big dry son-in-law

Chapter 1138 My heart aches.

Chapter 1138 My heart aches.

"Miaoyun, let me take a good look at you!" Fang Shuan looked at Qin Mo, "Am I not particularly ugly right now?"

"Not ugly, not ugly. In my heart, my senior sister has always been one of the most beautiful women in the world!" Qin Mo hugged her and said, "Stop talking. The military doctor will give you some anesthetic. You can take a nap. When you wake up, Enough.

When the time comes, I will take you back to Daqian, and we will go to meet the master and marry you home in front of the gods and Buddhas in the sky and the ancestors of all walks of life. "

Maybe it was because he was too seriously injured, or maybe Ma Fei San had taken effect. Fang's eyelids became particularly heavy, "If I leave, don't blame me for breaking my promise, don't blame yourself, this is my life!"

Qin Mo carefully laid her down. Outside the tent, soldiers with type [-] blood were waiting in line one after another. "Military doctor, draw me, I have a lot of blood, draw more!"

"My blood is good, use mine!"

Listening to their words, Qin Mo gritted his teeth and slapped his face again and again, "Qin Mo, Qin Mo, you still claim to be smart. Your senior sister has been by your side for two or three years. You Still unconscious like a fool.”

After a few tubes of blood were drawn from Gao Yao, the military doctor refused to draw any more. She pressed the blood draw port and walked to Qin Mo's side, "It's okay, young master. A woman's crown is blessed with good fortune. She will definitely turn danger into good luck."

Qin Mo looked at Gao Yao, "Why didn't you tell me?"

Gao Yao trembled, tears almost falling, "She doesn't allow it! She said that she could follow you without any distractions and protect you!"

Qin Mo took a deep breath, knowing that now was not the time to blame, so he patted Gao Yao on the shoulder, "I said something harsh, don't take it to heart."

If it weren't for Gao Yao, he would have been burned to death or thrown to death while climbing the lantern tree during the Lantern Festival a few years ago.

He entered the tent and looked at the scalpel cutting open the skin of Ulva, feeling terribly uncomfortable.

A few years ago, he performed disembowelment surgery on Tiezhu in Qinzhuang and took out the arrowhead.

But now, he couldn't bear just looking at it.

The military camp was also covered in sweat.

Due to limited conditions, blood could only be slowly injected into Fang's body manually.

Open the chest and there is blood inside.

The infected blood can only be extracted bit by bit.

Qin Mo didn't dare to look, he just held Fang Shu's hand and sat on the ground, helpless.

Fortunately, there are many people with type III blood. Due to timely blood replenishment, the medicine developed by Zan Ying, and acupuncture, it took more than three hours for the military doctor to sew up the open wound.

After cutting the thread, the military doctor almost collapsed and said, "General, fortunately you have fulfilled your duty. The wound has been sutured and the necessary medicine has been used. However, this arrow hurt the lungs, which is very dangerous."

Someone must constantly encourage this simple oxygen delivery device, otherwise she is likely to suffocate to death! "

A few years ago, there was no concept of oxygen. Everyone only knew that if you didn't breathe, you would die. As Qin Mo proposed the concept, it was constantly being verified.

This kind of manual oxygen delivery equipment was also designed.

Although it is very crude and cannot produce pure oxygen, it is still effective.

"Thank you for your hard work!" Qin Mo looked at the red-stained gauze on the ground and felt a little calmer.

However, successful surgery is only the first step. Whether you can survive these days is equally important.

Qin Mo was just glad that he tried his best to get Zan Ying to get penicillin and cephalosporins.

Otherwise, we can only rely on luck like Tiezhu at that time.

Gao Yao stayed in the tent, feeling extremely worried.

Although he usually didn't mind bickering with Fang Chun, seeing Fang Chun on the verge of death made his heart feel empty.

The two have known each other for several years and have been following Qin Mo. She really has no friends in her life.

When I turned around, I realized that my best friend seemed to be this stinky female crown.

The military camp was also very busy, and no one seemed to be excited about destroying the Dragon Court.

After the military doctor left the camp, he didn't say anything, but everyone knew it.Everyone could hear Qin Mo's helpless cry.

Dou Yiai held the knife in his hand and walked around anxiously, "Tell me, who shot that arrow, it's a fool!
As he said that, he directly cut off the heads of the thousands of Huns generals in front of him with one strike of his sword.

Chai Rong did not stop Dou Yiai.

They suffered very few casualties in this battle, but the joy was not there.

After killing more than ten generals one after another, a general from the Huyan clan could no longer be frightened and said, "It was Shanyu. It was Shanyu who shot it with his precious bow!"

"Yes, it was shot by Shanyu. His precious bow has a range far beyond our arrows!"

Upon hearing this, Dou Yiai turned around and walked towards Modun.

Mao Dun was blown up by a landmine and didn't even die after being shot. Instead, he was revived by a military doctor.

Chai Rong hugged him quickly, "Brother, calm down!"

"Calm down, you idiot. I'm going to chop that piece of shit into pieces to vent my anger for the fool!" You can touch others, but anyone who dares to touch Qin Mo, kill him!

"Even if he wants to kill, Brother Qin will do it himself." Chai Rong said: "If you are unhappy, continue to kill those people over there. It doesn't matter if you kill them all!"

Chai Rong knew very well that Dou Yiai could not be allowed to kill Maodun.

This matter is not his turn.

Dou Yiai also thought it was reasonable, so he immediately caught the cavalry and scolded them, "How did you protect them, you bitches?"

Some people shrank their heads and did not dare to say anything after being whipped.

After getting angry, Dou Yiai went to the camp where Qin Mo was. But now in the camp, she saw Qin Mo holding Fang Shu's hand, his shoulders shaking, "Senior sister, I have been with you for so long. , but I have been looking for you for two or three years.

Xiao Gao said, when we were in Lingnan, you were the one who protected me secretly.

When I went to Wozhou, you waited for me on the coast of Bohai Bay for a year.

Why do you think you are so nice to me?

Seeing you like this makes my heart hurt! "

Only when there was no one at this time did Qin Mo dare to cry. While he was using the simple oxygen delivery equipment, he cried and said: "There are only three years in life.

I'm just a bit of a playboy, so you have to get better as soon as possible, take care of me, and keep me informed at all times.

If I don't obey you, hit me, beat me up, and make me obedient.

If I, Qin Mo, say anything wrong, I, Qin Mo, will suffer a terrible death.

I will be under your control for the rest of my life.

Who told you to be my senior sister?

From the beginning, you were in charge of me.

Then you can't just stop taking care of it halfway.

Then who should I talk to to reason?
I'm used to being beaten by you.

What if I don’t feel comfortable being beaten by you in the future?
No one is taking care of this, so I can’t go to heaven? "

Qin Mo choked and said: "So, you must get better.

I have to make it up to you, you are guarding me and protecting me where I can't see you.

It's my turn to guard you from now on.

Even if I have to wash your feet, beat your legs, and kneel on the washboard every day, I would still enjoy it! "

(End of this chapter)

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