big dry son-in-law

Chapter 1141 Destroy his country and destroy his species!

Chapter 1141 Destroy his country and destroy his species!
Qin Mo slept until the afternoon. When he woke up, Fang Shu was still sleeping.

He shook off his numb hands, touched Fang Xuan's forehead, and breathed a sigh of relief.

As long as the fever does not persist, the wound does not worsen, and no other complications occur, you can definitely recover if you keep it up.

These past few days have been tough on Qin Mo, but it's all worth it.

He called the military doctor to inquire again, and after confirming that there was no big problem, he asked Gao Yao to guard Fang Shu.

After all, this is Xiaohai, Beinu's rear area.

The war is not over yet, and he, the general, still needs to take charge of the overall situation.

"Is Maodun awake?" Qin Mo asked.

"I'm awake, I'm in the tent!" When Chai Shao saw Qin Mo walking out of the tent, he knew that Fang Shuan was definitely fine, and couldn't help but become happy.

"This old boy survived after being shot. He's very lucky!" Qin Mo snorted coldly and walked into the tent where Mo Dun was.

There were two wounds on Modu's body, one on the sole of his left foot and the other on his chest.

It's just that he was lucky. The armor and the goggles blocked most of the damage, otherwise this shot would have killed him.

This is also related to the insufficient power of the sniper gun.

If we could get Barret out, we could punch a big hole in his chest with one shot.

Even the armor and goggles don’t work!

Modun was lying on the bed shirtless, with gauze wrapped around his chest, and his face looked okay.

Seeing Qin Mo coming over, he glanced around and said, "You are Qin Mo!"

"Old dog, he actually knows your grandfather's name!" Qin Mo said coldly.

"I heard about you a long time ago, but I didn't pay attention at the time. Until I reacted, Da Gan's soft knife was already on my neck."

A trace of regret flashed in Mao Dun's eyes, "You are so cruel, you easily tore my country apart.

It’s not unfair to lose at your hands, I just can’t figure out how you got here? "

"You don't have to worry about how I came here." Qin Mo waved his hand, and Dou Yiai brought in a big bow.

Seeing this big bow, Maodun's eyes lit up, "This is my treasured bow, Zhui Feng!"

But soon, he added: "It's a pity, I should have broken it, but if it falls into your hands, it won't be considered dusty."

"Zhuifeng? That's a bad name!"

Qin Mo took over the big bow, which was very heavy. It would be difficult for most people to pick it up, let alone pull it.

Although Qin Mo didn't have much martial arts skills, he only had a few practical moves when charging into battle.

Moreover, he, Mr. Qin, was tall and majestic. When he was a playboy, he was able to defeat all the invincible opponents in the capital. He relied on his courage and brute strength.

Otherwise, those second-generation nobles have been trained hard since childhood. How could Qin Mo defeat them?
Chai Rong quickly handed over the arrow made of fine iron.

He took the arrow and placed it on the bowstring.

A flash of panic flashed in Modu's eyes, "What are you going to do? Are you going to kill me?"

Although Mao Dun was not afraid of death, after dying once, he felt better alive.

And he kept thinking about Yi Zhi leaning over.

Maybe the situation will turn around.

"Xiao Chai, how about killing dogs with a bow?"

"The dog-killing bow has a good name. You must use this bow to kill dogs well!" Chai Rong said with a smile.

Qin Mo nodded and pulled the bowstring sharply. The muscles in his arms tightened until the bowstring was full.

Mao Dun felt a strong killing intent, "You can't kill me, I am Beinu Shanyu, my life is more important than my death." Bang!
The bow and arrow made of fine iron penetrated directly into his head, and with huge power, it shot directly through his skull.

With the arrow tail attached, he rushed out and shot through the wooden bed under him, half of the arrows burrowed into the soil.

Maodun's whole body was shaking uncontrollably, his mouth opened wide, and the light in his eyes gradually dissipated.

He never expected that Qin Mo shot him with a bow without saying a few words.

Moreover, he still used his chasing wind!
How ridiculous!
"Oh, no wonder it can shoot so far. It's so powerful!"

Qin Mo looked at Mao Dun, who was still dead, and threw the big bow to Dou Yiai, "Mo Dun was seriously injured and died. He cut off his head and burned his body.

No one from the four surnames of Beinu was spared. Their country and their species were destroyed. "

Dou Yiai drew out his horizontal knife, spat at Mao Dun's corpse, and then beheaded him with one knife, "You bitch, are you going to die?"

Qin Mo knew that Lao Liu wanted to survive, but so what.

No one can stop the person he wants to kill!

If you don't kill him, wouldn't Senior Sister be injured in vain?

When Maodun died, the four surnames of Beinu were completely destroyed.

Seeing Mao Dun's body thrown into the fire, Yanshi cried loudly, "Chanyu!"

She thought of all the things in the past, and finally smiled foolishly, and while the guarding soldiers were not paying attention, she turned around and threw herself into the sea of ​​fire.

But, so what, who would care about an old and wan Mrs. Shanyu?

Of the nearly 8 people, less than [-] were left in the end, and these people were not Beinu people.

It is the legacy of the Tiejue, Ranrou and other tribes.

Always bring some prisoners of war back to dig mountains and clear roads to make Lao Liu's face easier.

After doing this, Qin Mo thought for a while and asked Chai Rong to take 1 people to Beinu Longting to completely destroy Mao Dun's conspiracy.

In the past three days, the scouts have also passed on a lot of information.

The scouts sent out at Wusubu Lake have probably sent the secret message to Xiakou Mountain.

Based on this calculation, Beinu's remaining army should not exceed 13 people.

After doing this, Qin Mo sent people to borrow troops from Jihe and Shidan's allies in the northeast.

And he was guarding Fang Shu in Xiaohai.

Fang Shuan was seriously injured and would not be able to leave for seven days.

And he couldn't ignore the battle situation and the safety of the soldiers. Defense deployment was a must. He had not yet been carried away by his children's affair.

The scout had already left with Moton's head. When Lao Liu saw Moton's head, his jaw would probably drop.

Who would have thought that Qin Mo, an intervening force, could destroy Beinu Longting in one battle, kill Mao Dun, and wipe out the four surnames of Beinu, which almost made the pure-bred Beinu people in Beinu Zhongting extinct.

"Should we leave?" Fang Chun said, "I'm fine. You can't delay the battle just because of me!"

"It's okay, I've arranged everything, it'll be okay." Qin Mo said softly: "You can rest here and recuperate, when can you leave, when can we leave.

The sky is falling, but I am here! "

Fang Shun enjoyed Qin Mo's gentle caress. She was like a kitten at this moment, "Miaoyun, it's great when you are not angry with me!"

"Of course, I am your fiancé!"

"Then I lied to you, aren't you angry?"

"I am willing to do so, please lie to me more!"

(End of this chapter)

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