big dry son-in-law

Chapter 1136 The bearded man was hit by an arrow!

Chapter 1136 The bearded man was hit by an arrow!
This bow is very heavy. When he was young, Maodun could draw dozens of bows in a row, but now, he can only draw two bows at most before he is exhausted.

It was with the help of the power of this long bow that he took the lead in beheading the enemy several times, and that was how Bei Nu became today.

Seeing Mao Dun take out the treasured bow he kept at the bottom of the box, the four major clans held their breath and concentrated.

Mao Dun pulled the bowstring, his arm muscles tense.

He had so much fun last night that even firing a bow felt very reluctant.

His eyes widened, and the tight bowstring made a tooth-piercing sound.

The bow and arrow were gradually drawn, and Mao Dun stared at Qin Mo in the crowd, "Die to this Shanyu!"

The long bow flew out.

At this time, Qin Mo was directing everyone to shoot accurately.

Fang Chun, who was beside her, was heart palpitating and her eyelids were twitching wildly. She couldn't help but feel anxious.

I don’t know where this anxiety comes from.

Until, a black shadow came towards Qin Mo with lightning speed.

The hairs all over Fang Shuan's body stood up in an instant.

"General, be careful!"

Fang Shun wanted to reach out to pull Qin Mo, but the distance between the two became a curse!
Qin Mo felt a chill in his heart when he heard Fang Shun's cry. He turned around suddenly and saw the bearded man flying toward him.

"General, get out of the way!"

Qin Mo fell from the horse. At that moment, the black shadow came as promised and shot directly through the bearded body!

Qin Mo didn't have time to feel the pain, his pupils shrank suddenly, "Big beard!"

The arrow spanned a distance of at least eighty feet. Even so, it still penetrated Fang Xuan's armor and pierced her back!

The severe pain made Fang Chuan no longer able to maintain the man's voice. Her mouth was open, and her dark face was also pale.

She lay on the horse's back, the pain causing her to lose her voice.

At this moment, what she was most concerned about was not herself, but Qin Mo. She squeezed out a voice from her throat, "Dirty eunuch, protect him!"

The moment Fang Shun rushed towards him, Gao Yao blocked Qin Mo's horse. When he saw Fang Shun, who was hit by an arrow, and Qin Mo, who fell off his horse, Gao Yao panicked to death, "Master!"

She hurriedly turned over and dismounted, and helped Qin Mo up. The cavalrymen on the side were also shocked, and quickly surrounded Qin Mo and was hit by the arrow.

Qin Mo just fell down, nothing serious. He shook his head and told Gao that he was fine. Looking at the bearded man on the horse, he felt extremely anxious and said, "Hold on, bearded man, it's okay. You will definitely do it." It's fine.

Xiao Gao, quickly send the bearded man to the rear and let the military doctor treat him! "

Qin Mo is the commander-in-chief, and he is more anxious than anyone else when Big Beard is injured. However, if he leaves the front line at this time, the morale of the army will inevitably be weakened.

They will definitely feel that something happened to their general.

A great situation may disappear in an instant.

At this time, he suppressed his worries and asked Gao Yao to escort Big Beard away.

Fang Shun's loss of voice just now was because the gunfire was so dense that Qin Mo, who fell off his horse, could not hear it clearly.

Gao Yao looked at Qin Mo, gritted his teeth, got on Qin Mo's horse, and urged the horse to take Fang Shun away from the front line.

Qin Mo mounted Gao Yao's war horse.

The other side has a sharp archer. If Big Beard hadn't reacted in time this time, he would have really gone to see the Buddha.

Qin Mo's eyes were red. He had received divine help several times in succession, but at the last moment, he almost capsized.

But he knew better that anger was useless and reason was the most important thing on the battlefield.

Big Beard was already injured, and he couldn't let more brothers risk their lives to rush in.

He will torture these people to pieces bit by bit.

Qin Mo fell to the ground, which made Mao Dun overjoyed. "It's hit. The enemy's general has been hit by an arrow. Quick, cross the line of fire. Even if he piles corpses, he will get over!"

Maodun's words can be regarded as a shot in the arm for those around him.

They get even crazier.They piled their horses and corpses on the Fire Line Mountain, then trampled their corpses and crossed the phosphorus fire.

Qin Mo held a telescope and hid behind the cavalry, looking at Mao Dun who was surrounded by people.

In the six-door information, the portrait of Mao Dun had been circulated for a long time, and it was particularly detailed.

Qin Mo asked the accompanying deputy to bring him a gun. It was a gun specially made by Qin Mo. This gun was equipped with a scope and should be regarded as the first sniper rifle in the world.

But the crowd was too dense.

The probability of hitting is too small.

Seeing how crazy they were, Qin Mo continued his previous tactics and lured them towards the mine array.

The crowd retreated.

This further confirmed what Mao Dun was thinking. He really shot the general of Da Gan to death with one arrow.

Haha, it is indeed his treasured bow that has once again made a great contribution.

After defeating these people, seizing their weapons, and possessing such magical weapons, he is not afraid even if he encounters the main force!
Modu became more ambitious and ordered the pursuit to be accelerated.

Although those people were still throwing grenades, victory was already in sight.

Suddenly, the group of people in front became scattered.

Mao Dun said loudly: "They are completely in disarray, charge forward and kill!"

They fought their way out of the desperate situation and looked at the high ground ahead, feeling indescribable excitement in their hearts.

However, when the war horses stepped into the open space, victory was not waiting for them.

But there was a violent explosion.

Bang bang bang!
The explosions were dense and violent, and the momentum of the charge was instantly curbed.

The people behind him couldn't dodge and rushed forward. At that moment, countless people were thrown off their horses and hit the ground heavily.

Another explosion followed, blowing them apart.

Those war horses had their legs blown off, their chests were blown open, and their colorful intestines flowed all over the floor.

The war horse neighed and fell to the ground helplessly.

For a while, the formation was chaotic.

Mao Dun was even thrown off his horse.

"Shan Yu!"

Lan Nu was horrified and quickly stopped his horse and dismounted to observe Mao Dun's situation.

People around him quickly formed a circle.

Modun grew up in the grassland. He was thrown off his horse too many times since he was a child. He was originally very skilled.

However, the explosion came from underground and caught him off guard.

He stared blankly at the BMW following him in the battle, shaking his head and blood dripping from his stomach.

He looked at his feet again. The soles of his feet had been blasted through at some point.

Because the explosion was so sudden, there was no pain at all at first.

But after falling off the horse, the pain began to spread.

If the war horse hadn't blocked most of the damage for him, he would have gone to see the Wolf God at this moment.

"Quickly, stop them quickly. This is the plan of the Dagan people. There are devils buried in the ground here. They are deliberately luring us into being fooled!" Moton shouted, but it was too late.

The sound of explosions continued, and the open space in front of him turned into a blanket.

However, few people were directly killed by the explosion. They were all injured and fell to the ground, lying on the ground wailing.

At this moment, they are lambs to be slaughtered!

(End of this chapter)

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