big dry son-in-law

Chapter 1137 Please, save her!

Chapter 1137 Please, save her!

Lan Nu helped Mao Dun up and helped him back on the horse.

The general of the Huyan clan said with a painful look on his face: "We can't win, we are completely surrounded!"

The scattered Daqian cavalry came back again.

They held guns in their hands, and bullets shot at them mercilessly.

The grenades hit the ground like hailstones.

The sounds of these explosions destroyed all their inner defenses bit by bit.

Already, Beinu's soldiers collapsed.

They held their heads and covered their ears, "Don't explode, I surrender, don't kill me!"

Modun watched his men fall one after another, and the good situation was gone.

His ambition was also wiped out in these explosions.

He looked back at the rising sun. The sun was not dazzling, but it was extremely dazzling when it shone on the Daqian soldiers.

Mao Dun drew out his sword and pointed at the sky, "The Beinu people will never be the slaves of Daqian. Even if they fight to the last soldier, they will still be compared with the Daqian people."

As soon as he finished speaking, he suddenly felt like something was hitting his chest hard.

The armor on his chest and the protective goggles exploded at this moment.

Mao Dun took a breath and his pupils suddenly dilated.

At that moment, all the strength in his body was drained away.

He slipped off the horse, and people around him gathered around him, but blood continued to seep from his chest.

"Chanyu!" Lan Nu looked at Mao Dun as he fell to the ground, trying hard to open and close his mouth but unable to make a sound. At that moment, the pillars in the hearts of the four people of Bei Nu collapsed instantly.

Mao Dun held Lan Nu's hand tightly and tried hard to speak, but it hurt too much, terribly.

Even though he is old, he can still draw a treasure bow, but at this time, he can't even speak.

People around him gathered around and shouted at him, but their voices gradually became hollow.

Everything in front of me became double and began to lengthen.

Everything in the past seemed to be replaying before my eyes.

Until it was pitch black.

"Shan Yu!"

People with the four surnames of Beinu shouted hysterically.

At this moment, they couldn't even hold the knife.

Maodun fell, his life or death uncertain, and the Beinu people's world completely collapsed at this moment.

Qin Mo took back his sniper rifle and threw it to the accompanying lieutenant. Mao Dun was hit by the shot and lost half of his life.

The Beinu people are out of luck.

"Let's wrap this up, they are no longer a good match!

If there is any stubborn resistance, kill them! "

Qin Mo looked behind him, thinking about it, but now was not the time. The more critical the moment, the more he could not take it lightly.

Dou Yiai and Chai Rong led people to surround them, and the ground was full of corpses and wailing wounded soldiers.

They waved their horizontal knives to help these poor Beinu wounded soldiers end their painful lives. The ears they cut off could also provide them with military exploits, so they could be considered waste.

"Put down your weapons and lie down on the ground. Those who surrender will not be killed!"

The crowd shouted loudly.

These Beinu people have been killed and their courage has been shattered. They don't even dare to leave the place. No one knows if the ground will explode again if they take a step forward.

More than [-] people seemed to have been immobilized, but no one dared to move.

"Surrender, we surrender, don't kill!"

They threw their knives, bows and arrows far away, lying on the ground, waiting for the acceptance of Daqian's army.It was only at this moment that Qin Mo breathed a sigh of relief. He quickly asked the military doctors behind him to come over and help treat his injuries.

If the Beinu people are slightly injured, just bandage them casually. If they are seriously injured, don't waste medical resources.

As for Mao Dun's life or death, he didn't care at all. He would save him if he could, and he would die if he couldn't.

Anyway, the credit has been earned.

Qin Mo mobilized his horse and quickly came to the rear of the camp, "How's the bearded man doing?"

After getting off his horse, Qin Mo ran over quickly.

However, the military doctor was a little confused, "General, general, she doesn't allow us to treat the injury!"


The military doctor pointed to the tent with a strange expression.

Qin Mo frowned, opened the temporary surgery tent, and saw the bearded man lying there, feeling extremely weak.

"Big Beard, you are crazy. Can you not let the military doctor treat you if you are injured?" Qin Mo felt particularly uncomfortable seeing Big Beard like this.

This bearded man has been following him for two or three years and has never left him.

He was very trusting, and he was extremely grateful for blocking an arrow for him this time.

"Young Master, he, he..." Gao Yao gritted his teeth and said, "The bearded man is Fang Chuan, and she is your senior sister!"

Qin Mo was stunned, looking at the bearded man, and then at Gao Yao, his head was like paste, "What did you say?"

"The big beard is disguised as a stinky girl. In the past two years, she has been staying with you as the big beard." Gao Yao explained.

Qin Mo looked at the bearded man and couldn't relate to his fierce-looking, yet overly cute senior sister.

But looking at the bearded man's open clothes, he immediately reacted, and his mind went blank, "Senior sister?"

His voice was trembling, and his body was trembling uncontrollably.

"Miaoyun, I, I, didn't lie, I have always been by your side, but you don't know it!"

Fang Shun held Qin Mo's hand, breathing more and more rapidly, "I'm too seriously injured and don't need to be saved. I just want to have something to say to you."

Qin Mo's heart felt like it was split into eight petals. The pain almost made him suffocate.

There was a wall in his throat, "Teacher, teacher, senior sister, don't talk, it's okay, you must be okay.

I won't let anything happen to you. I haven't married you yet, and you haven't given birth to a baby for me yet. "

Qin Mo held back his tears, "Military doctor, come in quickly, military doctor, come in quickly!"

She hugged Fang Shuan and said, "Senior sister, don't be afraid. Junior brother is with you. This world is so beautiful. Without you, it would be missing so much.

If you were gone, how could I survive in this life?
I have to live in self-blame for the rest of my life! "

The military doctor came in quickly with a medicine box, "General!"

"Save her, save her, please!" Qin Mo had rarely been so helpless, with pleading in his eyes.

The military doctor said hurriedly: "Please rest assured, General, I will do my best in this humble position!"

They are all trained by Zan Ying and have a lot of surgical experience.

Seeing the arrow at this time, he said: "We need to learn, a lot of blood, dare I ask what kind of blood it is?"

"She has type [-] blood, just like me. Draw my blood!"

Gao Yao said quickly: "I had a physical examination in Tianxiang Kingdom before, and the military doctor tested her blood type!"

"Quickly, go and call the soldiers with the third type of blood. The injured ones won't come!" Qin Mo said loudly.

He felt that the body temperature of Fang Xuan in his arms was dropping, and he felt extremely panicked.

But he couldn't mess up his position at this time.

He has to endure all kinds of pain and suffering!

(End of this chapter)

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