big dry son-in-law

Chapter 1139 I had a long nightmare

Chapter 1139 I had a long nightmare

Chai Rong felt very uncomfortable after hearing this.

He had never seen Qin Mo like this.

In his impression, Qin Motian was fearless and nothing in this world could stump him.

Dou Yiai wanted to go in, but was pulled away by Chai Rong, "Brother Qin is feeling uncomfortable right now. Let's not go in and bother him."

Dou Yiai scratched her head irritably, lowered her head and left.

Qin Mo did not dare to leave Fang Chun. Although Longting was destroyed and Mao Dun was captured, the war was still not over.

In the military tent, he arranged his troops in formation, asked his scouts to deliver messages, and strengthened the surrounding defenses.

In this battle, a total of 8000 people were killed, and only [-] people were captured.

Those who were injured were not treated at all and were sent directly to see the Wolf God.

The ruthlessness of the Dagan people was deeply imprinted in the hearts of these Beinu people.

Let them never have any thoughts of resistance again.

The elite of Beinu were completely defeated, and their backbone was completely broken in this battle.

However, the Dagan people still treated them very badly, killing them at every turn, leaving them naked, and even denying them food.

The whole camp was filled with a strange and murderous atmosphere.

There was no joy on their faces, and everyone was looking for trouble. Whenever a problem was found, the knife would fall between their necks without hesitation.

This made them even more frightened, and they were shrouded in death day and night.

In the afternoon, Fang Xuan had a high fever.

Qin Mo quickly took out Zan Ying's secret life-saving medicine. It was said to be made from many expensive medicinal materials and could save lives in critical moments.

After dissolving it with warm water, he carefully gave Fang Xuan, who was still in a coma, to take it, and then wiped her with warm water to cool her down.

Fang Shun suffered too much and suffered too much for Qin Mo.

Every time Qin Mo thinks about it, he feels pain in his heart.

The paint on her face had been wiped clean, and there was no trace of blood left.

How much blood did the military doctor give her?

Qin Mo didn't know, but he estimated that it would be no less than tens of thousands of milliliters, and he almost changed all her blood twice.

Qin Mo was particularly grateful that he had taken precautions and developed medicine.

Otherwise, I can only stare at it now.

“God, I’ve been here for six or seven years, and although I’ve killed a lot of people, I’ve saved even more, right?

Can it be regarded as changing the destiny of this country?
Not to mention how great the credit is, at least there are countless living people.

You let my senior sister live. Really, I thank you for eight generations of ancestors. "

Qin Mo was so anxious that he had received injections and medicine, but why didn't his body temperature drop?

"Young Master, it's time. You had a big battle during the day and haven't had a drop of water yet. Take a rest!" Gao Yao said.

"Come on, Xiao Gao, come and blow the wind while I eat something!"

Qin Mo actually had no appetite at all, but he had to eat well, and he had to guard Fang Chun until she woke up.

If you are exhausted, how can you take care of your senior sister?

Gao Yao quickly went over to replace Qin Mo.

Qin Mo swallowed whole.

He took another sip of water and then gave up, "Xiao Gao, let me do it!"

"Master, you have been busy all day. Let me come and take a rest!" Gao Yao said with red eyes: "It was my fault. I failed to protect the young master and failed to react in time!"

"It has nothing to do with you, it's just that I was too careless and took all the blame on myself.

Without you, Master, I might have died a few years ago! "

Qin Mo took the device in her hand and said: "At first I thought she was so hateful. She bullied me, squeezed me, and beat me. Not only was she pretentious, but she was also extremely arrogant.

So I deliberately made her angry and teased her.

But at the back, I couldn't hear her nagging me, controlling me, or beating me. It felt like something was missing in my heart.

Not to mention how uncomfortable.

Xiao Gao, I know you are afraid that the young master will blame you, but my senior sister is very stubborn, and sometimes I can't convince her.

It's normal for her not to let you tell me.

I, Qin Mo, am very lucky in this life to have a brother like you who is willing to sacrifice his own life and a lover like my senior sister.

I am very satisfied.

When the senior sister wakes up this time, I won't be angry with her anymore, and I will let her take care of it.

If my senior sister beats me, scolds me, or even makes me kneel on the washboard in the future, you must not argue with her.

I'm afraid her lungs will hurt from anger.

You see, my father-in-law was stabbed and his body is no longer good.

Let her order it, you know. "

Gao Yao sniffed, "Well, Xiao Gao won't go against her anymore!"

"That's right. We two brothers can stretch and bend. This is what makes a man!"

Qin Mo smiled and stared at Fang Shu again, "Xiao Gao, why do you think my senior sister is so beautiful? Who wouldn't be confused after seeing this sleeping beauty?"

"The naughty female crown is quite beautiful, but she is arrogant. In fact, she really likes to hear the young master's praise.

Every time, I secretly have fun, but when someone finds out, I pretend to be calm. "

Gao Yao wiped his tears and said, "Master, I regret being angry with her. She and I could have gotten along very well!"

"There will be more opportunities in the future."

Qin Mo said: "When my senior sister wakes up, I will hold her hand and never let go. I will never let her escape from under my nose again."

Qin Mo feels uncomfortable.

He finally understood what Fang Shun had asked him about what would happen if he was lied to.

He is willing to do so.

Qin Xianglin was so choked up that he had nothing to say.

"Be brave, we have to live."

That night, Qin Mo didn't close his eyes and worked hard until the early morning. Only then did Fang Chun sweat a little.

It was this hint of sweat that made Qin Mo ecstatic, "I'm sweating, I'm finally sweating!"

He licked his chapped lips and looked at Fang Shu. It had been a day and a night, it was time to wake up, right?

He quickly called the military doctor. After checking his pulse, the military doctor said: "The pulse is still very messy. The injury was too serious this time, but he is sweating now. If the fever can be brought down, it means he is gradually getting better.

I have to continue taking medicine in the past few days. As long as the wound does not suppurate and gradually heals, the crisis will definitely be turned around! "

Qin Mo nodded, "Use the best medicine and save her no matter what. As long as you save her, I will ensure that three generations of your family will prosper!"

The military doctor knew the weight of Qin Mo's words very well, but who was Qin Mo? Not to mention his status in the court, medically speaking, he ended smallpox, conquered wind and cold, promoted surgery, obstetrics and gynecology, He deserves the respect of every medical practitioner.

"You are serious, this is a matter of humble duty!" After the military doctor gave Fang Shuan medicine, he withdrew from the camp.

Qin Mo, on the other hand, continued to stay in the account and take care of Fang Shu.

For two whole days and two nights, Qin Mo didn't close his eyes.

In the early morning of the third day, after Fang Chun's fever subsided for the sixth time, he finally let out a cry and then slowly opened his eyes.

He looked at Qin Mo, whose eyes were bloodshot and his face was tired, and said in a hoarse voice: "Miaoyun, I have had a long nightmare!"

(End of this chapter)

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