big dry son-in-law

Chapter 1135 One last fight!

Chapter 1135 One last fight!
Two thousand artillerymen were firing a steady stream of shelling.

Qin Mo took the remaining 3000 men and prepared to charge.

Although it carries a portable thunder cannon, the shells are not light.

When facing Yalkin, one-third of the shells had been fired.

The remaining two-thirds were only enough to fire seven rounds at full power.

When the attack reached the sixth round, Qin Mo raised his sword high and said, "Cavalry, charge!"


After marching for six or seven hours, everyone was a little tired, but at this time, they were extremely excited.

Destroy Beinu Longting and capture Maodun Chanyu alive today!

Dagan people have been thinking about it for 22 years.

At this moment, each one of them was like a chicken blood, urging the horses, their eyes were red.

For the Beinu people in the team, Mao Dun is an unavoidable name. He is more like a pillar in the hearts of the Beinu people.

But now, Qin Mo wants to destroy this pillar with his own hands.

It has been six years since he traveled back in time. How many six years are there in his life?

"Destroy the Dragon Court, capture Mao Dun alive, drink the horse from Xiaohai, seal the wolf into Xu!" Qin Mo shouted loudly.

"Drink the horse from Xiaohai, seal the wolf to Xu!"

Everyone took out the rifles behind them and lined up.

At this time, the seventh round of artillery shells had stopped, and the Beinu cavalry who had not been killed rushed out like crazy.

The sound of gunfire was continuous, like hail hitting the ground.

The bullets tore through the air, penetrated their armor, took away their lives, and buried Moton's ambition.

Surrounded on three sides, 3000 people, [-] thunder cannons, and seven rounds of bombardment directly killed these people to the point of fear.

"Draw your sword and charge!"

Mo Dun's eyes were red. He didn't know where these people came from, but he was certain that these people were definitely Dagan people's special forces.

It was actually able to travel thousands of miles and touch this place without anyone noticing.

His Beinu Longting was actually eroded like this by the Dagan people.

Reluctance, resentment, helplessness, complex emotions flow.

Finally it disappeared into nothingness.

The four major surnames of Beinu stayed by Modun's side.


They have been tied together with the Twins and are inseparable, and there is no way out at this time.

The gathered team numbered no more than 2 people, and the rest were either killed or injured, or fell to the ground groaning.

What's more, he jumped directly into the small sea.

Some people dispersed and disappeared.

The fire was as far as the eye could see, and the choking smoke was billowing, making people afraid to breathe.

Among the more than 2 people, many of them were not even properly dressed in armor.

They surrounded Maodun in the middle.

Qiu Lin took the lead in the charge, and Lan Nu said: "Break through the siege of Dagan people, protect Shanyu and escape!"

There are still loyal people in Beinu. They are old and they have followed Maodun step by step until now.

Bei Nu is not exactly a cold-blooded and cunning wolf. There will always be die-hard supporters of the wolf king in the wolf pack.

They are.

But what they faced were tens of thousands of rifles. Before they even got close, they were shot down by ruthless bullets.

Then he was mercilessly trampled to pieces by the war horses behind him.

Although Maxim has not been built yet, the Qin rifle is enough to cause overwhelming damage to these remnants.

Even if they fight hard, Dagan people never lack courage.

Qin Mo watched their large army rushing toward him, almost determined to die.

Dou Yiai and Chai Rong have already surrounded him.He took another look at the engineers behind him who were working hard to lay the mines.

"Don't make fearless sacrifices. When you get close, prepare white phosphorus grenades, use fire to isolate them, then attract them to the mine array, and then disperse!"

There were still too few artillery shells. If they had been covered by the firepower during the attack on Tianxiang Kingdom, it would have been impossible for these people to make it out alive.

The reason why these people were not defeated was simply because they were desperate.

Maodun is old and has no successors. Beinu has completely gone into decline.

They have been abandoned by the times. Since they are all dead, why not fight?
This is Qin Mo's understanding.

The fact is the same as he thought.

Mao Dun watched people fall one after another without any resentment or even distracting thoughts in his heart.

He just wanted to kill Gan Jun in front of him.

Just as they were about to enter attack range, these Dagan people suddenly changed their direction, turned around and ran away!
"These rats only dare to make sneak attacks, but they don't have the courage to fight head-on!" Qiu Lin said angrily: "Catch up!"

When Dou Yiai and Chai Rong saw Qin Mo retreat, they immediately understood Qin Mo's change in tactics and quickly ordered to retreat to give these people enough space.

With the help of a rifle, as long as there are enough bullets, you can completely consume them at a distance.

Repeatedly, unable to hit or touch, will gradually wear away their patience.

"Damn things, we can't even touch them!"

Modun was furious. What the Beinu people were most proud of was their Mingban bow, but at this time they were unable to cause any beneficial damage to the enemy.

Someone kept throwing white phosphorus grenades. Although the distance was too far to cause damage to them, the phosphorus fire burned like a tarsal bone, and the war horses were still afraid.

This can delay enough time.

Fighting head-on, naturally he would like to take revenge, but Qin Mo doesn't want to make unnecessary sacrifices, that's not what a hero is.

Seeing the raging fire ahead, many war horses even slowed down.

"Rush over!"

Qiulin said loudly.

However, the fire was nothing like what they had known before. The fire burned instantly upon contact.

The fur of the war horse was immediately ignited. The horse was in pain and frightened, and jolted the warrior behind him off his horse.

"What kind of fire is this?"

These people have been tortured to the point of going crazy.

Modun's eyes were full of frustration. He knew what it was. It was Qianjun's secret weapon, a white phosphorus grenade.

Once touched, it will burn until the bones and flesh are separated.

This demonic weapon is simply too terrifying.

The speed of the team slowed down, and the fire ignited around them was like the protective circle Sun Houhou drew for Tang Monk.

They were not allowed to go out for a while.

In this encirclement, they became living targets.

Qin Mo's cannon didn't carry many shells, but it had enough bullets.

Seventy rounds of ammunition per manpower.

After all, Lao Liu loved him.

The mission is the most dangerous and the armaments are sufficient.

Qin Mo gritted his teeth and thought, after more than 30 rounds of bullets were used to kill Yalkin, and the remaining 70 rounds of bullets were left, could these people still be killed?

As long as you give him enough time to fight out, he will be able to beat these people into briquettes!

Modu has been fighting for more than 30 years, but he has never felt so aggrieved.

Seeing his elites fall one by one, but he was unable to do anything, which made him so angry that he almost vomited blood.

He took off his treasured bow, which was a serious iron bow that he used to practice his arm strength when he was young.

Just relying on this iron bow, more than a dozen tribal leaders died under this iron bow.

The shooting range is almost double that of the Mingban bows they use now, and even the arrows are made of fine iron!
He is old and can no longer drive a few times, but this time, he wants to take the enemy general's head!

Although he was old, his eyesight was still good, and he could spot Qin Mo in the crowd at a glance!
(End of this chapter)

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