilong alive.

Dagan was forced to cede Tuyuhun and revive the glory of Beinu.

Unfortunately, this is just a dream.

He opened his eyes and saw that the candles in the tent had burned to the end. He licked his chapped lips and felt that his waist was sore and his legs were weak.

After all, I am old and cannot match the glory of my youth.

"What time is it?"

He shouted, and a maid knelt on the ground and replied, "Thank you, Chanyu, it's already Yin Shizhong. In a little while, it will be dawn!"

Modun closed his eyes again. It was extremely cold in Xiaohai in winter, so he only wanted to come here in summer.

It's just that it's not dark at midnight, but at the end of Yin hour, it's dawn.

Not much of a rest.

But the advantages are also obvious. The daylight hours are long, and it will not be easy if someone makes a surprise attack.

The maid came over and helped Maodun to ease himself.

Mrs. Yan beside her was still sleeping soundly. She was really too tired.

"Change!" Mao Dun said.

The maid said: "Chanyu only rested for more than two hours last night, it would be better to rest more!"

As Modu got older, he didn't feel as much as before, so he said: "Stop talking nonsense."

The maid didn't dare to talk anymore and hurriedly helped Mao Dun change his clothes.

After Mao Dun was fully dressed, the darkness before dawn passed on the grassland.

The sky gradually revealed fish belly white.

Walking out of the tent, the breeze blows on your face, which makes people feel refreshed.

There was still loud snoring in the camp, and Mao Dun did not wake them up.

When the patrol team saw Mao Dun, they also hurriedly saluted.

Modun waved his hand, "You continue patrolling, I'll take a walk!"

While Moton was strolling in the military camp, a group of uninvited guests came to the side of the mountain not far away.

Qin Mo took out his kettle and took a sip. He rushed from Chou Shi to the end of Yin Shi, a full six or seven hours.
Marched more than 100 miles.

He chewed the dried meat, lay down on the grass, and observed the camp ahead.

"Okay, they haven't woken up yet." Qin Mo swallowed the dried meat and felt indescribably excited. He, Qin Mo, also wanted to learn from Champion Hou today.

"Xiao Dou, Xiao Chai, prepare to fight!"


Dou Yiai and Chai Rong quickly handed over and led their team to do the final inspection before the station.

Gao Yao followed Qin Mo, feeling a little nervous.

Fang Shu held the handle of the knife in her hand. She was extremely nervous all the way.

This journey has been so smooth, so smooth that it feels like divine help.

But the more this happened, the more uneasy Fang Chun felt.

It is an eternal truth that good fortune and misfortune never come alone. Although Ziweixing is not a beginner, she still knows some basic things.

This battle was particularly important, and she had to be at her 12th level.

"Xiao Gao, Big Beard, there will be a fight soon. You have to follow me closely. The trapped beasts are still fighting. These people are likely to jump over the wall in a hurry.

Remember, if you can use a gun, never use a knife; if you can use a knife, never use your hands.

Unless the other person is lying on the ground or dead, don't be careless, you know? "

Qin Mo cherishes his life very much.

"Don't worry, young master!" Gao Yao was also nervous. This was Beinu Longting, and Mao Dun was in it.

The biggest enemy of Daqian is not Nanfan, but Beinu, who has been straddling the north of Daqian for more than 20 years.But now, Qin Mo is about to personally end the fear that the Beinu people have brought to the Dagan people.

Four hundred thunder cannons were lined up, and Qin Mo had only one request: to shoot all the cannonballs.

"Report, the formation is complete!"

"The second line of formation is completed!"

Qin Mo was holding a telescope in his hand. At that moment, a ray of sunlight cut across the sky and shone on the lake. It stung Qin Mo's eyes a little. He waved his hand and said, "Fire!"

Four hundred thunder cannons still fired in two stages.

The moment the cannon sounded, Dou Yiai and Chai Rong led their cavalry to outflank the two wings.

The sudden noise made Maodun's mind go blank while he was walking in the camp.

Sparks exploded in front of him.

The sound of war horses' hooves came from a distance.

Mao Dun was stunned for a moment, then roared angrily: "The enemy is attacking, blow the trumpet quickly!"

The guards around Modun quickly pulled Modun inside.

To be honest, everyone was confused. This was Xiaohai, the real rear area of ​​Beinu.

Why do enemies suddenly appear?
Unable to think too much, he hurriedly rushed into the Dragon Court and put on the armor on the side.

The loud noise also woke up the Yan family.

She sat on the bed and looked at Modun, "Chanyu, what's wrong?"

"The enemy is attacking, please put it on quickly." Mao Dun put his quiver on his back and slung his sword across his waist.

The horn of enemy attack was blown. In fact, there was no need to blow the horn, the sound of the explosion was enough to wake them up!
It is the end of the Yin period, when people sleep the most deeply.

Many people looked confused, but their instinct still drove them to wear armor.

Qin Mo kept asking them to adjust their position, but because the distance was too far, many of the first round of shells missed.

"Quick, keep moving forward, the engineers will dig holes as quickly as possible."

Qin Mo roared loudly.

The artillerymen carried the hot thunder cannon and ran forward quickly in order to achieve comprehensive coverage with firepower.

If it is hit outside and the explosion is loud, it will be in vain.

Everyone is racing against time.

Qin Mo knew very well that after this battle, Bei Nu would be completely finished. As for Northwest Nu, with [-] elite colleagues, could he still be a match for Da Gan?
Just wait to die.

Qin Mo was a little anxious, holding a telescope in his hand and walking around anxiously.

At this time, Dou Yiai and Chai Rong had rushed to both sides of the military camp, cutting off their retreat.

Yarkin's [-]-strong army died in a daze.

Maodun couldn't have chosen a better place, but he chose the lakeside.

court death!

Dou Yiai raised his gun and fired a shot at Bei Nu's camp, "It's dawn, just give me a fucking aim, don't hit at the target, and don't hit the ground!"

Although Dou Yiai is very naive, when he goes to the battlefield, he is a real desperate man. All his talents are focused on concubinage and fighting.

Hearing Dou Yiai's roar, everyone shrank their necks and switched from firing randomly to firing accurately.

After three rounds of bombardment, the artillery found the final bombardment position.

The cannonball accurately landed in Beinu's camp.

For a while, thick smoke billowed.

Beinu Longting became a purgatory on earth.

Qin Mo grasped the front and made a surprise attack for more than two thousand miles. Success or failure depended on this day.

Since God wants him to become a myth, that's it.

Didn't Lao Liu ask him to witness it?
Then he can push Lao Liu up to the altar and show him that Qin Mo never brags when he talks!
"Fire, fire, fire!" Qin Mo roared loudly, and then he got on the horse and held the horizontal sword, "Cavalry battalion, prepare to attack!"

(End of this chapter)

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