big dry son-in-law

Chapter 1142 Xiakou Mountain Attack!

Chapter 1142 Xiakou Mountain Attack!
At this time, Xiakou Mountain.

Su Yun had already forced the Beinu army to Xiakou Mountain.

The last thing he wanted to happen happened.

We have been able to attack hard for two consecutive days. The geographical location here is really good. It is easy to defend but difficult to attack.

Su Yun was furious.

It's been almost a month since I came here, but I haven't defeated these people yet.

This made him feel particularly embarrassed.

"In this case, we can only arrange for people to attack at night."

Su Yun was also a little helpless. The road to Xiakou Mountain was small and steep, and there was no place for even the thunder cannon to land, so it was impossible to form effective fire suppression.

After so many days, doubts gradually arose in the military camp.

Everyone is questioning his ability as a commander.

After all, King Heng provided cover, Cheng Sanaxe helped pull, and Qin Mo attacked, but he was still unable to attack Xiakou Mountain for a long time.

Anyone would doubt him.

Only Su Yun knew how difficult this battle was.

First, they covered Qin Mo's penetration, and then pushed back the Beinu people from Juyanhai to Xiakou Mountain.

This place has been a battleground since ancient times, and it has never been easy to capture.

How many thieves are these Beinu people?

They even dug up the roads along the way.

Unless they can fly.

This time, we brought all the teams except the gliding team.

A few days ago, a letter came from Ganzhou, asking him if he had encountered any difficulties and if he needed help.

What can he say?
If you say you need help, doesn't that mean you're admitting that you're not good enough?
But if you say you don't need help and you can't attack for a long time, it's a slap in your face.

It's really hard.

If the delay continues, Qin Mo will be in danger, and Li Daoyuan may also be in danger.

At that time, he was a sinner.

Thinking of this, Su Yun said: "Tonight, no matter what, we must capture Xiakou Mountain!"

Li Ankang said: "General, if there is a strong attack, there will be a lot of casualties."

"How can anyone not die in a war? If you are afraid of death, get out of the military camp!" Su Yun was determined to attack by force.

When Li Ankang heard this, he didn't dare to say anything more.

It was night, and the assault troops were preparing to attack. It was difficult to attack at night, but fortunately they had flares.
In the first half of the night, everyone was resting. In the second half of the night, the assault troops charged towards Xiakou Mountain.

At this time, inside the Xiakou Mountain Camp.

The horn was blown.

Huyan Anda and Ashina Shi woke up instantly.

In the past few days, Qianjun has attacked no less than ten times.

But they all took advantage of the danger of the terrain to defend themselves.

Fortunately, this area is full of mountains and forests, there are no rolling logs, they can be cut down at any time, and there is no shortage of stones.

Just stick to the main road and keep rolling logs and rocks down there.

It's just that the opponent's thunder cannon is too disgusting.

These days, they also suffered heavy casualties.

Over the past few days, they have suffered 8000 casualties.

Huyan Anda quickly left the camp, "Quick, get up there and be sure to hold on!"

"Damn, these big gangsters are just endless. If we can't attack during the day, we'll attack at night!"

Ashina Shi cursed loudly. He also looked haggard these days, "How long has it been? Why haven't reinforcements come yet?

No one came to report the news, and there was also no information from Longting. "

He was very anxious. Logically speaking, he shouldn't be like this.

Huyan Anda said: "Stop complaining, hold on to this wave first. If we let them charge up, we will all be doomed!" Ashina Shi said: "If they charge up, we will retreat. The front is relying on us. It will be very difficult. It's hard to beat them.

According to the previously agreed upon plan, we extended the front line to fight them, and when reinforcements arrived, we would attack their rear! "

Huyan Anda nodded and climbed up to the high ground.

A bright light suddenly rose in front of him.

In an instant, everything around him was illuminated.

However, he was too far away and could not see clearly.

"Damn, what kind of weapon is this?" Ashina Shi gritted his teeth, "Why don't I, Bei Nu, have such a weapon?"

Huyan Anda didn't say anything. In terms of weapons, they were indeed far behind.

"Quick, put the rocks on the cannon cart!"

They are not good at making trebuchets. These artillery carriages were captured in the past and are outdated items.

However, the stones thrown can still cause considerable damage.

Thanks to these artillery carriages, their ability to guard the border has been greatly increased.

"Fire arrows!"

Because of their high position, archery can form a good suppression.

Even if the armor worn by Ganren is very good, such a high drop can still penetrate the armor.

Ashina Shi tried hard to observe the situation below.

I saw some dark shadows crawling up from below.

The light in the sky disappeared, and soon another bright light rose.

The surrounding trees and grass cast shadows, making it difficult for people to see clearly, and they thought they were surrounded by soldiers in all directions.

"Don't you want all the trees and grass to be soldiers?"

Huyan Anda said helplessly.

"Be careful and you won't make a big mistake!" Ashina Shi said: "We were really attacked at Xiakou Mountain, and it doesn't feel good to be chased.

I just thought about it, there is no news from Longting, and there is no news from the reinforcements. Once our side is captured, it will be very dangerous.

After receiving the news, it is safest for us to follow the original plan. "

Huyan Anda didn't say anything. He actually had a bad feeling in his heart.

It will be a full month after tomorrow, and during this period, they have not received any news.

It felt like they had been abandoned.

Seeing that Huyan Anda didn't speak, Ashina Shi said: "Okay, please give me some words. After all, you are the commander-in-chief!"

"What if they attack? What's the point of saying this?" Huyan Anda said impatiently: "If we have this time to talk about it, we might as well find a way to defend Xiakou Mountain!"

Ashina Shi snorted, turned around and descended from the high ground.

Huyan Anda didn't pay attention to him. He looked at the shadowy shadow below and felt very frightened!

At this time, Li Ankang was also leading a charge.

Su Yun issued a death order to capture Xiakou Mountain tonight no matter what.

This was already contrary to their previous strategy.

But there was nothing we could do. We couldn't conquer this damn place for a long time, and everyone was under great pressure.

People around him were constantly being hit by rolling logs and rocks.

Others were injured by arrows falling from above.

The experienced veteran prepared a wooden buckler behind his back, wrapped it with two layers of cowhide on the front and back, and tied it to his back.

Although it will reduce flexibility, it can prevent arrows from falling from above, effectively ensuring their safety.

The horn of charge resounded through the mountain pass, greatly boosting the morale of the soldiers. However, the Beinu people occupied high positions, and the sound of the horn echoing in the valley made them feel terrified.


The generals of the artillery battalion formed a formation in the rear. There was no road, so they used people to carry them.

The hot barrel, violent sound, and whistling shells rushed into the sky and landed on Xiakou Mountain!

The explosion of sparks gave everyone hope of victory!
(End of this chapter)

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